Easy XP



ive had my h2h savage sitting around unplayed since i started daoc,and recently enough i started trying to get groups with him and stuff,but tbh,i cant go through the whole 20-50 thing again :/ just too much so i want a good way for me to lvl,i might be able to get a m8 to play a healer or something if thats good and i can also make a lvl 20 bot on my bros account to use as a bot.

i was thinking of making a cave shammy and just ae dot lots of blue mobs and run while they die and watch the xp roll in,but a guy on irc was telling me that it wouldnt work :<

thx in advance :)


i wanna know a good setup for lvl'n up quickly :p
as a h2h kobie i cant do much as my main and best style is a backstyle,so it doesnt work on aggro mobs which most mobs are at my lvl,and the only other decent style i have is off evade,which is ok,but i would prefer my behind stun style ;p


Tell you how I did it.

Shammie buffbott, with at least the first frig. Guess if you only have level 20 one it will have to be grouped at times which will slow things down, but I kept mine ungrouped until it was more than 5 levels behind me, at which point it gets very good exp and speeds things up for you.

Keep savage in orange h2h weapons, then pull mobs, either single oranges or 2 yellows at a time, keep frig on savage. Chain kill stuff.

Trying to P/L with a high level shaman grouped is impossible though, a higher character powerleveling greys has to kill yellows/oranges otherwise it is quicker to solo.

Edit - and that evade style is very good btw. use the attack speed debuff first, and you should be able to get in 3 attacks using it every time you evade.

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