<no comments pictar speaks for itself>
B Blood Guest Apr 15, 2003 Thread starter #4 never heard of that guy, and i havent been that drunk since last friday
S Sharma Guest Apr 15, 2003 Thread starter #8 ofc that guy has 17.3 mil rps when the top guy in the world has 10.7?
A Addlcove Guest Apr 15, 2003 Thread starter #9 just out of curiosity I did a duskwave search for bloodraven, funnily enough he doesn´t exist (or is unguilded ) Celaron TheGhastlyNecromancer Praetorian Guards 20 0 Necromancer Inconnu None is all I could find
just out of curiosity I did a duskwave search for bloodraven, funnily enough he doesn´t exist (or is unguilded ) Celaron TheGhastlyNecromancer Praetorian Guards 20 0 Necromancer Inconnu None is all I could find
P Pixie.Pebr Guest Apr 16, 2003 Thread starter #11 Repent, for the Lord shalt return for Easter! Ooopps... he didn't this year either and 17.3mil rps? I think Jesus will walk the earth again before that happens
Repent, for the Lord shalt return for Easter! Ooopps... he didn't this year either and 17.3mil rps? I think Jesus will walk the earth again before that happens
T Tasans Guest Apr 16, 2003 Thread starter #12 Replying in greek always ends a conversation for me...