Epic battles @ Erasleigh




Was a grand and epic battle we just had, first time u came with 60+ we thought we would loose. Both doors down and u rushed the tower, all of a sudden hibs decided to interfear turning the table to our advantage. We killed all hibs aswell :)

The second time u brought about the same numbers and we held out again, this time without any hibs attacking albs in the back.

Now i'm gonna get me some well deserved sleep and dream of even more epic battles.



Officer in the great guild
Fellowship of Midgard


totally agree, was a fun keepfight like the old days :p

Give more!!
I know Bokkerijders (the guild who started this hellnight for albs with 2fg) will surely try again soon :D



Yup it was ok. But now it's 3:30 cet and mids are still there :( You notice it's school holiday. Last attempt our ubber rvr guilds showed up, got bored and said oh you can handle it. 1fg albs stayed behind and was charged. good night.


Yeah it was fun, now come back to Odins theres sod all here to fight. :(


Epic indeed :D
Was there Ae dotting as much as i could, but ended up with no rp's, cuz i got greedy and wanted a last Ae dot before the doors came down :)
I blame the stealther who wacked me 2 secs before the doors came down :p
Battlemeister was the name, Dot'ing is my game :)


Originally posted by rg-zorena
fom actually killed something?!

hmm...yes, strange that we do with 65mill+ RP in the guild :rolleyes:


Whehehe was fun fighting the keep :clap:

got my punny little fire wizz from 1L4 to 1L8 in a 2 mans group

area nuke's for teh win :flame:

Till next time was old school fun again.


Zorena FOAD from this thread plz and keep ur leet comments for urself plz !


If just 1 alb would be so smart as to give me 1 ground target... noo they all rush again up the stairs. Came 1 time and quitted as I saw it was useless.


Many thanks to BR for the fun gained about 20k rps for the few hours I was there. Had to pop tg inbetween the attacks ;)


Originally posted by Khalen
If just 1 alb would be so smart as to give me 1 ground target... noo they all rush again up the stairs. Came 1 time and quitted as I saw it was useless.

Aye, there was a severe shortage of GTs... the one time I managed to set one I was dead almost exactly three seconds laters, having wandered up into the tower, set a GT, and which point someone killed my pet below. I was there with Amex rather than Lalia (the great GT setter), and learned some interesting things about playing a necro in keep takes... almost tempted to respec to get more of that pbaoe dot!

People who say that keep takes are no fun, and that the game can't support epic battles should have been there last night. We lost, but I don't care: it was great fun. Well done to the Mids, who really did defend well (at last you're learning how to use casters :D Where did you get all those gtaoe casters from???) and well done too to the Albs who kept at it again and again.


just some hint for albs, find out where the lordroom exactly. So you can set your GT without going inside the room :p. You can increase height with your gt (by pressing the set gt button and your view up/down (or mousescroll)), so you can set it right in there.
Dont exactly know alb keeps well to do it myself, but I do know how to do it for mid keeps :p.

Anyway was a fun fight :) (time when hibs came in and doors was first down I was sure we were gonna get killed).


The first time hibs came trying to leech some rps from us i thought for myself: Oh oh, wipeout inc!, sadly to them the mincers did a great job whit the aoe demezz and when hibs did their pbaoe-cell... well about 10 aoe nukers/dotters/diseasers spamming over them is a sure death even whit baod, score albs 8-hibs 1 (poor Kagato :p).
Poor us when hibs came again in the middle of the lord-room attempt, they catched us whit the troussiers down :( .
Keep fights are fun, period :).


Originally posted by Gordonax
Aye, there was a severe shortage of GTs... the one time I managed to set one I was dead almost exactly three seconds laters, having wandered up into the tower, set a GT, and which point someone killed my pet below. I was there with Amex rather than Lalia (the great GT setter), and learned some interesting things about playing a necro in keep takes... almost tempted to respec to get more of that pbaoe dot!]

Could be that I missunderstand you, but you don't need to go _up_ and get the GT. The GT can be moved in place both in higth and length. I usualy stand on the wall "drive" my gt in Lordroom higth, then push it forward.

