ELSA ERAZOR III graphics card problems



Hey all,

I have the aforementioned graphics card which is AGP 32mb etc.

I have a 17" Hansol monitor and a cheapo 14" set up as a second monitor from a S3 Virge PCI 1mb graphics card.

I can run HL/CS perfecto every time in Direct3D but not in OpenGL. Can I use OpenGL as everyone seems to think it is the dogs danglies?

2nd question - whenever I escape out of the action, I cannot return to the game as when it 'resumes game' the click sound loops 2 or 3 times and then the display comes up as two screens (on the same monitor) squashed into the top 1/4 of the screen and is in the most psychedlic colours man B).

Any ideas (the drivers are up to date - both mobo & graphics card)?!?!?

Carpe Carbine

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