Emain warfare



/rant on.

Emain is fucking boring, a single long valley stopped by two bottlenecks called milegates, this inevitably lead to people from one realm or the other massing forces and just plowing from one way to the other, some stupid schmuck pulls guards and its the other sides turn to rampage through with 50+ people.... How can people still complain that emain is underpopulated, its zerg city every night and its only going to get worse as more people lvl up. This is a wakeupcall: THIS IS NOT FUN, 200 people crammed into a milegate trying to tag as many enemies as possible for rps. try going to Odins for a change or heaven forbid Hadriens and try some different rvr without all this noskill zerg hell day in and day out.

- Odies


Agreed, no need for tactics in emain, if you are in the "main" group that is, either zerg or be zerged (even though i remember someone said zerg is a tactic, oh well). Odins gate is a really good place to rvr on, alot of ppl with different levels, much more about tactics etc. but what the hell, tonight was 1 of the few nights when hib got the grip of emain, and i admit its fun to zerg sometimes :)


yup it sucks atm hopefully it might get better next patch as a small force could mess a large one and kill alot of them


I hope Darkness Falls will give some spice to RvR - 1.49 right? with GOA new employees maybe we see DF sometime soon?

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