Epic Raids


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Just in the process of arranging some raids on the harder mobs of Albion mainlands and SI. Just wondering if anyone has any decent guides on mob strengths and weaknesses that would help.

Plus any info on hard DF mobs e.g. Legion, Beliathan and co would be useful.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
DId a Lb raid with the guild last week. we did every single mob with 1 fgrp.

hardest was prob Mordred

and lay off legion imo ;P he's my next target :m00:

Edit and btw i'm calling them Retro Raids ... it's a sad thing but still fun.

Legion is the last cuz i've ran everything in classic lad =)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
If u want truly hard ass mobs try these guys..

Green Knight - Hits like a train and has the added bonus of being a huge mofo plate wearing git in the frontier zone, he drops a few white glowies afaik and he's a good fight..

Glacier Giant - Even Harder and with the added bonus of being smack in the middle of a constant RvR zone , he damn hard to take down and drops a belt , cape and i think a hammer <cant remeber>, hes also prolly the coolest looking epic mob bar ToA..

Conventina - The bitch that APPARENTLY hasnt been killed b4, though mainly due to the fact 90% of peeps dont know she exists. You need to kill a hell of a lot of Templars to make her spawn at her little ruined church and she nukes like hell, but heres the catch.. its smack bang on the doorstep of hib teleport keep in Hadrians Wall.. so that'll be fun

Grand Summoner - Another biggy with a kick ass resist cloak drop, but hes a bastard to get to, seeing as u have to make it past the Archwizard first and hes a pretty tough shite himself..

aside from lyn barfog these guys are the only major big dudes i can think of. DF aside, and DF needs to be ours to get to legion and Behemoth <lol try killing him on your raid i dare u :p > , but if u wanna give them all a try ill bring my ml5 cleric along..

Good luck to ye

oh p.s. - As for Beliathan, ive been with groups that have killed all the princes along his route and we still couldnt get him to spawn so im not sure exactly how u get him up tbh


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
can probably kill glacier giant with a bb + fopcleric and focus specced cabalist
we did it with 4 ppl in mid patch 1.63 I think


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Z^^ said:
can probably kill glacier giant with a bb + fopcleric and focus specced cabalist
we did it with 4 ppl in mid patch 1.63 I think

Can't do that anylonger, unless he has an engage radius, FDS barely generates any aggro now.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
knighthood said:
If u want truly hard ass mobs try these guys..

Green Knight - Hits like a train and has the added bonus of being a huge mofo plate wearing git in the frontier zone, he drops a few white glowies afaik and he's a good fight..

Glacier Giant - Even Harder and with the added bonus of being smack in the middle of a constant RvR zone , he damn hard to take down and drops a belt , cape and i think a hammer <cant remeber>, hes also prolly the coolest looking epic mob bar ToA..

Already got dates for these guys, should be a laugh to kill them, also got Draco Magnificens down, the big cave dwelling drake up in the penines, all knocking around mid 60s should be a laugh.

Will do the AC dragon.... eventually...


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
[SS]Gamblor said:
and lay off legion imo ;P he's my next target :m00:

Edit and btw i'm calling them Retro Raids ... it's a sad thing but still fun.

Legion is the last cuz i've ran everything in classic lad =)

You tried Behemoth yet m8? Supposedly, at least according to Allakazam he's harder than Legion, looks like a big plated fiend etc.

Havent gone this far into DF, pretty much done all the princes but never faced these guys, should be a laugh if we get a big enough force to do them when we get around to raiding them.

Beliathan the worm, isnt supposed to be that hard, rumor has it you could take him down with a couple of groups... Seen him once, and errr, think all he saw was my cloak waving about in the breeze as i ran like a lunatic.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 6, 2004
All this time playing and i have never even seen the legion :( ..

Conventina - The bitch that APPARENTLY hasnt been killed b4, though mainly due to the fact 90% of peeps dont know she exists. You need to kill a hell of a lot of Templars to make her spawn at her little ruined church and she nukes like hell, but heres the catch.. its smack bang on the doorstep of hib teleport keep in Hadrians Wall.. so that'll be fun
I count myself in the 90% but looks like it would be a good one to try for ;)

Anytime you peeps decide to kill any of these mobs I would love to join in the fight. Please post here or pm me in game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Problem with Behemoth is you need to get ported to him by Legion, so it's pretty damn hard to get a full raiding group to him. He also hits for about 2k a swing and sometimes double-hits.

Can't see that he'll ever be killed but would be nice to have a try.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Risner cruss or something in SI dales of Devwy that big ugly ghost dragon


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Drav said:
You tried Behemoth yet m8? Supposedly, at least according to Allakazam he's harder than Legion, looks like a big plated fiend etc.

Behemoth cannot be killed as its not possible to hit him with melee dmg and spells <cept maybe a dmg shield> and the teleporting to him is random , even if he WAS killable which he isnt, there'd be no way to get enuf people to his room unfourtunatly :(

besides hes a DF mob, u really wanna go through a 12 hour battle killing him for a crappy 93% quality wep or summin lo


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
hahahahhaha oops

almost forgot ...

SIDI !!!!

There's some big kick ass mobs :p

Bet its been a while since someone bothered to kill Apocalypse
Feb 29, 2004
knighthood said:
Conventina - The bitch that APPARENTLY hasnt been killed b4, though mainly due to the fact 90% of peeps dont know she exists. You need to kill a hell of a lot of Templars to make her spawn at her little ruined church and she nukes like hell, but heres the catch.. its smack bang on the doorstep of hib teleport keep in Hadrians Wall.. so that'll be fun

just out of curiosity... how you know she even exists? have you seen her? and how you know killing templars spawns her? again not flaming... im seriously curious.. i love this kinda thing, i like PvE! :m00:
Feb 29, 2004
knighthood said:
hahahahhaha oops

almost forgot ...

SIDI !!!!

There's some big kick ass mobs :p

Bet its been a while since someone bothered to kill Apocalypse

i'd like to trudge thru Sidi to face this mob.. would be fun, dont care about loot.. also wanna kill that damned Durae'k the Empowered in AC, always wanted to beat him up!!! i really wish there was a guild that was dedicated to this sort of thing, i love these old-skool mobs hunts... and i got a score to settle with Mouth in LB, he nobbed me when i was lvl 10 wizard!!! eheh back when SI was but a glint in Mythic's eye... i miss the old PvE days.. killing the Dragon was a rare event and hunts around LB happend a lot... shame SC and TOA killed them off, i really hope they consider re-vamping the drops and upping the mobs lvls.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Drav said:
Already got dates for these guys, should be a laugh to kill them, also got Draco Magnificens down, the big cave dwelling drake up in the penines, all knocking around mid 60s should be a laugh.

Will do the AC dragon.... eventually...

I can solo Draco Magnificens myself with buffs pre-toa, I don't think she needs much of a raid, and she doesn't drop anything either.

Last few times I looked for her though in her cave it was only spawning a normal red-con drake there.

Same goes for alot of the LB mobs these days, with ToA some can be solo'd now, King of Barfog is easy to beat and the legendary afanc could be duo'd if not for the annoying habit of throwing people into the water, I had a go whilst exping SoK in LB.

Only Epic mob i'd be interested in these days is Colliat (sp) or whatever his name is that spawns at night in Clifton as I have not seen him done yet.

Havent ever seen that Coventina yet either.

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