English Servers live 31st October



Does anyone know how many English servers there will be? And if so; the names?



there answer was "as many as are needed to meet demand" (or something similar) and "Wot-Wot, Tally-ho & Old-bean" for the first three they do.

The Real Redi

12 days left...

I pre-ordered my Euro copy back in march from Play.com, and they've put the date of shipment back so many times i'm sceptical it'll even happen on the 31st frankly.

I would be over the moon if it DOES all go to plan, but what with the Sony site for SW:G being so inordinately rubbish, and every single name to register says it's already used since a week after the site went up, i haven't even bothered going there in months.

Basically, i hope it does go live this time - sadly i also fear there will be no allowance for those of us who DON'T own a major credit card and instead rely on Solo or something (UK debit card thingemy)

Sony are such a bunch of eliteists when it comes to everything outside the PS2 range...


got mine pre-ordered too and if i could rely on the date, i'd have booked the friday off work...

but as you cant, im just gonna keep my fingers crossed for friday and then book a week off work to tackle the learning curve when i know everything working smooth.



It's not worth having a day off to play SWG as the servers go down every day between 12 and 2/3.

Maybe the euro servers will be different.

BTW as far as i knew there was no mention of euro servers on 31st just the game release, ie to play on the 31st you will have to join the existing US servers (maybe i'm wrong).

Join eclipse if so it's got a lot of us europeans on.


Usually the launch means server too X)

Im 100% there will be Euro servers at the date of the launch and I pretty much think they will shift the maintenance hours too.
(for Euro servers that is)


Could you provide a link with that ?

Cant find anything about it in SWG web site.


Eh ??

I dont think that shop updated the release date when it was last switched to 31.
There is absolutely no word of the date changing in any SWG forum. I even double checked the dev tracker for it. I can ask about it from CSR when I get to my own computer later tonight.
(No I dont know any of them but there is one or two hanging at SWG lobby, General topic chat room at all times.)


they did update it to 31st, i visist the site every few days to check up o ew stuff etc, oly just seen it change when i looked yesterday


Well after a bit of digging I found this one from SWG boards.

"Are you still launching (Europe on the) 31st?

The team has a launch window of October 31st to November 7th. Our goal is October 31st, but there is a fair chance it will be November second.

Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl
Assistant Community Relations Manager

Pretty much same happened with PlanetSide but the servers were still up from first planned launch day.

The Real Redi


Who the hell do these companies employ to set these f'ing deadlines??? EVERY SINGLE TIME a date is announced for a release of ANYTHING, they end up shunting it back and back until eventually it comes out 6/7months late. Heck, if i don't do my job properly, i get warned, then fired... s'funny that.

Heres a tip, any game developers/publishing companies out there - Add 6 months to the release date, then as you can see the end in sight, then bring the release daye FORWARD, and shock and awe your prospective customers, instead of coming off like a bunch of liers/fools who couldn't give a rough estimate of how long it takes to cross a road!!!

The only reason i limit myself to this minor flame is that i rely on Sony for my casual PS2 gaming and ALL of my portable stereo equipment, but frankly the way they've handled this licence is pretty abysmal to tell the truth. If they hadn't bullshitted us in the first place, the Euro version should've been out back in August...

So, theres no actual reason supplied, and no assurance that Nov 7th will be the ABSOLUTE deadline?

I wouldn't be shocked at all if we end up seeing this title released as a Christmas thing now, them saying "heck, we've managed to drag these folk this far, may as well aim for the Xmas market now"


The developers would like to finish the product and release it as bug free as possible. Unfortunately publishers rarely grant such a large funding to the games so many times the product hits the market way before it is 100% done.

So basicly a team start to work on a demo of the game that they can show to the publisher.

Publisher decides if its worth it or not. If its not the developers take it to someone else.
(most likely they will start from the largest ones and work their way down until someone is interested)

If it is worth it then the developers and the publishers make a deal. They go through the details what has to be done, what can be done later and when the dev's think the product is ready.

Around that time the hype starts. Its mainly for marketing purposes so the game can have as big audience as it can by the time its ready.

One of the problems that hype brings is that 50% of people want the product NOW and the rest want it finished. That is why no matter what the dev's do roughly half of the potential customers get upset.
This can tip the scales on eighter way or not affect the release at all. It really comes down on how much money the dev's have left at that point.

Distribution and localization are things that can delay the release too. If the game cannot be shipped to all major locations then the release will be delayed. They wont release a game that has only 50k copies delivered and 150k still in print. Also if the deal is for Euro release then the company will wait untill all the manuals etc. are translated before they release the game in other countries.

Usually this can be speeded up a little by skipping troublesome countries as Germany and France on the Euro releases.

Also as all of the copies are pressed locally and not imported the delays might be the fault of local CD manufactors or the company that handles the delivery of the finished products to the shops.

Soo if someone in the logistic department accidently loses the shipping orders they will first be warned and if they do it multiple times they will get fired. The whole system wont be brought down to please individuals.

Also Sony does not handle Euro release.



Are you still launching (Europe on the) 31st?

The team has a launch window of October 31st to November 7th. Our goal is October 31st, but there is a fair chance it will be November second.

November 2nd is a sunday?

when is it? and what forum do u get your infos from?



Even if the game is offically released on the sunday the high street shops wont sell it till the friday, its some kind of thing they have that they only release new titles on fridays, however i dont belive most internet companys follow this.


"The European launch is still moving ahead full-speed!

We have had a few glitches with printing on the German and French versions, but all versions should be out by mid-November. Here are the current dates we're targetting:

UK, Spanish, and Italian versions: 11/7

German version: 11/11

French: 11/14

As noted previously, the European versions will have translated manuals and other materials, but the in-game text will still be in English. We will be providing European servers located in the UK.

If anything changes, I'll let you know.

Haden Blackman
LucasArts Producer"

I get the info from SWG's official forums.



So what is the quickest way i can get a cd-key/game and get access to the UK servers?

Would it be to buy a US version of the game off ebay then wait until the UK servers are released and log onto those from my US game?



That would be the fastest way for sure. Might cost a bit more tho.
Some shops lower the price of imported games when the local release is close so you might get lucky.


Does any1 know if i can tranfer my american Char to the european server.
I personally hope not as it will unbalance the game


Eventually yes.

Character transfer wont be in place from day one because it would completely screw the player economy. It will most likely take a month or two before anyone can transfer the chars.

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