Molten Lava
I have a lvl 20 Earth wiz on Excal and I need some explanation about the following......
I learned that on average 1 out of 10 players is a wiz
I learned that on average 1 out of 20 wizzies is and Earth wiz
So I learned that on average 0.5% (!!) of all Albs on Excal are playing an earth wiz.....my question why?
I reached 20 last night and directly entered BG 20-24 I managed to get some points in killing yellows with my bolts and lava spells and groups wanted me (get that Freak in our group.....he's an EARTH-wizzy
so where do I go wrong?
We have an awesome bolt (most damage of all bolts) (?)
We have a nice AoE Root/damage combo
We have, next to the normal earth buff, a nice damage shield for our groupmates....
We will have (1.51) some awesome new spells in the next patch.
So where is the problem with earth-wizzies? cant we get a group in the Gobby-levels (30-40)? and after that? do we get worse compared to other classes on higher levels? Please tell me....maybe I can still quit this one
Thanks for any advice (and sorry about my English.....not my native language as you can see
I learned that on average 1 out of 10 players is a wiz
I learned that on average 1 out of 20 wizzies is and Earth wiz
So I learned that on average 0.5% (!!) of all Albs on Excal are playing an earth wiz.....my question why?
I reached 20 last night and directly entered BG 20-24 I managed to get some points in killing yellows with my bolts and lava spells and groups wanted me (get that Freak in our group.....he's an EARTH-wizzy
We have an awesome bolt (most damage of all bolts) (?)
We have a nice AoE Root/damage combo
We have, next to the normal earth buff, a nice damage shield for our groupmates....
We will have (1.51) some awesome new spells in the next patch.
So where is the problem with earth-wizzies? cant we get a group in the Gobby-levels (30-40)? and after that? do we get worse compared to other classes on higher levels? Please tell me....maybe I can still quit this one
Thanks for any advice (and sorry about my English.....not my native language as you can see