ive had my h2h savage sitting around unplayed since i started daoc,and recently enough i started trying to get groups with him and stuff,but tbh,i cant go through the whole 20-50 thing again :/ just too much so i want a good way for me to lvl,i might be able to get a m8 to play a healer or something if thats good and i can also make a lvl 20 bot on my bros account to use as a bot.
i was thinking of making a cave shammy and just ae dot lots of blue mobs and run while they die and watch the xp roll in,but a guy on irc was telling me that it wouldnt work :<
thx in advance
i was thinking of making a cave shammy and just ae dot lots of blue mobs and run while they die and watch the xp roll in,but a guy on irc was telling me that it wouldnt work :<
thx in advance