Emain regulars, please gather round



OK, so you've seen the flames calling albs zergers, skilless, idiots. Most of them are true, except, recently, for the zergers parts. There seem to be a lot of VERY dim-witted albs running around in emain these days, and there are a few things that people really need to work on before stepping out of APK again tomorrow.

1. If hibs / mids are zerging, ZERG THEM BACK.
1. I don't think anyone can really argue that albs have been on the recieving end of some of the most horrific zerging ever seen in recent times. The past two nights (not sure about tonight because FC were in the gorge/sauvage) there have been massive hib zergs farming between amg and apk, for a start. When I say massive I'm talking about 60-70 hibs just sitting at amg until albs appear, then when there's about 2-3fg trying to wallfight, they charge and the albs die. This is NOT WORTH IT. Also the groups that run off alone to AMG when people are /yelling about a zerg there are plain stupid. You are not uber, even the best alb groups lose 95% of the time to just 2fg of hibs or mids. STAY AT APK and wait for more albs to arrive. Is it really that difficult? Also LISTEN TO THOSE THAT TRY TO TAKE COMMAND. You may think you know better, but unless you're rr5 or above, and have your own personal zerg to command, your life expectancy and RP incoming will be significantly increased if you listen to people like Gawain, Falcor e.t.c. if they're trying to organise people.

2. Wall Camping - Have some bloody patience.
2. When hibs / mids camp AMG, they do it properly. They stay there, they stay together, they get reinforcements to come to them. They work together (ish). ALBS DONT. A few nights ago we got fed up of the AMG camping, and decided to take as many albs as we could, and go to MMG, to do the same. So, everyone went to MMG, waited there for a couple of minutes, then what happened? People started drifting off. Full groups chasing solo shadowblades, rangers e.t.c. After a while, a few groups of mids turned up (I've rarely seen mids come to MMG with less than 2fg), and the group and a half of albs that were left got wiped. GO ALBION. <sigh>

3. Egos
3. The biggest problem in this realm is not that people are RP-hungry (thats the second biggest problem). The problem is that people are unwilling to learn, and unwilling to co-operate. The number of times I've asked a load of people where they died and how many enemies were there, only to be met with total silence, is incredible. The number of times I've called the charge at a milegate, only to end up going alone and looking back at albs sitting down, is equally incredible. I know for a fact that I'm not putting in nearly as much effort to try and sort this realm out RvR-wise as some others, but even from what little I've seen, the situation looks dire. If someone asks you where you've died, tell them! You're dead, you've already lost, so you might as well tell another alb so that he can avenge you, rather than sitting there thinking "I dont want him having those RPs, he can find them for himself".

Yes I do realise this post is ironic and in a way part 3. is hypocritical on my part, talking about egos while trying to tell people what to do.

This realm doesn't need class balancing at the moment, it needs some COURAGE, some SELFLESSNESS, some LEADERSHIP and it needs people to realise that it's just a game - you don't lose anything by trying and dying.

People like the ones mentioned above are why Sorusi left. One of albs best sorcs, a class we really need, gone to midgard. Well done Albion.



Simply say correct, correct, correct, i try to sort albs out a bit in emain, but ppl do not listen and wait at atk they jsut chase the first few mids or hibs to come to atk, an obvious lure to get albs to amg.

The greatest weapon in the game is not a legion sword or staff, its your brains....thats true of any combat and its true of daoc, if u use ure brain and commen sense u can win every time, i sat at atk 2 hours last night, trying to get enough ppl to kill the 6fg of mids at amg, and ppl still ran off and died at amg =/ its very frustrating, i dont do it for glory or cuz i wanna be in charge, i would love for things to run smoothly and albs to play well together, but they dont, so i try my best to keep u from running into a slaughter.

