Dun Bolg 2 days ago - itching question



This has been gnawing on my bones since 2 days back and have given me a sour aftertaste...

2 days ago around 1930 we were going to raid Dun Bolg.
Just for the raiding itself, and keep the raid organistaion somewhat tip-toe.

Strong indications showed that our raid had leaked to Hibernia.
Why i think that so is the case i will evolve below.
7fg or so waited for us a dun bolg.
to add to that 20-30 ppl were inside the keep, and since we died just when we saw the keep infront of us, we had not startled them at all by guard pulls, the only guard patrol we ran into on the way was <3minutes earlier, and that was a Crimthainn patrol.

a surviving shadowblade scaled the walls of Bolg and gave me the numbers i mentioned above.

things that lead me to believe that it was leaked to Hib´s.

1. We were virtually unspotted by grps, not much told us from a ordinary emain zerg.

2. The 4fg hibs at amg were wiped by albs teh minute we moved through mmg.

3. raid ldr took us far behind bowl/tower on other side of ridge to make shure we were not seen.

4. We were not detected by guards till 3 minutes b4 we were killed, and thoise guards were crimthain guards not bolg.

5. the numbers at Bolg, and the numbers Inside.

We can rule out DC retake force, due to their defensive positions, and that bolg was camped.

what do i wish to win by posting this, in LFOM alliance we are actively working against spying.
Spies sickens me and piss alot of ppl off.

I for one swear to report any spies i come across.

I want this cleared out, it gave me a bitter aftertaste, and i cannot stop thiking about this.
I hope that hibernian Alliances agree on the low morale of spying.

And help flush this spy out if any.


Bolg is a standard group up and meet keep for hibs because it's in line with borderkeep and emain. But I could ask the same question with Mids.. we had like wiped 3 FGs just at amg and when we wanted to come to Blendrake there were like 5 FGs waiting for us... If there are indeed spies who pass these kind of information they must be really sad...


Well, khalen as u know.

Whilst emain is the main zerg domain.
Midgard accept no tresspassers and respond accordingly thus the midgard odins zerg whines.

i have not felt the same about emain.

We have constant odins gate population.
and any bigger trespassing are responded to swiftly.

how many times have hibs/albs not tried to take bled only to have plenty of FG´s inc in minutes after u were spotted.

And as i said earlier, i as a player accept no spying should we have foudnd out in /as the spy way...
then i would have reported his ass, at once and noted down time etc.

And i do expect the same from the other realms.
This spying ruins it for us all.

also i question the loose reporting of /who emain mids and /who emain <insert realm here> in channels on irc like #celticfist


Originally posted by herjulf
Well, khalen as u know.

Whilst emain is the main zerg domain.
Midgard accept no tresspassers and respond accordingly thus the midgard odins zerg whines.

Mids are so though... it is amasing. A zerg is a zerg, whether you do it in your own frontier or not :p And anyway, I see mostly Hibs zerging in Odins, I stopped seeing them in Emain.
Emain is now home to the Mid zerg. Seems Hibs and Mids got their frontiers messed up :)
Regards, Glottis


odins isnt zerg warfare, or it hasnt been for the last few days iv been there, D-F had 2fg out last night roaming odins and we had loads of realy good battles. 2fg vs 2fg and a few 2fg on 1fg mids. we had a blast, and i realy enjoyed it compared to any battles iv had in emain.
i dont think mids have spys to tell when ppl are taking mid keeps. just solo past amg odins and u will get boned by a SB, since mids took the strength relics iv noticed they have a team out in odins most of the time, and respond realy quick to keep attackes or alb zergs which pass amg.
/salute to mids Realm defence


Dunno bout the spying part but bolg is a very popular buff point for groups before moving into emain, so it was just bad luck I would say that you ran into the emain zerg before you moved. If it was somewhere out the way like Scathiag I'd be more inclined to think there was a spy...


lol @ you

Accusing people of passing information about a raid on bolg now thats just funny.

what's coming next?

