Duracell ranger


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Okie, firstly I'm currently hybrid specced (35 bow 39 blades and CD)
and want to try a melee ranger temp/spec with a difference.

I've been a big fan of the ML10 mainhander blade for about 6 months now, it's shitloads of fun and I really want to combine it with traitors dagger.
As an Elf blades ranger I don't have the sort of damage output that I had when leggys were uber and CL resist didnt exist so I've goto gear my toon to outlast my opponents.

Pretty much every opponent has malice, so i'm trying to take advantage of peoples laziness when it comes to templating, ie they sc in malice and battler/champ weapon restricting themselves to slash damage and giving me something to exploit.

So I redid my RA's and tried out PD4 and levelled up the sun belt for the incombat usable 10% resist buff. I must admit the results are pretty sick and make me feel kinda cheap, not as cheap as I would feel if I was a DT spamming HO crush merc mind you ;)

I get this sort of damage reduction from slash damage when I pop bos incombat, and the pierce and crush damage reduction aint too shabby either


Do how viable does a ranger built around outlasting melee opponents sound?
Purge I for poisions, IP2 just incase, shades of mist and winged helm, the ML10 heal over time proc vest, end regain proc pants, belt of sun resist buff with champ resist buff for when its down and the ML10 blade and traitors to wear down the opponent?

Giving me something like this
Config Report


Str: 93 Int: 0 Hits: 356
Con: 84 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 61 Cha: 0
Qui: 39 Emp: 0


Body: 21 Energy: 21 Crush: 27
Cold: 25 Matter: 22 Thrust: 26 (3)
Heat: 11 Spirit: 26 (5) Slash: 24 (2)

11 Stealth
11 Blades

Cap Increases
5 Dex
160 Hits
25 Str
11 Con

Other Bonuses
54 AF Bonus
2 Melee Damage Bonus
10 Fatigue
12 Melee Speed Bonus
2 Style Damage Bonus

Problems are NO +CD
But with 39 +5 from spec and RR bonus I could get away with it, im 50 blades spec and using blades styles (rear style chain is lovely damage), as I read test results on VN that implied that wyrdd spec is less viable with the new WS debuff poision
50 AF is about a 5% reduction in damage acording to test results, magic resist aint so bad, with the glaring exception of heat which is a pain
But CL resists on top of that
39 quickness gives me 246 when buffed

Thoughts flames?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2006
Good idea and definately worth a try, the whole point of a melee ranger is damage mitigation, so the ml10 MH and traitors OH does sound nice. Keep us posted on how this works.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
When everything is up and if you're left alone (ie not steam rolled by a fg during the long fight :p ) you will probably outlast anyone in straight on 1 vs 1.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
problem with blade of illusion and traitors is its great when it procs.

im finding the blade of illusions proc isnt too influential, and traitors in offhand is unreliable.

also as blade and lurikeen/elf your str suxs with aug str 3 I get to around 330.

with pierce I was close to 400 dex at 320 str (360 average) which meant higher WS and more consistent hitting.

If your gonna go blade I would prolly suggest main hand malice and offhand CW is prolly consistently better. tbh though I am starting to move with the train of thought that it might be better to go GS and CW and go back to pierce.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
censi said:
problem with blade of illusion and traitors is its great when it procs.

im finding the blade of illusions proc isnt too influential, and traitors in offhand is unreliable.

also as blade and lurikeen/elf your str suxs with aug str 3 I get to around 330.

with pierce I was close to 400 dex at 320 str (360 average) which meant higher WS and more consistent hitting.

If your gonna go blade I would prolly suggest main hand malice and offhand CW is prolly consistently better. tbh though I am starting to move with the train of thought that it might be better to go GS and CW and go back to pierce.

Piercing takes away a part of the "outlast the enemy" strategy though, as piercing temps tend to have less hits :)

TD would definatly not be my weapon of choice knowing your RR, the dps on that stick is like zzzzz. Scouts hitting me with it are walking jokes.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
You can outlast your opponent all day long but if you aint hitting them u gonna loose.

I would imagine blade would rock on a celt or shar where u can take it upto like 350-360. im finding it ok where the armour tables are in my favour, but I definetly packed more offensive punch with pierce.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
censi said:
You can outlast your opponent all day long but if you aint hitting them u gonna loose.

I would imagine blade would rock on a celt or shar where u can take it upto like 350-360. im finding it ok where the armour tables are in my favour, but I definetly packed more offensive punch with pierce.

Luris are always going to be the better off for peirce spec, if i was a shar/celt ranger on myne i would prob go blades, but peirce is a more reliable spec for luri imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004

I find with the malice and Cw combo the damage output for an elf is fine.

I use RA's IP2 PD5 AOM 2 purge 1 and a few others at rr8

Also with CW resists and the champ lvl 5 castables I cap most of them to between 32%-£34%

my stats are as follows

Config Report


Str: 97 Int: 0 Hits: 340
Con: 90 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 30 Cha: 0
Qui: 74 Emp: 0


Body: 25 Energy: 18 Crush: 27
Cold: 22 Matter: 22 Thrust: 28
Heat: 29 Spirit: 23 Slash: 28


11 Stealth

8 Blades

11 Celtic Dual

3 Parry


Cap Increases

5 Dexterity

128 Hits

18 Strength

14 Constitution

5 Quickness

Other Bonuses

11 Melee Damage

30 AF

14 Fatigue

13 Style Damage

10 Melee Combat Speed]

Coupled with battler in the 2H slot i dont lose many 1 v 1 when all tools are up.

I can send you my temp also if you like but took me ages to farm / buy it .

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