Earth wiz is bad?


Molten Lava

I have a lvl 20 Earth wiz on Excal and I need some explanation about the following......

I learned that on average 1 out of 10 players is a wiz
I learned that on average 1 out of 20 wizzies is and Earth wiz
So I learned that on average 0.5% (!!) of all Albs on Excal are playing an earth question why?

I reached 20 last night and directly entered BG 20-24 I managed to get some points in killing yellows with my bolts and lava spells and groups wanted me (get that Freak in our group.....he's an EARTH-wizzy so where do I go wrong?

We have an awesome bolt (most damage of all bolts) (?)
We have a nice AoE Root/damage combo
We have, next to the normal earth buff, a nice damage shield for our groupmates....
We will have (1.51) some awesome new spells in the next patch.

So where is the problem with earth-wizzies? cant we get a group in the Gobby-levels (30-40)? and after that? do we get worse compared to other classes on higher levels? Please tell me....maybe I can still quit this one

Thanks for any advice (and sorry about my English.....not my native language as you can see



dunno ive never really seen an earth wizz in action.. but imo bolts of fire are much cooler than throwing sand ^^

if ur earth spec though, do you also get the fireshields? or do u need to spec in fire to have them?

Molten Lava

Earth = Shield

As I understand that shield is the only nice thing we have now...bolts a little better than fire and ice but no big difference..... So the shield is unique :)

Sharp Thing

earth wizzies are firtually pointles now, but in later patch (1,51) they get GTAOE wich is one of the more powerfull spells available, and more of that sweetnes.


Earth wizzies are probably a pretty hard (wizard) class to level...

You can't exactly use your lava shield while solo'ing (it will break freeze)... And you have no spec-dd spells (AE doesnt count :p)...

So the only thing you can really rely on is your bolt, which is on a timer (same timer as spec fire bolt, at least from what I heard)... Which isnt the heaviest bolt anymore (according to, it does (at 46) 309 damage where as the firebolt does 332 (at 50)...

Dont know if 4 levels is enough to makeup for the loss of 22 damage, but a plus on 'earths' side would be the fact that most mids/hib will probably crank up their fire(/cold) resist more then their matter resist (which is the earth bolts damage type)...

But the lack of a spec dd spell made me choose Fire (like 90% of the wizzies out there) for my alt :) (Lack of a spec bolt made me chose fire over ice too, although Ice will be my 2nd skill, PBAE to scare of assasins)

Imho, it might be a nice 'addition' if your an Ice wizzie, but I see no way an earth wizzie can survive in the higher levels... (Your fire/ice spells will have a huge damage difference)


What im doing is puting most points in earth, the rest in ice so my damage varience isnt THAT big. I cant wait for the new patch though, i think im not gonna do much with my wizzie till thats here.


earth wizes rock imho not at moment so much but in the future definatly and even atm a high lvl earth wiz owns for pwr lvling noobs.
ok there ae is also an AE DD snare which is very usefull in rvr how many time has that grp got away cous ethe skald hits his instta speed?
mr earth wiz can sit there aeing and snare all in one imo pretty usefull also they get ae stun/mez in 1.51 cant remember what one but very usefull eitherway.

As for pwr lvling noobs
Lava sheild and earthern buff lava sheild means a noob just needs to hit a green then move onto next green hit green next ect after the first hit the lava sheild will deal with the rest maybe evgen blues i havent tried this and i dontknow of anyone who has but i know a lvl 10 or less with a lvl 44 earthern buff can near 1s kill a green so a lvl 44 earthern and the last lava seheild hey who know sthey may even xp solo killing stuff that they cant even hit :p, one donwfall to this is that for lava sheild to work the person has to take a hit but it might be worth experimenting :p

Sharp Thing

instead of 2shot killing the orange :p


I chose fire for the Beavis Factor. Namely u just cant help getting a childish thrill and or urge to snigger like Beavis when u land a nice string of AoE nukes. Watching a good portion of the battlefield going up in flames all at once and its your doing is just very fkin cool :cool:
But yeh it doesnt take an Einstein to figure out which resist u need vs alb casters and I already see "You hit so-n-so for 222(-40) damage!" & the like, even in the 20-24 Bg's. S'ok I was expecting it, and it doesnt spoil my fun :flame:


Hell my Fire Wizzie is only level 11 (almost 12 :clap: ), but I have a Ice Theurgie helping me sometimes... He's high enough to stand in the middle of a camp... He pulls all the mobs on himself... I select the highest in the crowd... He does the same...
I do a nice AE, he an AE root (repeat)... :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

And I've already seen that Ice will definitly be my 2nd skill... I got a few templates, but it'll likely become 50 Fire and 20 Ice... If I do not go for 50 in fire, I'll most likely go to 44 Fire and 29 in Ice...

