Earth wizzies I need some moral support



After playing 42 levels of my char I'm hardly going to give up and start again, even though I have noticed a distinct gap between the damage that ice/fire wizards are able to dish out and the somewhat inferior damage that I do.

Sure, you say, earth wizzies have good buffs. But does anyone ever want my magma shell? No, because it breaks roots, while the earthen damage buff is available to all wizzies. And How about the AoE DD snare line that is unique to us... what possible use is it outside of RvR?

Oh and I know there are great things in store in later patches for the earth line, but I also know I will be playing SWG (and eating christmas turkey) by the time Europe sees them.

I feel a little disenchanted by the fact that both other wizard careers are so much better than mine, so I put it to you, earth-based brethren (if indeed there are any) to correct me on these points and make me feel better about myself.:(

old.Im pac man!!

man i salute on doing what no one else does. most ppl go for the easiest way and become just another guy. you are breaking ground here so keep it up.


He used our guild name, Brethren, now he has to pay 1P :clap:

Nah seriously, have no clue... Future patches make it more worth while... But the base dd's arent that bad, are they?

Ok, compared to a fire-wizz they do bad damage... But still... It's (about) the same amount that a runecarving-spec runemaster does (he has no spec-dd either)... Dunno about hibs...

So in my opinion, it aint all bad...


My lvl 20 is mostly earth slightly ice... still great fun :) (but has decent variance on his nukes)

get in an AoE group and you'll be cooking with gas... bearing in mind that doing as much damage as possible isn't always the best (easier for the tanks to control your aggro)

The damage shield is nice on the main tank too, that little bit of extra damage.

Hold on for 1.51, DoT and aoe Root lovin :)


Yeah just hold on dude. In the next patches they give those classes that are underrated some new spells. And your Earth Wizzy is also an awesome lvling machine for alts :)


I just started an earth wizzy but to make life a little easier for myself, due to the lack of single target dd`s in the current earth spec, im speccing ice to lvl 20, from then on its all going into earth, so by lvl 50 my final specs will be, 50 earth and 20 ice :D, so not only do i get some nice DOT, DD and snare lines but also pbaoe and aoe root :D, i think that will be a good combination for both PvE and RvR :D roll on 1.51 :D, good thing is this is not a primary or secondary char so by the time i get to lvl 20 or even 30 the patch should be out :D


I was 16 earth 8 ice at lvl 18... twas quite cool :)

Thinking I might have been better going earth/fire but then again PBAoE is fun :)

I'll mibbe change in 5 years time when the respec comes along :)

old.The Wizz

well , i like ur choice , earth wizs will rock i think (after patches)

just hold on ;)

and as far as i noticed the base dam of baseline fire and calefaction bolts with my ice/earth wiz (48/18 atm), the earth ones do slightly more dam than the basefireline ones ..., but of course i dont know much about the new bolt line in the pyromancy line. they could maybe outdam the calefaction bolts :/

ice wizs r still semi-exotic on most servers ( at least highlvl :p ),
but u have definitely one of the most exotic chars ... maybe it turns out to be a very good choice for rvr too , lets see

:m00: :clap:


well after checking the forums on classes of camelot it seems the earth wizz really has had some lovin :D the DOT line at lvl 50 can do upto 150dmg per tick over 26 seconds, 6 secs per tick, thats a hell of alot of dmg :D, the highest root last for 1.4 minutes, being matter based even with 50% resist thats still.7 minutes :D. to me that means earth wizzies will rock in RvR, root, dot and aoe nuke means lots of dead hibs/mids :D


Except one small problem...

Root wont hold after a DOT :p


The fire base bolt will do between 1 damage and the same damage as your earth spec bolt...

Depending on your level the earth spec bolt will either do slightly more or slightly less damage than the fire spec bolt..

(earth spec appears at different levels to fire spec... damage is based on the level of the spell.. so sometimes the earth will be ahead sometimes the fire... if you spec all the way to 50 the fire one wins out as the highest earth is only 47 I think)

Apparently the amount you spec in earth affects the variance of your damage add spell as well...


Well, the level of the spell (I think) of course increases its base damage, but also increases the max damage of a spell...

So lets say, the 47 earth bolt has a damage cap of 900, the 50 fire bolt has a damage cap of 950 (just guesses)... Since you have 3 additional levels to train in with Earth, chances are that you will hit the damage cap more often with earth then with fire...
(I'm not sure if training increases the damage cap of your bolts)

So a wizzie with 50 in earth will (on average) hit harder with his level 47 bolt then a level 50 in fire...

Or thats how I think it works ;)


Nah if you've got equal spec with the spell level then that's you gonna hit max damage...

so a 47 earth wiz doing the 47 earth bolt will do max damage with it...

not sure if having 50 earth is any use... it might improve slightly...

the 50 fire bolt does more damage because it has higher base damage...


patc 1.5/1.51

Earth Wizzy is only 1 in Albion who iwll get GTAE, ground based spell, no lino of sight needed!!!

Keep the Earth wizzy m8=)

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