

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Just trying to sort out my template yet again for my infil. Ive always used some cloth boots with +8 env on em to poison my weaps but a reputable source just told me that apparently envenom also effects your dmg variance on your dots.
If this is true, ive got two choices. I can either dump the + skills i have into dw, envenom or split it between the two.
Any thoughts?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Skaven said:
Just trying to sort out my template yet again for my infil. Ive always used some cloth boots with +8 env on em to poison my weaps but a reputable source just told me that apparently envenom also effects your dmg variance on your dots.
If this is true, ive got two choices. I can either dump the + skills i have into dw, envenom or split it between the two.
Any thoughts?

if it does its a new one on me, i know viper increase your DOT damage from poisions not envenom itself, sure your source didn't mean viper?



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
No, he was deffo on about normal envenom skill. I thought it was bs as well tbh, but just thought i'd double check first before I went ahead with the template


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
Skaven said:
Just trying to sort out my template yet again for my infil. Ive always used some cloth boots with +8 env on em to poison my weaps but a reputable source just told me that apparently envenom also effects your dmg variance on your dots.
If this is true, ive got two choices. I can either dump the + skills i have into dw, envenom or split it between the two.
Any thoughts?

Envenom skill DOES reduce the dmg variance on your dots :) (like any other specline reduces the variances on dmg) .. Dont think the small diffrence does matter if you arnt planning on boosting viper high tho

Higher spec itself wont higher your dmg go over the cap tho

Sock Drawer

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
I've NEVER heard that Envenom skill effects variance on DOTs - EVER. All Env skill effects, is the level of poisons you can use - unless someone can point me to an official source which says otherwise. If Env effected that kind of thing, then poisoning weapons for other players would be useless, as their damage variance would be so great, it'd be hit and miss whether it was useful or not.

This taken from Catacombs...

"I was planning on building a temp to max all stats/skills/resists except Env and jsut have a couple pieces of jewelry to swap on when I wanna poison my blades. But was told my damage would drastically vary once I put my original gear back on. "

Thats a complete falsehood, the variance or damage done by dots is in no way effected by your spec in envenom, the only thing your level of envenom effects is what level of poison you can apply at the time, it is not a focus spell it is a proc essentually after it is applied on a weapon.

So if you were wanting to apply life bane to a weapon then your effective spec would have to be composite 50 to apply life bane to a weapon, once applied it does not mater what your effective level of envenom is, its no more than a proc once it has been applied, thats why archers can have poisoned weapons, they just get an assasin to apply them and they can still use them having no access to envenom as a spec.

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