E3 - What was the point?


old.Real Retard

I love Barrysworld, always have, and hopefully always will. Have read some funny things about the 'new' Barrysworld (namely Durzel's column, arf!) and hadn't spotted anything different about the site. I can't comment about the dialup service as I can no longer use it, but basically BW is the same old BW it has always been.. except for one odd thing.

4 men and a Dog went off to LA to go to E3. I am sure you can work out that sending 5 people all the way there (even in bucket seats) plus hotel accommodation for a week, food, spends, and no doubt prodigious amounts of beer will add up to a reasonable size bill. Luckily BW now has a few quid in the bank so it wont exactly bankrupt them, however this is the first public indication of where the money has been spent (or at least the first I am aware of). After all, BW has a lot of plans in the pipeline, only they haven't revealed them yet, so the first thing we notice is 5 people off to E3 to cover all the latest and greatest.

But are BW Ltd. getting their money's worth? If you check out the E3 pages, all the updates are reports of links to other websites, some being companies who have posted up info of their products on show at E3 and the rest of the links being to *other* news sites covering E3. With the exception of Mikey Bears update on the flight over, there has been no content I can see that is being generated from LA itself. There is nothing being posted that could not be found from trawling other news sites as per normal.

The only thing I can hope is that BW are not actively reporting but are instead pushing their presence to the developers and manufacturers at the show, although an event with thousands of people attending may well not be the best time to make a memorable impression on people who are rather busy selling their own products. Surely the money may have been better spent sending one person over here for a few weeks travelling around meeting the main developers and creating a relationship that can be used later, with exclusive interviews, behind the scenes looks etc.

Hopefully someone from BW can reveal the purpose behind the trip to LA, unless it was just a well-deserved vacation after all the years of hard unpaid and under appreciated work the boys and gals have put in for so long. Of course, being a Ltd company means BW can do whatever they want, and they have earned the right to do so, however, it's a bit of an odd way to start the expenditure of your capital.

Just for the record one more time, I love BW and am not denigrating it at all, I am just slow and don't see what the point of going to E3 was when nothing visibly productive came out of it (did I miss the link to all the 'live' pictures that were going to be posted btw?)


OOOHH that gotta hurt :)

Cannot wait for the reply though :)


The signup date for the E3 event came up very close to when BW actually got its funding, and we didnt have a lot of time to sort shit out. So we basically ended up over there with no full press passes and no pre-arranged Net access. In the end I pulled the plug on live show updates and said we would concentrate on checking out the games and then reporting on them when we got back.

The next show should be a lot better (ECTS in September probably, which we covered very well last time cos we had decent access and it is located in London so we could upload screenies from home each night).

For the record, only MikeB and I were there to report on the games. The other 4 (yes 6 of us went, not 5) were there for suit like activities (same as about 90% of the people at the show): talking about BW and what we could do with publishers/developers to bring new gaming stuff to the UK.

old.Real Retard

Ta Speccy, thanks for the info :) Nosey bastard aren't I? :)


I guess speccy means that 4 of them are palm pressing and making contacts etc :).


Press passes=
1) Access to the developers 'behind the scenes'
2) access to closed-event showings
3) press cd's
4) internet access during the show
5) access to the games themselves (ie to play)

No press passes=
1) get to gawk at the games from a distance
2) maybe, if lucky, blag a press cd or 2

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