Duke Nukem Forever


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Out of the blue comes news of Duke Nukem Forever (DNF). TotalVideoGames recently posted a message asking for a update on DNF. The reply came from 3D realms' George Broussard explaining why things have been quiet for a long time...

“IMO, it's more abusive to the community to continue to talk about and show the game when it's not real close to release. What's the point of leading people on? The best thing we can, and should do, is to shut up, finish the game and start showing it and talking about it when it's near enough release that people can actually see light at the end of the tunnel.”

The race is on. Duke Nukem Forever or Teamfortress 2... :)

Source: Bluesnews


Loyal Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
TBH I think we'll see the heat death of the universe (hell freezing over) before DNF comes out.

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