With the first template, I get the level 14 AE from Ice with -7% heat resist for 20 seconds... With the 2nd template I get the level 29 AE from Ice -11% heat resist for 20 seconds...

With 7% or 11% less heat resist, the following 5! fire AE's (level 44) will HURT :clap: (11% less heat resist simply means 11% more damage ;))

(When I started though, Mythic was talking about an AE stun, at that time I was gonna make a 44 fire, 31 earth wizzie, but no stun == no earth for me :p )


Earth wizards are fun :)

But I think pure-speccing is a bad way to go... work out what your template is at high level, and put the odd point into either ice or fire...

if at lvl 18 you have 16 earth and 8 ice or fire it'll do you far more use than getting those 8 2ndaries with your minidings...

Earth wizard gets:
Bolt (similar to fire wizard until you hit lvl 50 when the full spec fire one is better)
Aoe DD/Snare - excellent fun :) can kite groups of blues/yellows with it.
Damage Shield - nice in groups, cast it on main tank.
It's also useful solo - does that little bit extra damage when you have to melee.
If you need to root, just shift-right click it and it goes away.

High variance DD
High variance second bolt
(these depend on your secondary spec)

In 1.51 we get
AoE Root (nice, not the best CC out there, but nice all the same)
DoT (good damage as of 1.51! Bolt, Bolt, DoT, DD DD DD... only problem is it stops your roots)
GTAoE - BS keep taking spell that needs to change... (needs LoS or something to balance it) but otherwise could be fun :) keep shelling the bridge!


The GTAoE spell might be nice during RvR (especially during times where the enemy hides behind walls etc)... But 1.51? 1.49 is gonna take at least 1 month (if not more) to come here, so 1.51 would be what, around november? And its utterly useless (imho) in PvE...

But, it'll be insanely hard to level a full spec-earth wizz, imho (with the lack of spec dd)... I dont know if the AE-snare is any good, it might be fun though... (does the snare break after a normal damage spell? like a root?)

Seeing a few fire-wizzies (2/3) can clear out a camp yellow/blue's at insane speeds with AE spells already... An earth wizzie could probably do that solo...

Man, pre-1.45 I could do yellow / orange camp with an ae rooter :( But now the root timer isnt reset after an attack...

Ooohwell, several ppl in my guild have started a fire-wizzie, and we can spend hours nuking and nuking and not get bored, ITS FUN!!!!! (Why did I ever say: I'll start an armsman :rolleyes: )


Snare breaks after normal damage... but not if you re-snare

Snare 3 scrags, run,

turn, snare again, run

turn, snare again, run :)

endless fun running around avalon marsh at lvl 10 or so:)

Edit: have to agree - nuking is fun :) it's the massive bolts of magma that do it I think :)

my merc is fun too though - I like pulling aggro off of big nasty monsters that are going for the aforementioned hurler of bolts of magma...


Well, if you have a few fire-wizzies nuking a mob, most likely it'll be dead on arrival... (Or shortly after it has arrived at the group :rolleyes: )

Currently in the process of setting up a 'caster group' in my guild, 3 fire-wizzies, 1 sorc (currently 6 in mind, but rest probably body for AE-roots), 1 cleric (mostly smite) and an earth theurgie...

Currently there's a bit of level range, but should all be around the same level before we reach 15... (Currently from 6 to 14)

Give this group a minstrel, and their happy levelers ;)

I wonder till what level we can AE nuke mobs... Because, AE nuking is simply the most wonderfull sight ever :clap:

I just hope the monsters respawn fast enough :rolleyes:

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