Elite Mercz-Destruction-EU-Open RvR


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2008
Name of Guild: Elite Mercz

The clan as a whole has been going for about 2 years with over 100 dedicated members to various games. We are now looking to start up a section on Warhammer Online and are looking for members to join our fast growing communitiy! The guild will focus Primariliy on RvR with PvE raids occasinialy. We are currently recruiting any Destruction sideds players of any class or race. When Warhammer Online goes live we will be looking to level up as fast as possible and start taking keeps, participating in scenarios and some large scale PvE raids.
Some general req:
= 14+
= Working Mic
= Be able to have a laugh or you won't fit in well
= Contribute to the clan
= Use the website & forums.
= Xfire (Xfire - Gaming Simplified Its MSN for games)

Currently playing:
What games is your guild currently playing? If it is an MMOG list what server you play on so if people are playing those games they can check you out. We are currently playing: Guild Wars, Battlefield 2142, Command & Conquer 3, Counter Strike Source, Call Of Duty 4 and Battle for middle earth

Guild website: =EliteMercZ.UK= » Welcome To The Elite MercZ UK

Contact: PM Me, Apply on the forums, Post to this thread, Email me or add me on MSN (Killerdeath@hotmail.co.uk) join Teamspeak (Pass:Elite) or add mre on xfire (Demonshealer)

Any alliance requests are welcome- Leadership Positions Available-


=«عм»= Spongey


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2008
Sounds pretty good, even if i don't like the name so much I might apply but i think it's too soon to join a clan for WAR. ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
That recruitment page is there on purpose of stopping people spamming this crap here y'know.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2008
I went born to a mauve city nearly Empirical boundary.
My mother and father went smitte from the extensive Chaos Afflict that took a lot of from where they. I took to a city to Empirical and bid me to the army , i become Witch Hunter that shall brake Chaos the army where ferocity mutanter cheer up and butcher they to extensive calm.

Destruction unites tea armies of tea Greenskins went noted dense at us and therefore took a part from us sedate against that army , a lot of went killed the day and a lot of several went the injured and lemleste. I myself went the injured amid action and be at liberty to to bear tall age at sygehuset.

My housewife intended that i was shapes away however when said i that certain there no were some that did anything ville vi dead all between them so there were the ought decent can bear. Some månder after went my housewife and a lot of others women killed when a section mutanter and witch aggressions my mauve city. After that beluttede i me to kill all mutanter and chaos so all can be be alive to peace and peace.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2008
i ha a look at ur site, looks to me more liek a CS clan more than anything. The warhammer forum is tiny and very little relative info on it.
Aswell as the background for estableshing a propper Guild, sounds just laggin.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Countaahh strikkee clann!! lloll

[edit: well we can't all be perfect I guess :p, gl & hf with warhammer;)]


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
why oh WHY do people feel the need to put Z's on the end of words when they are plural ? is it big? is it clever ? is it cool ? *
i am slightly suprised you arent called "E|173 /\/\3r<Z0rZ!!!!" or something equally laughable :(



Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
why oh WHY do people feel the need to put Z's on the end of words when they are plural ? is it big? is it clever ? is it cool ? *
i am slightly suprised you arent called "E|173 /\/\3r<Z0rZ!!!!" or something equally laughable :(


....great.. juzt give em 1Ð3@$...

[edit: couldn't help dooing it:p)]

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