Enchanting & SC'ing



Does enchanting weapons (you know, by the Enchanter NPC's) & armour stack with SC'ing & alchemy effects on the gear? And if so does it matter which order you do it in?

Cheers :)


Yes, enchanting is separate from and unaffected by alchemy and spellcrafting. The order doesn't really matter but if you want to keep the special name that spellcrafting gives to the item, I suggest doing the enchantment and alchemy first and the spellcrafting last, as it seems to be a bit buggy. My shimmering Whirling arcanite angled daggers became just "angled daggers" when I had the procs put on.


Enchanting with an NPC Enchanter and Imbuing with SCing or adding Effects with Alchemy are three completely different things.

By Enchanting you get a % bonus on your weapon/shield/armour (depending on what material it is made of) that counts towards or against any % bonus the person/mob/thing you are trying to hit has.


Your weapon has bonus of 35%
Enemys armour has bonus of 20%


You have a 15% bonus of hitting the enemy, apart from any other factors that may affect your chance to hit.

I would recommend SCing first, before any Enchanting or Alchemy is done, if you plan to Overcharge with the SC.
Having paid sweet gold for Enchanting and Alchemy only to have the piece blown up upon SCing would feel.... bad.


if I sc an item and then enchant it i see that i have 5% more bonus on the item then i would have enchanted it before SC...

So i always SC first now.


don't think so

in fact i am sure this is not the case

your bonus is detemined by the tier (arcanium = 35%, netherium 30% etc)


Originally posted by Alrindel
Yes, enchanting is separate from and unaffected by alchemy and spellcrafting. The order doesn't really matter but if you want to keep the special name that spellcrafting gives to the item, I suggest doing the enchantment and alchemy first and the spellcrafting last, as it seems to be a bit buggy. My shimmering Whirling arcanite angled daggers became just "angled daggers" when I had the procs put on.

If you dont really care about the name that much, I would always suggest SCng first, if you are OCng even by one point, as there always is that teeny weeny chance that it may blow up, even if only 1% saving you the possible costs of enchanting and any alchemist added effect.

Also, note that a high level SCr can enchant any piece of (highest level, so 35% bonus) armour of weapon for the cost of around 55G (where as an NPC enchanter can take a bit more for e.g. weapons). So, for some pieces, if you are short on money, it is better to use a player SCr instead of the NPC enchanters (better check the NPC price first, of course).

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