Eat and sleep clock.



I have for a long long time noticed the boring but so true fact that, the player active times are very out of sync between the realms in RvR.
Taking emain as an example:

1200-2100(2200) Midgard pretty much Own Emain and tacticless groups fall by the hundreds.
We simply stand and the AMG attacking towards ATK falling back, attacking..., scouted HIBS get ripped to shredds as an occasional sidetrack. It is actually quite boring. I rather use this "mid" primetime to do something more jusefull in the fields.

2100(2200) - 0100 Hibernia starts to wake out of its slumber, also Albs have begn to show some sign of intelligence, actually even starts to outthink our trolls.
However this is Hibernias hours of glory, they actually have hordes enough to swarm DC and retake it. which actually gladens me in a strange way knowing that.
MMG starts to get camped, actually i think that in 3/10 cases MMG is the target. well thats cool anyways :).
But Me thinks we have e more important 3rd power to surpress atm. And put on their place. :sarcastic:

0100-0400 Albions Primetime.
hordes of Albs swarm Emain.
it is unknown why, albions have equal full manforce daytime aswell, but this is their primetime.
DC again falls, to these ant army like movements.
MMG If camped by hibs gets taken by Albs, by now Hibernians overall decide to goto sleep. Except for some lower level brave fighters *bonk my shield*, and about 1/3 of the Hib primetime main force.

Final thoughts:
This is not good.
I rather it that DAYTIME got to be the main RvR time of all realms, ofcourse thos who wants do it in nighttime.
Considering alot of people playing DAoC are working men and women, and it cannot be asked of them to stay up til 0200 if they have to goto work at 0600. Even though i do *smiles* (dead man daywalking).
This causes irritation and makes RvR boring.
I am quite freshly dinged 50, with my first main char. and i am already slightly bored over the AMG gatewars and to be honest i have no other way then this to try to work out a change.
Unless i quit my dayjob and live on donations from the social services.
Please consider this, this goes mainly to Albs since their primetime is the by far strangest.

I did not mention keep raids and Relic raids when it comes to times.
But i shouldnt have to. :rolleyes:

Herjulf Hornbrytare - crazy singing norseman lvl50


Well to answer this... Most albs prefer to lvl in the daytime i think...whenever you come home and start up your daoc you feel that you need to lvl so you go to lyonesse and lvl there abit...a few hours later you realise how boring it really is and that it will take forever...or maybe you even got your lvl. Anyway after those hours you feel a bit bored and go and rvr to "relax" a bit. The problem is that RvR tend to be a bit quiet when we finaly come to is then we do one of those famous "off primetime" raids out of boredome, just to pull a few enemies out of their home realms or maybe even get us a few keeps/relics if the enemys are to lazy/sleepy to bother to defend.

Maybe midgard is to easy to lvl in and the mids dont have to lvl all the time..i dont know but my point is that albs prefer to lvl in the daytime.

This is just based on my own observations...feel free to correct me :).


albion primetime is 10-2 GMT before that its mostly teenagers online just finished scholl/college or whatever. Most of the older ppl either just finished work or are at the pub relaxing, (yes there is life outside the daoc universe) before or after those times our numbers waver yes even on our infamous 2 am counter attack wihch finished at 4 in the morning i belive we only had about 150-200 ppl max online about 70 of which where over lvl 40.
see this is the problem with the english server we got a lot of foriegn ppl on it whos work sleep patterns differ which is fair enough alot of my friends ingame are not english but that means we work by 2 clocks CMT and GMT what a brit may concider a reasonable hour may not be for someone in denmark


also Albs have begn to show some sign of intelligence, actually even starts to outthink our trolls.

how interesting, I thought trolls where played by normal ppl just like albs, oh well I must be wrong maybe the ppl who pick trolls have "lower" intelligence then any other race ont he game......
I get what u mean m8 u just need to come back to real life alittle.


It may be an idea in the interests of fairness for all concerned and an end to all nonsense flaming if Middies did their relic raids in Albion "primetime" (say 1 to 3am GMT) and the Albs returned the favour by honouring us with their presence in Middies' "primetime" (7pm - 11pm).

Only an idea...but I cant see many Middies or Albs wanting change their gaming hours to try this out.


Interesting......... urmm...........................not.


Originally posted by Cerverloc
Interesting......... urmm...........................not.

Hmmm.........wonder why? ;)


It really is simple. It has all turned to a bad circle.
I myself as some mentioned in earlier post used to lvl all day and when I was REALLY tired of , at around what you put as albion primte time, mainly after midnight I went to emain to fight.

Now, the bad thing is that now that I got my 50 I notice that it is that like you say, instead of using the 50s people just lvl alts and still show up at late hours. So the few albs that WANT to rvr gotha settle with lonely getting ganged back to hell.......

Kinda sad.

Oh and yes, I fucking HATE BGs. Like emain wasnt unpopulated enough, they implement Bgs. :(


dont make much difference what albs do mids/hibs will never give us credit where credit is due .

if we took a relic in midday mids will say they were at work out shopping down the pub etc etc .

if we took a relic in prime time they would say we only took is because of our numbers. and make ALB ZERG threads .

if we take a relic midnight+ they call us lame for not trying prime time .

if any of the above succed and they were defending im 100% sure somebody will acusse all albs of cheating or bug abusing somehow .

so imo we should just ignore there fag threads and just carry on as we are . as long as albion people are happy with it and are having FUN "which is the main thing" i personally dont give a toss what the other realms think .


Yoda you dont get it do you ?
What most ppl get annoyed with, is when the attack are made at a time the other realms do not have a slightest chance to defend themself.
sure if you Albs manage to pull off a "prime time" raid, Im sure alot of Mids would give you credits for it.


One of these days mids will start doing it in super late hours such as 6 to 7 am in the morning and then we will see the albs moan just like they did with the hibs for doing such a thing.


I really hope that we dont have to do that.

I rather be in an attack made while 300+ albs are online, thats 10 times worse then loseing a relic while you cant do shit about.
If we should do it I sure as hell wouldnt run over here to brag about it, that would be like me braging if I kill an AFK mage.


Originally posted by old.Atrox
Yoda you dont get it do you ?
What most ppl get annoyed with, is when the attack are made at a time the other realms do not have a slightest chance to defend themself.
sure if you Albs manage to pull off a "prime time" raid, Im sure alot of Mids would give you credits for it.

How silly of me, i thought that was good tatics. :eek:

If u want a relic do u :

A) attack when they r all there
B) attack when most r not there

hummm.... i wonder :rolleyes:


Originally posted by mcdonalds

How silly of me, i thought that was good tatics. :eek:

If u want a relic do u :

A) attack when they r all there
B) attack when most r not there

hummm.... i wonder :rolleyes:

Surely this depends whether or not you want to earn the respect of your foes or not? I know that doesn't obviously count for much with Albs, but it does with Middies

And Yoda? Maybe if you tried a raid at the so called "Middie peak time" you might find more Middie's respect your realm rather than despise it - succeed or fail. Guess we will have to wait until after a Middie "primetime" raid succeeds first for the acid test ;)


Originally posted by mcdonalds

A) attack when they r all there and have tons of fun and respect and gratz from us
B) attack when most r not there and kill npc guards like the mobs you've done for 50lvls and get flamed by 2 realms

hummm.... i wonder :rolleyes:

Oh wait, you can't relic raid us anymore, we haven't got any ;)

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