I think the most important thing is DO NOT ever ever chase a solitary few mids or hibs....it always leads to trouble. U gotta be very patient if u wanna win....and not be soo RP hungry, if nme is camping amg back off from the gate, that includes nukers and just sit a distance away and wait for them to get bored before we do, show them that we are not dumb, and we can use better tactics than they do, cuz atm, what is killing us is our own stupidity.



Well stated

The moral of the story is mids and hibs feed off our impatience and arrogance. About time we starved them - as we (finally) did at mmg tonight, with albs listening and working together. It was refreshing to see :)


I don't know if it is just me, but if I go to emain, I want some nice action. I want to hunt the enemies. The least thing I want to do, is to following the zerg against camping mids or hibs.

If the hibs are so silly to play that camp and kill game, albs should NOT be so stupid to react with a zerg. If 60 or more enemies camp a gate in Emain, I would prefer to hunt in odins gate or frontiers. For example in Hadrians Wall, hiding with a good working group of 8 peeps to kill some passing mids. Waiting till they pass, sprinting after them, mezzing the whole bunch while the tanks kill one by one and supporting the tanks with chainrooting the target that it cant sprint away :)

For me RvR is a place to have some serious fun and zerging is so damn boring. But maybe I say that because I am a stupid sorcerer who is useless in zerg wars where everybody breaks the mezz or where one of the thousend hib casters nuke my ass away with their bolts before I even think about mezzing them.

In my opinion I will be sure, hibs and mids wont camp for a very long time if they notice that the albs don't run like sheeps to them to be slaughtered. Sitting two hours doing nothing in emain just to get a force that can prolly stand the Hib or Mids while they camp is useless. Not to play their game is the way to do it.

I guess most of you will think now, what the hell I am talking about, but its ok. Show me your replies guys :D


Kralen :)

I think most of us would agree that small skirmishes are infinitely more fun than zerg v zerg, but recently we have been on the end of some major zerging from both hibs and mids, and Wildfire and Falcor are just trying to point out how we can beat that. Yes you could argue that if there is an enemy zerg on in emain, we just go somewhere else, but that wasn't really the point of the post (as I understood it). The simple fact is that Albs in emain haven't been playing very smart recently, and the posts were an attempt to try and put that right :)


Yes, but I tried to give a solution too. The fact is, that if mids camp a gate in emain, they always will have a big advantage against zerging albs. The are just in a better fighting position. Zergs will ever make alb look bad because everybody runs around like a headless chicken. Not albs fault actually, just the fault of a zerg hehe.

Maybe I expressed myself not in a good way. But I think, if we stop the zerg and not playing the enemies game they have two options I think.

First option they have is to camp hours for hours not being able to kill anybody. If they dont give up their camping, lets take some keeps of them hehe. if mids camp in emain, lets go to odins and take all their keeps. that would make them paying attention.
Troll:" uh, oh, albs badd men, alb tak keep, me not happy" :)

Or the second alternative is, that they begin to wonder, why the hell no alb is doing suicide on them, disbanding the huge camp and look where the albs went to.


prob is in emain most ppl who try to lead just come over as amazingly arrogant and hence i just ignore them ;)


If you define arrogant as having a plan, being sure of themselves, taking the time to organise things, giving the orders, and (if people do what is asked of them) coming away with results... damn, I wish we had more arrogant people in this realm. I should point out that my post is not aimed at encouraging zerging. The simple fact is that due to alb ignorance and the problems listed above, zerging has become an efficient and profitable way for other realms to play. And you know what? the only way to counter a zerg is, unfortunately, with a bigger zerg.

The problem with going to odins or sauvage is that there is very little there to kill. FC regularly take trips to odins, and spend 3 hours running around, running into 2-3 mid groups during the entire trip (or 4-5 groups camping amg, wtf is that about anyway?). If the other frontiers were active, it would be a viable alternative for albs to consider instead of going to emain. As it stands, they are not.


