Epic weapon



I was trying to find out when it was beneficial for me to switch from epic weapons to darkness falls weapons (my scout).

first of all, the epic weapon dps is 14.1.. and the quality of df diamond seal weapons are 91%

I need to find how high my cap must be in order to get the same (or higher) dmg:

14.1 / 0.91 = 15.5

This means my dmg cap must be 15.5 or higher in order to benefit from df weapons.

Dmg caps:
lvl 47 - 15.3
lvl 48 - 15.6

So it seems that there is no point in stop using epic weapons before lvl 48..
This seems a bit high.
Can anyone tell me if this is true or not?

PS! Yes i know about crafted weapons, but i'm not using my 99% qua 16.5 weaps before lvl 50


Use the weapon with the highest Effective DPS to you. It's listed when you delve the weapon. Shift+i

Damage caps are decided by effective dps and your weaponspeed, this is then modified by your weaponskill(unmodified weaponskill I believe, that means the weapskill from your weaponspec only, not modified by dex/str etc.) to give the cap, iirc. The details around this might not be correct, but I don't have any links to check this atm.

A fast weapon deals lower damage but more often, a slow weapon is not so often but higher damage.

What you are asking about though involves your choice of how fast a weapon you like to use.

Use the weapontypes with the speed you like and from there on use the weapon with the highest Effective DPS listed when you delve it(shift+i).

Effective DPS can also be found by multiplying Weapon DPS with quality and Condition.. i.e: 16.2 DPS * 0.94 * 99% con = 15.076 eDPS (I can't remember if the effective dps listed with delve is calculated with the help of Condition, if my memory serves me it is, but Condition is counted atleast once in the damage calc, if not more.)

The formula you have presented gives a valid constant to compare DPS vs quality, but what people use is Effective DPS. DPS * qual *con

So, do alot of Shift+i'ing and take your pick among your preferred speeds :)


there is nothing wrong with using an epic so long, i even went to the extreme of getting hold of a second epic piercer from a ranger when they became off-hand usable :) i love the buggers. i changed later on, but only after the dps became favourable :) me wub mah epics :D think i might even still have them :)


Just a reminder, to calculate yer max dps for yer lvl do it like this:
((lvl-1)*0.3)+1.5 (just multiply with yer qua % for the effective dps)
Only thing to add is that RR5 lets you think yer lvl 51 instead of 50 making the dps 16.5 instead of 16.2.

But yeah yer correct, until lvl 48 the Epic weapon would be better then yer DF one and the only other option if yer thrust is the Rancid Black Tooth OTD but that doesn't drop until lvl 47 and has more infil stats then stats usefull for a scout. (well the other options are Legion/Dragon drops but thats a slim chance :D)


Rancid Black Tooth - otd Snowdonia - 15.x dps 100% qual...
its an offhander, but still a nice sword if you dont want to use your epic past lvl 45 or so.


Alternatively just look at the weapon's effective DPS... it was put there for a reason...


Just find a crafter with a cheap stock of old 98 / 99 % weapons, there cheap enough usually if they are the by products of a mp order.

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