Earth refuses to follow plan.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
BBC News - New theories over methane puzzle

So methane growth which is one of the major feedback loops the guessmaticians are using to cause AGW is going down instead of up..oopsadaisy..
Quick, tweek a few base parameters Johnny, let's see if we can allow for that and get the graph back up.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am sure they will be able to spin it into some sort of danger and blame humanity.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Any form of global warming can fuckoff. It is all moot and filled with lies.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Any form of global warming can fuckoff. It is all moot and filled with lies.

no, it cannot fuck off, coz it exsists. Water temeratures have risen 1.x degree over x years. Wether or not were the direct cause of it is a different case. But personally i believe we are.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well it'll take about 50 years to know for sure and any warming is welcome, civilisations always do better when it's warmer and we're not talking about Death Valley in Peckham here, just a few degrees, lovely.
It'll happen so slowly, everyone will adapt, even if it goes up or down, Bangladesh will have freakin famine every 5 years, it's like a national policy.

Oh and the spread of malaria, mosquito breeding patterns are nothing to do with temperature, it's just another warming urban myth spouted out by earnest ill informed greenies.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Check the history of the Earth. Go back way before the humans live here. You will see the same cycle. The so called green tax is just a load of bollox to make money and nothing more.

Prove to me that over the last 100 years we have had an impact on global warming. You do know that there is an Ice Age coming, that's cold, not warm!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Check the history of the Earth. Go back way before the humans live here. You will see the same cycle. The so called green tax is just a load of bollox to make money and nothing more.

Prove to me that over the last 100 years we have had an impact on global warming. You do know that there is an Ice Age coming, that's cold, not warm!


its just another way for big business to tax the crap out of the populace and hike up energy prices on the premise they are trying to save us from ourselves.

I've yet to see proper peer studied proof that it's the cause of man, and not natural process. They were skating on the Thames in the 1800's ffs.

If they were that bothered about it, they stop spunking trillions on military death tech and actually put some proper research into petrol free transport instead of botched together and toxically derived bollocks like the Prius.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Scientists haven't factored in all the variables for the entire Earth, big surprise.

I'm not convinced in the least about the whole global warming malarkey but frankly I still think it's a good thing. Anything that makes us all move away from a reliance on the finite resource of oil and encourages less pollution and a healthier environment should only be encouraged. Even if its for the wrong reasons.

However I hate the rabid Green Peace crowd who seem to rage about anything, I did laugh at how they reversed their policy on nuclear energy because its suddenly carbon friendly, they should all be all sent to Siberia ... then nuked.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, I agree with that. I would rather we treated our home with respect instead of being parasites. However, it's just a big excuse to bleed money out of people.

I always find it amusing that people against capitalism are usually quite happy to sink balls deep into global warming and the private money generated by attempting to avoid it.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Well it'll take about 50 years to know for sure and any warming is welcome, civilisations always do better when it's warmer and we're not talking about Death Valley in Peckham here, just a few degrees, lovely.

but thats not what global warming is about. Sure itll get hotter at some places but it also affects weather (i personally believe, and i cant prove it obviously, that the bad weather last few summers have been from global warming), currents and sea life. The worlds eco system and how it all works together is something were yet to fully understand so claiming that Global warming is or isnt man made is quite hard


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The worlds eco system and how it all works together is something were yet to fully understand so claiming that Global warming is or isnt man made is quite hard

You said it yourself, we just cannot possibly calculate all the inputs. meanwhile what ever truth there is has been turned into an industry of exaggerations and soundbites that get dropped as they are proven wrong, but still manage to build up an aura of residual 'knowledge' amongst people who want it to be true.

The IPCC are dropping their outlandish claims with every report and it is quite simply crying wolf, people are just ignoring them now and that includes every politician on the planet.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
ja, i agree the craze about green living is blown outta proportions and as mentioned above, why cant we just treat it with the respect it deserves. but something is happening to the planet which is threatening marine life in particular.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Check the history of the Earth. Go back way before the humans live here. You will see the same cycle. The so called green tax is just a load of bollox to make money and nothing more.

Prove to me that over the last 100 years we have had an impact on global warming. You do know that there is an Ice Age coming, that's cold, not warm!

This is true, but not only a chance to tax us, but a chance to install more big brother controls.


Dec 26, 2003
I like the way they tried to spin a fall in one of the major greenhouse gases as an example of the evils of human activity - impressive mental gymnastics :)

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Deebs said:
Prove to me that over the last 100 years we have had an impact on global warming. You do know that there is an Ice Age coming, that's cold, not warm!