"omg there were 5fg hibs waiting for us at DC, they must have used SPIES!!!!!11"


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

<snip> Seems Hibs and Mids got their frontiers messed up :)
Regards, Glottis

...says the alb, priceless


when are we gonna get the zerg theory sorted?.

we all do it , but its whine and counter whine.

personally thinking , if either realm gets report of 4fg's or so attacking a keep , wheres the problem in takeing more too repell the attack?...its good organisation if u can get that amount of numbers too the place within time too stop attack , ...the zerg is just the 4fg's + that just /stick 1 person , and runs about like headless chickens , all attacking the single char.

so for once and for all ,

zerg = headless chickens with no tactics.

good stratagy=alliance that works in taking more numbers too repell a keep attempt / RR etc.

and in my opinion mids outclass each realm at keep defence. the numbers they can get too any keep take attempt is extra ordinary , /bow to mid alliance , i hope one day albion on excalibur can learn this lesson , look after our own realm for once
instead of just going emain and looking for RP's ,

albs , its not number of rp's u have , its how u play the game , help eachother and work together that wins the day, so get fecking organised , even with no relics , good tactics and stratagy , we might finally get our relics back , and mb even nick a couple of the others .

watch the mids , learn from them and make it better , all i ask.

think about it.

Garbannoch Nox

spying ruins the fun for all realms and i also completely agree with Herjulf - the information given away on #celticfist can be seen as spying sometimes IMO

as for this particular incident: i cannot imagine anyone would spy on an ordinary keep take... my theory is that the 4fg hibs you killed in emain (according to your description) released and moved out from DL to nake a buff-stop at bolg... this is what 90% of hibs do after releasing - so I am not surprised at all


The fact that it said "A Champion Commander has been killed by 473875 Invaders in the area" had nothing to do with it.


The reason you will always find people at bolg is that nobody can buff properly until then coz of ressick.


that Bold so called "raid" brought memories of first or second Hib RR :)

When all the Hibs moved togather in 1 train without speed with 0-1 FPS per second, 50% got lost by the way to pennies and other got killed by Great Brown Drake...

no alb was wounded ;)


I died 4 times during it and lost about 2 bubbles i believe :D

to all who wish to organize keep raids: [rant on]

-all groups should have speed (at least RMs)...

-all should stick to their GROUP leader

-groups should move with little interval or ina parralel or whatever but NOT in 1 train

-bring at least 3 rams (this way u will prolly manage to set up 2 of them)

[rant off]

PS remember that 1 organized tank group may carry 4 full rams with ease


Originally posted by herjulf
Whilst emain is the main zerg domain.
Midgard accept no tresspassers and respond accordingly thus the midgard odins zerg whines.
So in conclusion, large numbers of middies coming to defend Midgard keeps is the result of dedication, skill, tactics, proficient scouting, excellent co-ordination, and a fierce, burning, heroic pride in fighting for the purity of the noble Viking realm.

Whereas large numbers of hibs defending Hibernian keeps is cheating.




Though I DID think this was the common thought.

Your own realm = skill, tactics and supreme coordination. While opponent = noskill cheating zerg.


OK, Khalen and Novamir has a poitnt, thank you for "contructive" answers.
The PRE emain buff area theory is acceptable.

And OH MY frigging god, at the whine wankers, in reply to a constructive post.

It is like it is genetically inprinted in yer whine butt string, to automatically respond with whine.

And also a big up yer arse reply to Alrindel, who BTW is one of the most active #celticfist hibs /who <insert area here> leakers there is.

I stated nothing about tactics, uber l33t skills or anything in the vicinity of any such things in that post.
What i did mention is that we accept no trespassers in odins, we do hold 3 str relics u know *cough* and a coupe of powah relics, and we do like em they looks so fine where they stand, and we earn lots of Gold by visiting Zombies, and by selling cheap postcards from the raid. This so we can fund the nasty doors, that some ppl keep bashing on.

But the flow of zombies are good, so we have no problems with it really.
We had to hire a shrink for our keep guards though due to their manic whining over the cold.
U wont believe how much the charge....


