Employers being awkward


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
ho hum bloudy managers :(. i work in a call centre and you would think in a call centre the idea is to do as many calls of high quality as possible through the day so more customers can be served.

but apparently that is bollocks. i have been taking, apparently, too many calls since i started 2 months ago. the average is 40, i take 60 per day, every day. my calls are all high quality, i make full call logs, i dont fob people off, i solve the problem, customer happy the end. but this isnt good enough.
good customer service is dragging the call so its lasts a long time, not getting to the point and making the customer hang around.

because i take too many, my TL had to record my calls for many hours to check if i am doing the job wrong. well he did, i am doing the job right and nothing is wrong. he has it on tape, me talking, proving i am doing the job right. that isnt good enough for managers!

no, the managers says because i do too many calls i fob every single customer off to get rid of them. i asked my TL "any proof?", nope, "ever heard me do that?", nope. "think you ever will?", nope because i know you dont and i will never get proof because i know you never will. but the managers dont care for proof. what they say goes. they have proof i do the job good. they dont have proof i do it bad.

what the fucking hell!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well they give an official hand out saying one thing, but the fucking managers say something else. why do they want the calls to last a long time? if the thing is fixed then thats that. if i phone up i dont want the guy to go "so how is your day whats the weather doing? been anywhere?" if he said that instead of fixing the problem i would be furious!
but thats what they ask us to do.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Hmm let's see.. why do they want it to last long... hmm how should I put this...



although technically they make just as much money with you mowing through the calls per day, it means there are less people to call the other operators so they may have operators doing nothing which is inefficient or they want people to not get a satisfactory response so they call up again... or some other stupid thing.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well i work for wanadoo so if you phone tech, be ready for the shittest call of your life. requesting a un/pw will probably take you in excess of 20 minutes


Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
well i work for wanadoo so if you phone tech, be ready for the shittest call of your life. requesting a un/pw will probably take you in excess of 20 minutes

All the people i've spoke to from wanadoo are shit, go figure, stupid managers :(


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
At o2 they seem to have it all planned out perfectly, buy shit system (Supported by *cough* IBM *cough*) which is always sluggish and going down, thus making calls longer than necessary anyway.

But, o2 have got it into their head its a lot busier during the day (as in 8am-4pm) than it is 4pm-8pm. Now, im thinking people will call on their dinners if there be a problem, thats what? One hour of call queues, after 4pm we lose half our staff because they go home, people come home from work, straight on the phones, thus making queue lines of 20+ mins.

They also do it on Saturday, i mean? wtf?

But anyway, on average (Im part time) i get in 30 calls per day, and its until you come upto them "Bastard" calls which really take it out of you, where the customer doesnt think your word is good enough, altho, if they end up pissin me off i end up winding them up a bit. Admitedly so! But i do it so its in the correct manner so if im getting call ob'ed i cant get a bollocking for it ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Tris- I think the problem is you are standing out of the crowd, and making the rest of the call centre look silly. After all if you can do 60 calls why is the average 40?

Bottom of the line is the managers are getting twitchy and someone higher up might of asked them "Why can't everyone be doing 60 calls". By stopping you and trying to make you slow down, they make you fall in line and problem solved.

Office politics suck :(


Dec 17, 2003
It's simple...if your average is much higher than most peoples, and you are taking the same calls, then you are either good at your job, or you are hanging up on customers. Call centre managment is crowd control, and they always assume the worst.

I recommend trying to find a new job, before you become bitter and twisted. Like me.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
An average of 40 implies that some people will do more than 40 calls, and some less. Ask your manager why he/she isn't getting on the backs of those doing less.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well if i quit now i will lose money for training or some shit so i will stay another few months, do a shit job and see how they like it then. NTL has the same job going anyway for £16k ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
do 40 calls then knock off. You've filled your quota.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
you cant, because you have to be signed in for 7h 30mins. if you sign out before that they dock your pay. and if you sit around not doing anything they complain your not taking calls so they say take some calls damn it! so you take calls but then they say thats too many!


Dec 17, 2003
You'll soon learn how to abuse the system.

I know I have.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I realised I take well over a hundred calls a day, and I don't even work in a call centre. However, most of my calls consist of, 'Pads and Discs, 2.0 litre M plate Laguna, vented, soon as you can, bye.' So you can see how I'd squeeze quite a few in.

I'm with SAS, it seems you are standing out in the crowd, and that's why they are on your back. Are they threatening you with any kind of action if you don't start taking fewer calls? That might make for an interesting tribunal.

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