The Hibs/Mids keep coming back and camping AMG with massive zergs cos it pays well. The reason it pays well is cos of dumb albs trickling to AMG in a long disjointed thin line and then get charged and eaten from the arse as they run back to the portal keep. IF we KNOW theres a zerg at AMG dont even BOTHER leaving the portal keep until we have an equal number or greater than they have. AND stick together ffs. AND when/if they do charge, spread out to make mezzing harder. AND fight dont run. You run u just gonna be waiting at the portal keep for the next tele anyway. FIGHT! Take one with u, take 3 with u, dmg one, kill a dmgd one. It all counts for the zerg.

We lose, ok no problems. Get onto your guild/mates/alliance and get some more ppl to come help out. Dont just log-off and quit cos they out number us. No realm on this server can outnumber us, if we muster our resources... ie YOU.


Good posts!!

and i like to play more strategy than just moving in big groups.

BUT like albs have done last few days, maybe a week, they r almost telling mids to gather zerg force, why?

because that stupid camping at mmg with over 40 albs...what sence is there?

1st albs camp mmg, then mids gather more and more peeps, then they get trough, mean while some hibs r killing albs at amg, and inc now and then to mmg, and peeps get killed.

when mids had to gather huge amount of peeps to get trough mmg of course they brake mmg camp= 90% albs dead....okies, then mids r moving to amg, they c some hibs, they r huge force, they "zerg" hibs, hibs gets pissed, they r starting to gather huge force.....mean while mids camp amg, kill albs.....and some hibs inc to amg and kill some mids, and soon hibs got huge force.....okies, now labs r gathering peeps, it might take like 2 hours as falcor said, but still...then albs have gathered hige force, mean while hibs have gathered maybe some, and they have killed mids at amg, so now hibs sit at amg, and kill labs, well, albs get trough with big force amg, and kill all hibs, then mids inc to amg, and albs kill them, okies, now almost all enemy is dead at emain, and what albs do???

they start the fucking circle again, by camping mmg!!!!!!

why on earth u cant do nothing else???????????

there is now about 8 fgps albs scratching their balls, MOVE FFS

1-2 fgps / 1 keep, ASAP when we have broke trough amg, take keeps, thats 4-6 HIB KEEPS!!!!

DEFEND them, BE PATIENCE, Because there will be hibs and mids loads soon and they will go and have a look what albs big force who killed all of them........

they dont find it....but they c that albs r taking keeps, they HAVE to react, because they know albs r at the keeps, and if they wanna have some action they have to attack keep, and they always will!!!!

so there is no zerging all the time if u DO something about it!!!

and i know i have posted this same kind of thread earlier, but no1 didnt do nothing, so i repeat it!!!!

stop the freaking MMG camping and do something usefull!!!!!!

Ckiller ofDust

I almost never go to emain anymore

Because of zergin think its kinda borin and doesnt involve tactics and common sense its just ooh there they r lets run after them :)..

oh they r mezzed lets kill the tanks first casters cant do any dmg doh..

So instead i go to midgard or out backyard where there is more 1fg agains 1fg and u can do more tactics and get a better player.... Still however :( the emain zerg tactics come back to me and hunt some times hehe. L;ike last day when me and a full group of guildies where in midgard. We decided to join a group campin midgard exit close to strght relic and got wiped 5 mins later for just beein ignorant and thinkin we r better than them hehe

Well i salut Wildfire for makin some effort to get tactics to emain :clap:


Camping mile gates sucks....of course it does but...


Look on that site, hibs and mids r getting way more effective rps than us for there respective numbers.....

Just because we gather 6fg or so of albs to kill a zerg does NOT mean we havto camp mmg, BUT if we stop the pathetic running to amg in small groups and kill every fecking zerg the mids and hibs put there they WILL get bored of this tactic and slowly but usrley we will not get the same zergs building up, they do it because we are stupid enough to give them free rps.....hell if i was a mid or hib i would do it, point is we havto use better tactics in order to beat them......Wellington wiped out 3 times his number of troops at Waterloo, and 5 times his humber at assaye, this is not because of zerg this is because of bloody good tactics, this is what we need to beat them, and a little blind faith in the ppl who try and help keep albions alive in emain.