I treat man made climate change with scepticism too, but the theory of global warming shifting the gulf stream and causing an Ice Age is completely valid. Without the gulf stream, anywhere north of continental europe becomes much colder, it is largely responsible for our relatively temperate climate and probably the end of the last ice age too.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
I treat man made climate change with scepticism too, but the theory of global warming shifting the gulf stream and causing an Ice Age is completely valid. Without the gulf stream, anywhere north of continental europe becomes much colder, it is largely responsible for our relatively temperate climate and probably the end of the last ice age too.

and theres loads more of those. Greenland Pump counts as well - theyre all part of a big cyclus that works in sync. If 1 gets fucked, all will be affected.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
The planet, or rather England definitely isn't heating up at all, it's done nothing but bloody rain for weeks!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I dunno, it was quite nice today, bit of rain this evening.

Nothing to see here.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
but thats not what global warming is about. Sure itll get hotter at some places but it also affects weather (i personally believe, and i cant prove it obviously, that the bad weather last few summers have been from global warming), currents and sea life. The worlds eco system and how it all works together is something were yet to fully understand so claiming that Global warming is or isnt man made is quite hard

One, yes ONE major Volcanic eruption spews more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than we have in our entire history. Now tell me that Man is in ANY way responsible for global bloody warming.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Don't believe the hype huntingtons. Earth would do the same with or without us, we may have contributed, but so slightly it makes no difference. The world changes, I don't see why we think our relatively short lives have any impact on that. Talk about a sense of self importance.

I think the it's the biggest bit of egotism I've ever seen to think that we can stop the world from it's natural cycle, and keep it as it is because it suits us better that way.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Scientists, pfft. Glorified guesswork :p

The earth changes, there's nothing the human ticks can do to stop it, or indeed stop it, accept it and move on. Good to see the greenbilly movement is stopping thoughm, even if media is pumping out every penny they can.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Humans can change the Earth, grass did it, bacteria can do it, it's not ability, just numbers that count.
We have increased the Co2 levels quite dramatically and it IS an uncontrolled experiment on the only atmosphere we have, but so are lots of things and nothing much seems to be happening and the alternative is the stoneage unless we build 50,000 nuclear reactors.
The Russians designed a rocket system to transport nuclear waste to the Sun, but as usual the greenies started calling it 'dangerous' and it was shelved.
No doubt because they think all nuclear waste is luminous green glowing custard in big leaking 80 gallon drums and if the rocket blew up we'd all be running around on fire and have babies with two heads.
It was a freakin great idea, but will never happen (unless they're doing it anyway, without telling anybody).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Greenbillies have ruined so much cool stuff and advancement that it's not even funny. Then again a post-nuclear wasteland would be my dream morning to wake up to :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Don't believe the hype huntingtons. Earth would do the same with or without us, we may have contributed, but so slightly it makes no difference. The world changes, I don't see why we think our relatively short lives have any impact on that. Talk about a sense of self importance.

I think the it's the biggest bit of egotism I've ever seen to think that we can stop the world from it's natural cycle, and keep it as it is because it suits us better that way.
so you know this to be a fact? i thought both sides are doing guesswork, where do you gather your information from?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Huntingtons said:
so you know this to be a fact? i thought both sides are doing guesswork, where do you gather your information from?

From the whole of Earth's history? The planet has been dramatically warmer and colder even during the pinprick of geological time humans have been around, never mind over longer periods. This is the problem with climate change politics; people are being sold the idea that this climate, right now, is the "correct" climate, which is bloody nonsense.

Protecting resources I can get on board with but the focus on Co2 alone is misguided and dangerous.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I treat man made climate change with scepticism too, but the theory of global warming shifting the gulf stream and causing an Ice Age is completely valid. Without the gulf stream, anywhere north of continental europe becomes much colder, it is largely responsible for our relatively temperate climate and probably the end of the last ice age too.

Way before we arrived on this planet the Earth has had regular cycles. Ice Ages come and go. The Earth heats up and cools down on a cycle.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
During a non-ice age period there usually isnt very much ice at the polar caps (hell there used to be forests on Antarctica)

yes the climate is probably changing with or without influence of us humans, and yes every time there has been a global boost in temperature humanity has on the whole done better...

but if we tip the balance of the gulf stream etc humanity as a whole might do better but N Europe will not, it will either be under water or frozen over, which ever happens first! :S


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
During a non-ice age period there usually isnt very much ice at the polar caps (hell there used to be forests on Antarctica)

yes the climate is probably changing with or without influence of us humans, and yes every time there has been a global boost in temperature humanity has on the whole done better...

but if we tip the balance of the gulf stream etc humanity as a whole might do better but N Europe will not, it will either be under water or frozen over, which ever happens first! :S

During one of the last few Ice Ages most of England was under a couple of kilometres of ice. Man did not influence that and Man will not influence the next one.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The Gulf stream myth is another one of the green 'knowledges', look it up properly and see how much it actually counts and how numbfuckingly unlikely it is to dissapear.

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