dunno if any of them will read this but...



gg to: Kessica, Abrams, Montarlo, Aoe, Zimzum, Centuri, and especially to Wou. Having just had the best evening at the tanglers ever, my hat is tipped to you all. It's rare that you find a group of 40-43's that are able to repeatedly take on full spawn attacks of 30+ gobbos plus tanglers (AE nuke pulls, love em :D) and wipe them out without a single loss.

Yes, this post is irrelevant to everyone else, so I don't expect it to be topped :p


a small example, I didn't manage to get a pic of one of our big pulls, I was too busy nuking :eek:

n1 guys, was an honour. n.b. Wou is without doubt one of the finest sorcs ive ever had the pleasure of grouping with. Good job m8. Edit: sorry to Kal who joined just before we called it a night :( you didn't break up the group m8, promise.


Was one of the best nights for me too, lots of fun :)

Seeing that whole goblin tree army moving towards, fast looking for the best mezz targets and stop them before they where at us.
Then finnish them before them mezzes where gone :D

Luky this group could kill so fast :)

Special thanks to my bodyguard Abrams and Kessica for keeping me alive, didn't died one time :D


first AE-nuking group i was in, our cleric (who shall remain nameless =) ignored my advice to /effects self
froze up when the nukes started and we nearly wiped out due to lack of heals :D


funnily enough I forgot to set /effects none the first time I AE pulled :p let's just say it wasn't pretty.


I am replying with Kiarra alias Kessica, I cant have 2 accounts here, LOL Its confusing enough as it is !

Its been a pleasure working with Wou, he is the best mezzer I have come across, fast and very observant, he mezzes scouts too, I sometimes thinks he has eyes in the back of his head :)

Its always tricky with tanglers because once the mezzer dies, the mezzes dissapear, and it normally ends up in a wipeout. Being a rej cleric is really a necessity and at lvl43 cleric, my rej is at 40, so this is one of the ingrediants that has made working tanglers a little easier. On that night I was using both Instant Heals to make sure the group stayed alive. Big and small heals too.

Many people dont realise but a rej cleric is mainly responsible for the tactics when it comes to the survival of a group. These days with Paladins able to rez, I will let my self die 1st if a pala is in the grp and use instants to keep them alive if I have no mana left and there are a few still left standing.

I always take it personally if I lose a member of the grp whatever the circumstance.

I am a strong believer that a cleric is there to help, not to tank, although if all mana and instants have been used, I will go down fighting with my new epic mace :)

Kessica (alias Kiarra)



Lol u think thats cool.....try this:

When we ganked gobbos, we pulled from the beach ...and chained AEs with 2 wizards, and chain rooted with 2 Thuergists. Took down 30 Gobbos in 2 minutes :)

400G in a few hours each too :m00:

Never underestimate the force of the true Albion Tank...!!



hehehe next time try aoe Trees ~ ^^ ~
that should be mroe fun hehehee :D

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