End of June, for the patch


old.mathus 2

Well ladies and gentlemen,

It looks like the end of june for the patch (1,48), alas, that will be to late for my goodself...

Without wishing to sound like a "Old Queen", but is everyone happy about the wait and the fact that the " bait" of the patch means us laying out the monthly subs, maybe I am being a bit harsh, but all seems a bit dodgy to me.....

Hope u are all enjoying the game...as for me, wearing a little thin..bit like my hair..

Mathus WithHunter LvL 41.4 Friar Black-Gryphons


End of june is a joke, considering the code of the patch was finished and written practicly at the day of uk release, and were only getting it now.. it seems to take goa the same amount of time to translate a patch as mythic thinks one up, designs it, tests it, and releases it.

Lets see if they stick to their own date :sleeping:


Strange isnt it how wonderful a reputation you can build up in 3 months, they say a patch date and not one person believes theyll meet it ;)


:rolleyes: english translation is none existant, they just dont want to release it until the :eek:frence :eek: and german ones have it, cause its "unfair"

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