Originally posted by herjulf

And OH MY frigging god, at the whine wankers, in reply to a constructive post.

It is like it is genetically inprinted in yer whine butt string, to automatically respond with whine.

And also a big up yer arse reply to Alrindel, who BTW is one of the most active #celticfist hibs /who <insert area here> leakers there is.

Did some1 mention whine ?


Herjulf, by all means abuse me and call me all the names you like. It won't change the fact that the "logic" behind your "argument" is that hibbies MUST be cheating because there's no other possible explanation for having a large number of defenders in Breifine.

It is right up on the list of the top ten dumbest and yet most insulting things anyone has ever had the arrogance to post here. Where most whiners content themselves with singling out a single person ("Alpha/Bee must use radar") or guild ("Nolby Pride/FC/LA must use radar") you extend it to a whole realm in the same paragraph that you brag about your own skills and tactics.

I hadn't realized that each relic granted so much +whine.


What i did was to get some information on weither it was leaked or if it were just a "coincidence", which i fell more comfortable now knowing since i did not take into consideration of bolg being a "pre emain, gathering spot"

I never in any way even stated anything that could be translated to calling ya all lame spies or any such thing i recent that.

What you "alrindel" are trying to do is look smart by spewing lies, and tainting ppls names, by twisting words into what they are not.
It isnt the first time i have seen u do it.
What you could have done was post a "explanatary post on what could have happened", which was what i asked for.

the only thing i even said that was even in a little remote way possible to translate with alot of willpower, into any such thing is this.

I want this cleared out, it gave me a bitter aftertaste, and i cannot stop thiking about this.
I hope that hibernian Alliances agree on the low morale of spying.

And help flush this spy out if any.

What i wrote was, just as i wrote. nothing else.
i did not even say there was a spy i said i had suspicions of this and wanted to clear it out.
That was why i posted it in the first place to shine a light on this "mystery".

And no i didnt brag about my own skill and tactics.. again u lie.
How come the spy subject is such a sensetive subject for u alrindel?

Well enuff from me on this subject i have gotten the input i needed, no meaning to discuss this any further. go ahead and counter post, it wont be read by me anyways.


love it when someone gets so owned they say "i won't be posting again" as some kind of remark to get out of the thread with any decensy


Originally posted by ab_fluid
love it when someone gets so owned they say "i won't be posting again" as some kind of remark to get out of the thread with any decensy



The whole argument starts from where Alrindel gets the wrong end of the stick. Large numbers of mids reacting to an attack is different to large numbers present before the attack has even started. Herjulf wasn't aware Bolg was used as a meeting place, now he does, which is the explanation he was looking for. If people weren't so quick to jump in and spout the same shite in every thread on this board without reading the threads in question first, there might be a lot less hassle.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
lol @ you

Accusing people of passing information about a raid on bolg now thats just funny.

what's coming next?

"omg there were 5fg hibs waiting for us at DC, they must have used SPIES!!!!!11"
Still chuckling at this post. Classic. ;)


I just want to add...that Dun Bolg is the home of Clan Bearhawk. I can't remember this exact event but I'm pretty sure I was one of those who responded to the attack that evening.

As soon as we hear of any guard kills...we have many chars who are logged in Bolg (inc myself on that occasion I believe) and its really not that far to run to from Ligen with bard speed. I do remember that when everyone had assembled at Bolg - there were no invaders there to speak of.

We will be ready to defend our home and we do not use spies (any spies I catch will be reported too).


Originally posted by Gekul
The whole argument starts from where Alrindel gets the wrong end of the stick. Large numbers of mids reacting to an attack is different to large numbers present before the attack has even started. Herjulf wasn't aware Bolg was used as a meeting place, now he does, which is the explanation he was looking for. If people weren't so quick to jump in and spout the same shite in every thread on this board without reading the threads in question first, there might be a lot less hassle.

maybe using commen sense he coudla asked his guildmates first as i am sure someone knows bolg is a common meeting place, instead of coming and accusing peopel of spying.

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