+ Enhance on gear!! READ!!



I found a cloak with +5 enhancement earlier today and thought what the hell I try and compare buffs on my pala with and without the cloak on my cleric aka buffbot.

using yellow base str and yellow str/con

I earned +3 more str with the +5 enhance cloak on than I do without it.

just to clear out this rumor going around that +enhance doesnt help.

NOW I dont know if this is the cause on redcon buffs as there might be a cap and so on. as my cleric is 41 I used yellow buffs.

Regards Chimaira

hope it helps someone. :m00:

SoulFly Amarok

with 50 spec you need no +items to get the full effect from the buffs.

Thou, having mota4 caps the con gained from the lvl 43 buff :I


Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
with 50 spec you need no +items to get the full effect from the buffs.

Thou, having mota4 caps the con gained from the lvl 43 buff :I

Thats what I thought as this rumor with +enhance does nothing.

but there is plenty of people around that cba running the buffbot to 50. and this might help.

hopefully ;)

+chants should give higher heal value on pala chant tbh :m00:

SoulFly Amarok

all chant level does it to affect your healing variance at lower levels, which is 1 point xD


The way +enhance works is thus...

If your level of enhance is +1 than the level of the buff spell you gain a 25% increase in buff value.

So for all spec buffs, when you get RR2 +enhance is useless.

With base buffs however, you need 50 enhance (inc items) to get the most out of your red buffs.

You will find in most cases the yellow buffs + 25% will actually give you the same value as the red buffs if your total enhance level is < 50

For instance, you are level 43 (delve: 44) you have just obtained your shiny new base con buff. You still have your yellow buff from level 33 (delve: 36) but your enhance spec (including items) is 34

Your yellow buff now gives you 36+25% = 45
Your red buff gives you 44

So you take less conc to cast your yellow buff and actually get more from it, albeit only 1 point more. ;)

Hope that makes sense.


Buffs effectivly give between 75% and 125% of the delved value depending on your spec. To cap a buff your spec has to be at least 2/3 of its level. So if you can get your enhance to an 33-34 (realm rank bonus and sc bonus count) you will cap all your buffs.
Furthermore you should know that the +enhance bonus from sc is only necessary while buffing! Means you dont have to mess up your sc suit with +enhance. You can put +enhance on some extra gloves and put them on while buffing.


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
Furthermore you should know that the +enhance bonus from sc is only necessary while buffing! Means you dont have to mess up your sc suit with +enhance. You can put +enhance on some extra gloves and put them on while buffing.

knew that xD


Originally posted by Kahland
enhance only affects base buff not specs. :)

Negative. What I wrote applies to all buffs. Thou when people go for spec buffs they mostly go higher than 33/34 in that line anyway. Hence +enhance doesnt do anything to them.


Fairly sure it is bases only - the same as with heals.

There is also a +62 base buff cap that you can't go past, although you might need MoA to hit that with all the base buffs.


That should be very easy to test...

1. /level a cleric to 20
2. spec 5 enh
3. buff yourself with the str/con and check what it buffs for (should be less than it delves for)
4. spec 13 enh (2/3 of your lvl) and buff yourself with the new str/con (should cap)


Originally posted by Glema
Fairly sure it is bases only - the same as with heals.

There is also a +62 base buff cap that you can't go past, although you might need MoA to hit that with all the base buffs.
Fairly sure this is how it is with Nurture on my Druid. +Nurture helps with baseline buffs to a certain extent but spec buffs remain pretty constant (only affected by Master of the Arcane).

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by Glema
Fairly sure it is bases only - the same as with heals.

Hmm.. i was fairly positive that +rejuv will diminish the the heal variety on spec heals.

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