Ef Christmas It's A Knockout Tourny



OK so I 've just had this mad idea and wondered if it could be pulled off one evening between xmas and new year?
Knockout tournament but not with clan based teams- teams to be pulled out of a hat randomly and allocated by connection speed. Need a minimum of 8 x 5player teams = 40 players.

Teams then allocated a talk channel- I am assuming most people either use Roger Wilco or can trial run for the night, and team captain. Two teams will then be told a server, an admin and three maps. best of three maps wins. 15 minute maps -unlimited caps.

Winners go to next round and so on until final.

So what we need is:

40 players or more- can increase team sizes if necessary
4 Admins- or more if response overwhelming! (fingers crossed)
4 servers to begin with- i have bw bookable unused time to donate- anyone else?
8 chat channels for an evening.

I will quite happily do the co-ordinating and planning if anyone can help out with the above..................anyone??

Mrs Chalky


Sounds good, would it be on the bookables?


Well I've never used bookables so I have some credit to use for this month still- thought maybe others may have too? Plus maybe use donated clan servers if necessary for first round?
Open to ideas though as if gonna pul it off need to move quick.

Any feedback from BW people would be good?.......please!


I am sure we could use our server for part of it if needed :)


sounds good :) with teams cant u just make teams by urself but say u only allowed 2 players per team e.g. 2 TF, 2 tba and 1 mcp


Well I figured you'd still get groupings of very good players if people were allowed to pick their own teams- at least with random picking* you would hopefully not get the usual whines of unfair teams- at least I would hope not- after all it's only for a laugh!
Should I get a few emails off do you think then chaps- after all xmas is looming larger and larger each day- personally I'm trying to ignore it and hope it will go away as cant afford it and have too much work to do to take time off!!
Mrs C

* Random as in players sorted into three groups by connection speed and skill-then take a person from pile a for each team person from pile b etc.etc. thus hopefully ensuring a fair connection/skill mix.


yea its just i would prefer to play with friends i know and who i talk with so we can organise it etc.


Random teams sounds good for a bit of fun

let me know if I can help



K. How about Saturday 28 th December starting at 7pm?- well that's what I'll try to book servers for. (Any one fromBW read this and want to help out a bit with bookables?- can't remember how to contact Picard)
Spread the word- I'll post some info in clan forums and collate numbers here. I can be found- or Chalky- on MiRC #mcp most evenings after 6pm UK time.
Need Admins and Ideas for roger wilco voice servers- Please contact me if you can help with these.

Mrs C


barrysworld league servers should be up, Ill use my authencation or whatever to try make them stay on :). Knowing internal bw matters i cant give rcon out but on mirc in #tfl all ops(@) know the rcon


Sounds good

count me in

I can book servers if needed


You aint seen me right!


Right ive read what everyones posted.
1. barrys have withdrawn the league servers so those arnt available.
2. I can put forward 3 ppls booking time from my clan if you want booking time on the booked servers, but be aware of these limitations.
Each subscriber gets 4 hours of booking time a week, with a maximum booking length of 2 hours (so match times will have to be moiterd carfully as at the 120 min mark the server will shut down and re start for the next booking). This can be used to book any game, mod and config we support on the booking system.
The quota week runs from Monday morning to the following Sunday night.
You cannot carry quota from one week to the next so any unused quota will be lost.
If you delete a booking (this can only be done before it has started) you will automatically get the quota it used back for use during that week.
Hope this helps somewhat.

3. I can provide as many roger wilko channels as you need all passworded with shortcuts for ppls desktops for auto joining channels. (bear in mind you WILL encounter language barrier problems if you use teams of ppl that dont know one another)

4. I have made you an IRC channel at irc server uk.quakenet.org
channel #ef-xmas-league . Drop by and ill give you ops so you can controle it and add your admins.

5. make sure ya sort out the details and rules and get them down on a site somewhere otherwise you gona have dificulties enforcing rules if they arent down for ppl to see also take into account ppl that will try and play in more than one team by changing names etc cus it will happen if they are teams of ppl out of a hat.:D
right have fun anyway if ya want any more help give me a shout.
usally found in irc #clf.


Any one who's interested please email me direct:
with your chosen Christmas alias, skill rating 1- 10 (10 being bloody lethal and often invincible! I know there are some of you out there!!), average connection ping give or take 10, desire to be a team captain and connection type.
Unless otherwise date will be Saturday 28th December at 7pm UK time.
so far 11 players have signed up (just this weekend) lets try and see EF out with a new year bang ready for EF2
Mrs C


i have a bookable account that you can use and also a clan server 10 man tho


Thanks for all the offer of servers and help- but we now need people to play as well- I've bashed off a few emails to various clans etc and will get more done when i finish work on friday (two weeks off- bliss!). I'll be in touch....................................
Mrs C


i have 6 in MAS that have posted yes to the question


OK I've booked two servers for two hours from 7pm saturday night. If we get enough people could do with an hour on third server and a.n.other server.
But the main thing at the moment is could everyone who wants to join in please email me with xmas nick name, skill level, connection type and if they would be captain?
Then I will be able to definitely count people in so to speak.
There is a chat room in Irc for the tournament up and running:

(Ice can you get your chaps to email me please- ta)

Merry Xmas all
Mr & Mrs C


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