Ebay + Credit Cards


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
I've got a verified Ebay and verified PayPal Premier accounts. I upgraded to Premier so that I could take credit cards. So when I list something I choose CC as one of the methods of paying me. It turns out though that people cannot in fact pay me by credit card. On checkout they are told to "refer to seller".
I bought something earlier from a power seller and tried to pay buy cc. He like me had cc as an option but when it came to checkout there was no mechanism for me to pay by cc only Paypal.
Anyone got any experience of this?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Probably a good idea to put this in the Ebay community forums, you'll get an instant response.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Wayyyyy ahead of you m8.
The responses were not of the high standard I've come to expect from my compadres on FW though :)

Turns out that PP does not act as a merchant for CC. Customers can only use CC as a method for paying their PP account. Choosing CC as a payment option in a listing should only be done if you have some other payment gateway for CC. The marketing on the PP website is so misleading it's bollox.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Hmmm, I remember upgrading my account once to accept a CC payment. Never used it and then got charged 3.4% to accept any money. Thankfully you ccan downgrade your account back to a personal one -but the link is very well hidden, easier to just e-mail them.

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