Originally posted by Gordonax
People who say that keep takes are no fun, and that the game can't support epic battles should have been there last night. We lost, but I don't care: it was great fun. Well done to the Mids, who really did defend well (at last you're learning how to use casters :D Where did you get all those gtaoe casters from???) and well done too to the Albs who kept at it again and again.

I still think that Keepbattles can be improved. Often the keepbattles end up in farming or getting farmed. I like those battles that go on for a while when both sides gets a good rp-score like you guys did last nigth.

...lol in Keep figths RM with GT and Cave specced Shamans are very attractive to grping. When there is talk of prolonged Siegebattles RM more or less instapopp :p


funny, I am 10x more worried of seeing FOM in emain then I am of seeing JH. JH might be good at winning tiny little 1fg skirmishes, but lets face it, they're clueless noobs when it comes to real RvR. FOM on the other hand have proved they are not, they don't win the little fights, they win the big fights.

So Zorena egg = face imo :D


keep taking was fun indd :D
well done albs and mids :clap:


Originally posted by Driwen
just some hint for albs, find out where the lordroom exactly. So you can set your GT without going inside the room :p. You can increase height with your gt (by pressing the set gt button and your view up/down (or mousescroll)), so you can set it right in there.
Dont exactly know alb keeps well to do it myself, but I do know how to do it for mid keeps :p.

The gtaoe from the Mid casters was pretty fierce: I couldn't even get close enough to the tower to set a decent GT in the way you describe (which is what I usually do). The gtaoe/pbaoe was do bad that when I sneaked up the stairs in shade form, my pet, which was parked well outside, was still getting hit a lot. Nasty :)


Originally posted by Runolaz
Could be that I missunderstand you, but you don't need to go _up_ and get the GT. The GT can be moved in place both in higth and length. I usualy stand on the wall "drive" my gt in Lordroom higth, then push it forward.

No, and that's the way I'd normally do it. But there were enough casters in with the Mids to keep a zone *outside* the actual tower clear, so it was ludicrously hard to get a GT. So instead, I parked my pet outside the fire zone, and went up in shade form (it's close enough so you're not out of range), to try and get a decent GT. Unfortunately, someone chose that moment to nuke my pet :D Not nice being bang in the middle of a pbaoe cage like that.


Re: Re: Epic battles @ Erasleigh

Originally posted by Tilda


great example how to react in a reasonable nice thread mod...

and ouch gordonax:p. With mid keeps I was usually able to get a GT in lordroom at the gates, but I guess its slightly easier with mid keeps as the lordroom is easier to see :).


Re: Re: Epic battles @ Erasleigh

Originally posted by Tilda

Have u been nutered now? ;)

If that was a joke, prolly a thing a 12-year old wajnhippo would have done but from a moderator of this forum??



Idd it was a fun fight !

BokkeRijders was first to attack Surs but reconsidered and went for Eras after testing those eras "paper" doors.

Trick was to use plenty of rams (4) and trebs (3) after we charged through, trebs were set but to find out no alb showed up ,,, spoiled 2 trebs,,,

Maybe those 3 runs i did for another treb wasent in vein after all :D

Wanted to say THX for all who showed up and see u at our next battle !


Good fight guys shame we did not win but you defended very well Middies :-]

Next time Albs bring more trebs - we need to set up 4-6 inside the keep once the doors go down so the mids get pummelled so hard with grape-shot and ice that they don't know whether to scratch their watches or wined their asses

And stop suicideing up the stairs into the pb-box with that main trebs blasting them we can smoke them out with out looseing a man


Originally posted by Gordonax
Aye, there was a severe shortage of GTs... the one time I managed to set one I was dead almost exactly three seconds laters, having wandered up into the tower, set a GT, and which point someone killed my pet below. I was there with Amex rather than Lalia (the great GT setter), and learned some interesting things about playing a necro in keep takes... almost tempted to respec to get more of that pbaoe dot!

People who say that keep takes are no fun, and that the game can't support epic battles should have been there last night. We lost, but I don't care: it was great fun. Well done to the Mids, who really did defend well (at last you're learning how to use casters :D Where did you get all those gtaoe casters from???) and well done too to the Albs who kept at it again and again.

Fom came with 1.5 fg only casters that might have helped, but it was many more casters in there then us, well done mids and albs, it was fun.

/Salute all

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