Bah, personally hate 'the zerg', its boring and shows almost no skill... But saying that the mids / hibs get 'bored' of zerging, dont think so...

In their words its us who started the zerging and the only way for 'them' to survive is to zerg too...

But I do agree its stupid that if there's a known zerg in emain, that you go out in small groups... It happens far too often that you have 5 groups at the PK, 1 or 2 leave on Minstrel speed, 1 or 2 leave on Caster speed and the rest on 'slowbo' speed... End result, everyone dies to a smaller force then 5 FG's...

What I dont agree on is that a leader should be RR5+, simply because neither Wildfire, Falcor or Gawain ARE RR5 :clap: (all 3 are RR4) (RR's do not show skill, you can still get RR5 if you RvR long enough but are too dumb to tie your own shoes)

Sorry couldnt help myself on that one ;)

(But yes, atleast Wildfire has shown good leadership in the last Relic raid and Falcor has demonstrated this on Legion raids, but remember that not everyone knows this! )


Wellington wiped out 3 times his number of troops at Waterloo

Not entirely correct, actually the prussians+british outnumbered Napoleon 2:1 or so.
At the main battle at Waterloo, Napoleon was slightly outnumbered by the british, as he had a force pinning Bluchers prussians near Wavre.
Late on the day, the prussians pulled out of Wavre after a severe (but not catastrophic) beating, only to arrive on Napoleons right flank and finally decide the outcome of the battle.

The above is filled with detail erros, will edit when i get home and find my source.

If you want a true zerg-defeating, you could look at the battle of Austerlitz 1805 where Napoleon beat 90000 austro-hungarian-prussian-russian forces with his 60000.
This was done using a brilliant outflanking maneuver lead by Davout and the I. corps and the massing of artillery.


I'm afriad I wont join a Zerg just becasue the other side are zerging I'll go and lvl an alt or something.

I dont subscribe to "Zerg them cuz they're Zerging you" theory.

You need a lot of people to break through a zerg wall camp, and frankly I'd go back to the TK and log and say feck em, they can get my RP's another day.

By doing your own zerg you condone what others are doing/have done

You do not stop the problem you simply add to it.


Wildfire you are probably right on the Ego side.

However I find that most Oversized Egos do not belong to people not responding to "Where are they" messages its more to do with people "thinking" they are better than the rest and being abusive with it.

For eg: "if you go to the AMG youre fucking stupid"

Well I have scouted to the AMG quite a few times to find its perfectly empty and I have had many k of RP's afterwards, if I get zerg'd 9 times out of 10 I dont give them the chance to do it again I dont go back.

I would say I have seen maybe 10% of AMG wall battles go in the favour of the Albs whereas 90% in favour of the others.

Now is it right to let the enemy farm that MUCH rp's ??

9 to 1 chance of getting through uuuummmmmmmmm


prussians were very late ody, and im just trying to use an example everyone knows about =/ dont start lecturing me acuracy =)....excluding the prussians......wellington was outnumbered heavily


Just a thought but when there is a shed load of people zergeing about emain that u cant deal with, spend a bit of time sitting about and get ur self a couple of groups together and go take some mid keeps. If u take enough ur gonna get a responce of some kind :] and u may also get a few of these small 'tactical' fights everyone enjoys.


Falcor, ill find the numbers as soon as I get home from work. I hate being wrong, thus Im always right.


The realm rank thing was a bit of sarcasm, I was trying to prove a point along the lines of "there are some people who you always see in emain, have lots of experience, and are therefore quite likely to know what needs to be done - so listen to them!".

Gawain and Falcor are just two examples of very experienced players that have in the past tried to organise albs in emain. There are others, but I don't have the time, energy or inclination to write them all down.


