Earth Theurgists in RvR



Are there any earth theurgists out there that do well in RvR?

If so what do you do? :)


Yeah what do u do? I'd like to know cus I'm making one atm. I think ppl would like to have one in the group but do u do anything else than sit there using mana like crazy?


Earth SUCKS!

I was lucky enough to get a respec stone and spec out of PBT6

Its just not worth it, with serenity 3 and the last sorc mana crack, i was still running out of power and having to change down to PBT8 :(

Unless they take the power used down, or change it to a shout, and give some sort of other spell in Earth spec, I would strongly recommend you keep as far away as possible from Earth spec.

PvE groups loved me, RvR groups went "wow!".. and then I ran out of mana and turned into a normal theurg with crap DDs....

Seriously advise against earth spec greater then 35


Yup, Earth sucks. My Theurg is 45e and only comes out for PvE raids.

What does an Earth Theurg do in RvR? Well, buff people, run PBT and stare at his powerbar hoping he can stay out of combat mode long enough to regen power for a crappy baseline nuke. And that's a good day.

On a bad day you'll buff, run PBT, get mezzed and have the dumn fuckers in your group screaming at you to turn PBT on.

If you want to enjoy RvR with a Theurg, go 45a, 26e, 14i or 41i, 35e, 3a


Earth theurgs can do nothing in RvR. And with the last new patch for upgrade of scouts you move up on the list of being first killed in RvR (oops you where already on first place).

Earth line only has pbt on it, if it had an AoE ground target dam spell, or a spell to dam siege equipment/keep doors (what siege bolt does) it could be a valid line to spec in (eg keep pbt1 up till combat, change to pbt3, and in sieges realy do something).

But atm with even serenity5 and mcl3 you run out of power.

So my advice is:

Do not play an earth theurg.


If you play an earth theurg delete it so you got a slot free to play an other character.



from experience of playing with the two most common: wateryw and mothra:

keep the group buffed, root, spam earth pets is about it

remember a few times where earth pets have killed ppl in battles, they are pretty decent at taking caster/healers out of the battle cos they live a bit longer and knock of the pbt :D

but utility wise 2x air theurg is always better


As far as i know, the Theurg TL is pushing for something to be done with the Earth Spec'd theurg, there is a shortage of the highest lvl PBT in Albion in most if not all servers which reflects peoples reluctance to take earth spec past 26 (First PBT)... He has also recommended a GTAoE spell in the earth spec line, to make the Theurgist the siege caster hes supposed to be.
Who knows though, me might see some much needed changes, Nearly every request the SM TL made in his last report was implemented so they seem to be listening to the TL's at least...
Can only hope :D in the mean time, im specing 46 Air, for last DD spell, 26 Earth, for 10sec PBT, and 10 Ice, for AoE root, which may come in handy in some RVR situations...
One thing i will say though, I have found my Theurgist to be the most fun Char to play so far... :D


Originally posted by ~shy~
/stick group leader

Like thats any change from any other alb players in the normal mixgroups :p


they wont change earth spec, otherwise there is no point in making a wizard...


there isn't any point in making a wizard ;)

currently speccing above 26 in earth seems like a complete waste of time...


Phew. Lucky I'm only lvl 7 then with 7 earth


u thugs ever tried eb+hasteing ur own pets btw? :p


Originally posted by K0nah
u thugs ever tried eb+hasteing ur own pets btw? :p

all the time PvE (keeps aggro on the pet longer so an extra nuke before the mob comes for you).... but in rvr it's more efficient to cast another pet.


I find it fun in RvR as an earth theur (well I also find it fun as a rejuv friar so don't believe all I say :) ).

I don't often run out of mana with serenity 3 and mcl :) and I so love to spam pets at bards and healers :) Just to see them run around with a little zerg following them :)

Earth is all about helping your groups and not being uber and whilst 2*10s can be better it's not often you get 2 theurs in a group and often one is needed to run speed :(

But as an earth theur in rvr I would recommend going air :)


What I did is full earth till level 40, and then respec at 40 to 26 earth, rest air. At level 43 you will have the 2e best air nuke spell, at level 49 the best air nuke.

The pbt2 you have from 35 to 40 will help you a lot to find groups fast (even avalon groups do not mind pbt2 by a lvl 35 theurg in a lvl 45+ group). Solo xp will also be fast till level 40 with full earth.

If posible and I had a respec stone I would have been full earth till level 50 and respec then, but I could not thrust on that so... just respec at 40.


Aule Valar

even for pve having the 6sec is no bonus (unless you love being afk)
its with lvl 5 power regen its possible to spam the 10 sec bt non stop, createing 3.5ish sec pbt, by yourself
and in rvr air does rock, ice is an intermediate, bit more support with decent earth pets and the aoe root, air is basically a wizard with a few more tools, but no aoe


Originally posted by Aule Valar
even for pve having the 6sec is no bonus (unless you love being afk)

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the stupidest comment i ever heard. It's not like 90% of mobs have a 6 second hit time, is it.... [/sarcasm]

Let's just say, my theurg can only just killed green mobs hand to hand, sometimes dying! And with 6 sec pbt on, i can kill a yellow... Obviously that's not a leveling idea... my point is i'm a caster and i can beat yellow mobs hand to hand with 6 sec pbt.. you can't do that with 8 second.. no way.

As a RvR playing Earth Theurg id seriously suggest against it, but as for anyone who thinks 6 sec pbt doesn't rock in PvE except if you had 2 10 sec pbts... they are idiots.


6 sec pbt + bof + ablative chant is nasty.

Problem is the stacking of pbt, which means 2 air theur's might
be considerabel better than 1 earth theur + 1 wizzy.

Btw just take a look at a supp rm and cry, its insane how Mythic
balance things.


Fagane just for your information the shot which goes through pbt is called penetrating arrow, it had 3 levels with the last one PA3 causing full arrow damage but the thing it does NOT go through self BT or go the originator of the PBT, so PA will not personally effect theurgists but only harm their groupability


the other problem with pbt is - mezz=no pbt...

so you get mezzed, your one defining ability is gone, you then get two shotted by some zerker because your shields are down.

This changes in 1.62 somewhat that you can still have your personal BT up...

Aule Valar

but probably not for the theurgist, leaving the guy who's doing the pbt especially vunerable when mezzed
can't see any way they could make though theurgs stay up without letting pbt and self bt stack (which would be very nice ;)


what they've changed is so that pbt doesn't overwrite static bt - i.e. self bt

they've never stacked :) just previously pbt would override any other BT out there... then disappear when the theurg was mezzed/out of range/killed

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