In a couple of weeks I'm going have a load of 12 month old computer bits with no home and I figure it would be nice to recoup some cash for them.
Has anyone ever tried selling on EBay (or similar) before? Is it effective or am I in for a lot of hard work?
I'm mostly concerned about payment collection (given the bad press PayPal has had lately), things like delivery organisation and how things work if they don't pay up.
I'm going to be selling Duron 800 CPU, Geforce 2 MX and possibly a Belinea 17" monitor.
Or am I better off just pimping them nearer the time? ;D
Thanks for any advice.
Has anyone ever tried selling on EBay (or similar) before? Is it effective or am I in for a lot of hard work?
I'm mostly concerned about payment collection (given the bad press PayPal has had lately), things like delivery organisation and how things work if they don't pay up.
I'm going to be selling Duron 800 CPU, Geforce 2 MX and possibly a Belinea 17" monitor.
Or am I better off just pimping them nearer the time? ;D
Thanks for any advice.