I know Wildfire ;)

As I said, I couldnt help myself :p

Although personally I try to stay out of the Zergs... If Emain is too 'Zergy' I go to Odin's gate... if Odin's gate is just as bad, I either do something else... Or join the zerg in Emain...

I cant use the 'gonna level an alt' routine anymore, I just cant handle leveling ANOTHER char to 50... (might get an inf to 24 just for bg's) (lol 1 was really enough :p)


I made a cool socut for BG but now he has 350 rps =/


I think ya just have to zerg ONCE, because there is/are always mids/hibs zerging so first zerg them, then go kill with a good grp or 2 or so.......just my idea


Of cause theres a much simpler solution.

If hibs are going to start with the rediculous zergs they've been using lately, just go to Odins !

I have much more fun strolling round Odins with a few friends then playing the 'my zerg is bigger then your zerg' Emain game. If they insist on zerg tactics, hop to Odins and have fun there, let them sit on there arses in Emain wondering why its empty.


It'll never happen though because some idiots will always port their 1fg to emain in some insane hope that they'll single-handedly defeat the zerg. In an ideal world once the zerg had been dealt with, everyone would split up. If the enemy zerg was spotted again, everyone would make a point of vanishing, not being seen e.t.c.

However, albion still has a LONG way to go yet before the average tin can's intelligence is capable of operating as a team in that fashion.


hey steady on with the insults to ppls intelligence - ppl are new to the game and need to learn, we cant all be born knowing it all. alot of lvl50s either havent rvr'd much, or retire 1-2days after they get thier epic armour and go lvl an alt or 3. which is fine - but why did u lvl a char to 50 in the first place if u dont enjoy playing it? rvr is currently the sole purpose of dinging 45-50.


falcor and wildfire

u are trully right guys, i have been playing this game for around 6 months and have seen some stupid moves in emain and it seems like we in alb cant stop making those moves while the hibs/mids keeps making progress, but the grass is always greener pn the other side (of mmg) =P sweedish saying, ive seen some remarkeble fights at mmg for a few nights where albs stod the ground and actually crushed mids a good couple of times!! good work from ya all!! =)
but i still belive that we could be much more tactical and i do hope that people lissen to those who trying to command and just dont run of in to nothing but death.


Well......are we gonna try and fix the problems we are having in emain or deal with them .....think all albions need to decide tbh ...


Originally posted by old.Wildfire

3. Egos
3. The biggest problem in this realm is not that people are RP-hungry (thats the second biggest problem). The problem is that people are unwilling to learn, and unwilling to co-operate. The number of times I've asked a load of people where they died and how many enemies were there, only to be met with total silence, is incredible. The number of times I've called the charge at a milegate, only to end up going alone and looking back at albs sitting down, is equally incredible. I know for a fact that I'm not putting in nearly as much effort to try and sort this realm out RvR-wise as some others, but even from what little I've seen, the situation looks dire. If someone asks you where you've died, tell them! You're dead, you've already lost, so you might as well tell another alb so that he can avenge you, rather than sitting there thinking "I dont want him having those RPs, he can find them for himself".

All in all I pretty much agree with you there Wildfire, except for one thing. Taking last night as an example, I was wandering around emain on my own, generally scouting around and letting a full group of my guildies know what was going on. Every now and again I'd run into a couple of groups of hibs/mids who would step on me then carry on their merry way.

One of the times I died I was greeted by private messages from approximately 7-8 different people asking where I'd died. I'm not a huge fan of typing out the whole /send blahblah.. so I just press "r" and whoever happens to be the last person to message me is the one that gets the info (unless I get a PM from someone I know or someone who I know generally leads peeps around, then they get one too).

Wow, what a sucky explanation.. in a nutshell, replying to 8 different people isn't practical. Sod it, that'll do, hope you get what I'm going on about.

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