EA havn't fucked B&W up...

  • Thread starter old.charliealpha
  • Start date



more proof that any of the planet*.* webpages are nothing but shite. This is off http://www.liongames.com and not http://www.planetblackandwhite.com

Official word on Beta
Friday, Mar. 30, 2001

Lionhead has finally answered to the Beta-rumors, regarding the Black & White US release. Here is what they have to say.

There seems to have been a rumour spread about that EA shipped a beta version of the game instead of the final GOLD version. This is not the case. The versions on sale are the final GOLD version.

If you are experiencing any problems with installation or the running of Black & White, then please contact the support department at Electronic Arts. Their email is : support@ea.com or uksupport@ea.com

If you have sent an email to bwgame.com or lionhead.com, then you are advised to resend your mail to EA's support team who can deal with your problem much more effectively than we will be able to.
Thanks to Peter Nielsen for the note.

So you see, if you go to the proper places you get proper news :D


my tiger is norty :/

and its all gone evil......
Im nice really........ cept that chucking kids down hills and causing people/animal avalanches is darn fun :D

oh, anyone able to lend me some money? (otherwise i wont be collecting my pre-order on fri :/)

being a student with (bastards) stupidly cut-down loan is taking its toll :/


p.s. Make him eat his poo :)

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