EoD 20% release 12sept2003, game.net DL?



Its looking pretty cool and i just wondered if game.net is gonna have it for download



They'll probably put it up at some point.

All these mods are highly creative and have great potential but they're all let down by the fact that the BF1942 engine sucks donkey nuts.

I hope these guys will move on when a better engine comes out (HL2?) Desert combat would be made infinitely better by proper hit detection, more varied objectives and vehicles that don't spontaneously explode when the health bar reaches empty. And interstate would be miles better with proper collision physics. I could probably think up of lots more flaws but I can't be bothered.

Here's to a bright and productive future for modders.


the eod leader has disbanded and gone to dc, and i think this is the last release anyway:(


No, the EOD leader has not disbanded - he left the team.

As far as I am aware the team will continue to produce EOD up until the point were they are either bored or the community dies (no players left).

Taken from their official site;

'Recently, Goetterfunke announced that he would be moving on to further projects and leaving the EoD team. He has decision to part is a sad one and a loss but Eve of Destruction must move on and not waste anytime at it. We thank Goetterfunke for all that he has given us and the leadership that he provided us. We wish him best of luck

Now, We'd like to set the record straight and comment that EoD is not dead nor discontinueing. We are moving along with production on this mod as we always have and are making great improvements everyday. We also have had 3 very important members move into the ranks of Leadership. Nefilim, Scipio, Quant will be leading EoD present and into the future.'


Originally posted by .Cask
All these mods are highly creative and have great potential but they're all let down by the fact that the BF1942 engine sucks donkey nuts.

What are u talking about its a very versitle engine, and it looks great some parts may need smoothing but at least people are finally moving away from Moding HL I mean if I see another Mod with the HL engine im going to throw up.


Originally posted by plightstar
What are u talking about its a very versitle engine, and it looks great some parts may need smoothing but at least people are finally moving away from Moding HL I mean if I see another Mod with the HL engine im going to throw up.

heh, its not as versitle as you may think. Yes its easy to get things done as its based around simple scripts and you dont need to know C+/C++ to get stuff working. But, this also limits what can be done with it, as you have to stay within the borders already there.

With little or no mod support from EA or DICE, its very difficult to get beyond those borders working.


So you're basically saying that you have to drop your skins on their models etc?


na, you can do most things model wise - create new ones etc, but if you want to do something that is hardcoded into the game, then you're screwed.

Such as adding more weapons - the number of weapons a person can carry is hardcoded into the game, as is the total number of classes - DC has reached the limit.


Basically the physics side of the game.

Most probably down to protecting future games/addons etc ;)


Not just physics, but other certain little things that if you could would make BF mods all the more better.

Another example - the AT-ATs in the GC mod, because it is script based, they cant get them to walk because you cant import and use custom animations.


Did EA/Dice consider the possibility of deformable terrain? Melting away on impact makes the world go round.


We were discussing the idea of destroyable buildings the other day.

Would it be possible? What would be the ramifications of introducing it?

I think we came to the conclusion that it would have to much of an effect on the overall gameplay, after the initial attack and the general building destruction, there'd be no point in going on foot anywhere - no where to hide at flags etc. Not to mention the various lag issues that would arise from a map like Berlin being leveled.

The idea of deformable terrain is a good one, it'd be nice, say on Omaha Beach to have holes to hide in that the def gun / ship guns have left in the sand. There would have to be limits, you wouldnt want the allies destroying the two bridges on Market Garden :)

Of course, the lag issues would have to be addressed as I'm sure the calculations needed to work it out would be huge.


That other abysmally bad game did it, don't see why you couldn't just allow people to crash things about in '42.

Just make it less realistic, and the deformation slower. Less colapsible.


More like Red FATion, am i rite?

Because its bloated.


That didnt do it that well tbh - you couldnt blow holes in every wall or every door, some were 'bomb proof' while others seem to fall down easliy. So although they had it, it was still very limited.


Does TF2 do this???

Surely '42 is new enough. Maybe you could just make bits of buildings deformable. So they don't fall down.

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