


is there any guides anywhere for best results in soloing not just where to solo but how to solo

my current specc is 40mana going to 50 with it for the dmg shield
atm im just sending the Compatriat to the mob putting dmg shield and letting it kill it that way.

is there any other way as this takes loads of mana and much time sitting down waiting for the mana to regen


depends a bit on spec as well. I know light speced chanters kills easily with nuking pet, stun and nuke. (that is if u can find weak mobs) If u are doing pet pulls with dmg shield, try to find a druid which can buff. That way the pet takes more dmg/deals more dmg and then the druid can heal.
Im planning to remake my druid again.. *hint* *hint* ;)

But at 40 u shouldnt have any troubles getting a grp in CF?


Lol. He rolled onto the bandwagon and doesn't knwo how to play his char at level 40! Hahaha
You let pet take aggro with damage shield (multiple yellows). Then pull pet with passive back to yourself. And then pbaoe the mobs dead in 2-3 casts. Rinse and repeat.


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
Lol. He rolled onto the bandwagon and doesn't knwo how to play his char at level 40! Hahaha
You let pet take aggro with damage shield (multiple yellows). Then pull pet with passive back to yourself. And then pbaoe the mobs dead in 2-3 casts. Rinse and repeat.

im doing that hence the asking if there's any other ways (debuffs?) but you try doing 2 pulls and your full mana bar is gone an that's a good 5mins+ sitting doing nothing

Hiban come along anytime m8 be glad to PL you i got a 33 bard as well on other account so mana's not to bad when im at home and have use of both computers

also what type of pet is best im currtently using the Compatrait the tank one although ive seen people using the ally quite a lot is there any reason for using the healer over the tank

an the getting groups at CF aint a problem so far ;) 2 days there now hehe 38 -- 40.9 :D


You never said you actualy pbaoe'd. And the idea is not to go below the 50% power level. Wait till you're full again before you pull again. Below 50% power your power generation is cut in half.


duo with an equal lvl bard and get a lot of power potions (lvl 20 - 30 ones for lvl 40ish chanters work like a charm). Done this a lot of times already and it really can be great exp. (df is good for this, whenever we have it)


Originally posted by -chancer-

also what type of pet is best im currtently using the Compatrait the tank one although ive seen people using the ally quite a lot is there any reason for using the healer over the tank

The ally is better to use for a focus group, I'm reliably told. This is because it has lower AF, so gets hit more = more damage/aggro in return


Originally posted by Solarius
The ally is better to use for a focus group, I'm reliably told. This is because it has lower AF, so gets hit more = more damage/aggro in return
The amount of damage it returns by the damage shield only depends on the type of damage shield and if it is actualy hit, not for the amount it gets hit.


Thats correct. But, a higher AF means that the mob hits less often (believe it or not) SO lower AF = More hits by mobs = more damage from Focus shield


Pet is always lower level then the mobs you are hunting by a wide margin, so the mob will never miss.

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