End of the NDA



As of today, there is no longer an NDA for Trials of Atlantis. You may ask beta testers anything you like, and beta testers are free to answer.

However, please note that some content is not known even to the general beta tester group. Most of our beta testers won't be able to answer questions on the Master Abilities, for example, and the ones that could are covered under the Team Lead NDA. We're really shooting for having this expansion be one of discovery and exploration, and we don't plan to release spoiler information until players have had the first crack at finding the goodies for themselves. More information that you'll find helpful (without ruining the fun) will be added to the Herald over the next few days.

We would like to extend our thanks to our beta testers - you guys have outdone yourselves with all the help and the feedback. The great thing about a massively multiplayer game is that we can't do it without you. Thanks for everything.

See you in Atlantis next week!


Cap'n Sissyfoo

See ya! :D

...oh wait! We won't see this game for 6 ~bleep bleep~ MONTHS!! :eek:

...unless we have american accounts!!

...which most of us don't!!


We started later, so we wait the same time like the americans do for patches and expansions. And they test a lot of things for us, so don´t cry about that...

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