Epic Quests



Is it me or are doing epic quests similar to going shopping with a woman? Like you have to tramp about all over the place for hours and hours....... AND THEN GO BACK TO THE VERY FIRST PLACE YOU BLOODY STARTED AT.


tbh I'd rather go shopping with my wife, than do a quest in daoc and that is really saying something for me.


1: surpassing the ordinary especially in size or scale; "an epic voyage"; "of heroic proportions"; "heroic sculpture"

Your a fool if you dont do your epics! The quality of the items, and their relation to your character make them a must. The level 40 epic weapon quests are essential, great stats 100% qual, what more do you want. Besides which you get your 50 epic armour, well worth it.

Spellcrafting you say, well unless you got some serious cash laying around, forget it. The epic is by far the best, and the journey is well worth the rewards.


yeah yeah. but they are still more tedious than being dragged around various womens clothes shops, marks & spencers and *gulp* woolworths, ARGH!


I think one of the main reasons they made the epic quests is so that you actually go to places like snowdonia and Hadrians wall, as otherwise they're empty. but ye, going to snowdonia only to be told to deliver some shopping to a greater telamon kinda does get on my tits.

What i also hate is when they say something like "search the entire realm for a mob called GtYUdjh", or "walk 50 miles and then get unexpectedly attacked by an orange con archer mob from behind a tree" for the infil epics, and others.



Its a fault of almost all the quests in this game.

What is the point of sending me to the other end of the world to get something and then come back? Its not like I am 'adventuring' to innis carthag or moher, just waisting half an hour of my life on a flipping horse just to talk to a merchant and return.

I like questing in RPGs, but in DAOC the rewards are never worth it in exp. How long does it take to run halfway round the world and then camp a spawn for hours in an attempt at getting some named mob to spawn only to end up with about the same exp as soloing a blue and an item thats not usefull to your class.

Only 2 quests in hib that are any fun (cant remember real names).

Adam touched quest (wow decent exp + item).
Siabra vs Curms (they did try with this one quest..).

Teh Fonz!!1

One bad thing and one good thing :

Bad thing -

After completing a 4 hour quest to free a captive druid or whatever you are relieved to see the man run to freedom, knowing you have done something to effect the game world.

3 seconds later he pops again and complains to me about being held hostage. Kinda takes the fun outta it. Mind you, you do end up with a good present in return.

Good thing -

They're meant to introduce you to the realm, show you around in a fun way.

The epics take you on a journey to places you really wouldn't need to see until later levels. You see stuff you wouldn't usually see and you get a prize for it.

Okay, you end up going all the way around the country only to end up where you started but you do that most of the time anyway. :)


i enjoyed the 'secret orders' quest, good story and it was an epic adventure :D

Madonion Slicer

Go here -> Say this "Blah" -> Go here -> Say this "Duh" -> Go Here -> Kill This -> Go Here -> Hand over this -> Go Here -> Collect Prize

Think that pretty much covers every quest and epic in the game.


LOLOL reading this i suddenly started to feel sorry for those married players who end up shopping with their partners then logging onto daoc to sort their epics.

Wonder if this on loop could be a definition of hell

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