Duels: What class in your realm is the hardest?



After a bloody 2 days of duels in your homeland, what class would you say is the hardest to beat? (Not individuals).

Seems in Midgard, Zerkers and warriors are taking the top slot in my opinion (Zerkers if they use badger mode, if not warriors). But I haven’t met any Aug healers yet; strange rumours of them being hard are spreading.

Of course being a thane (Gimp) with cruddy stuff (insert more excuses here) hasn’t had much luck; casters and shammys die easily enough tho.

P.S. off topic, have they fixed parry and not block, i'm getting parried just too damn much?


Agreed, I've tested my luck on 3 different zerka's so far.

1st time - held back on his styles waiting for me to use my insta heals. Hats off to you sir a truly lateral thinker :)

2nd - nice enough to limit herself by only using a hammer and small shield, still got my ass kicked hard :)

3rd - managed to get quite a lot of stunning and mezzing in, went badger and dropped me in 3 hits :)

All in all i think i finally understand why when in RvR a zerka switches to rat mode suddenly all aggro switches to him.

i also found warriors/thanes quite tough, but only due to slam without that they arn't so powerful. :p

Skalds, make me miss insta mez :)

Dunno, thats the experience of a healer with 28 in aug. though i'd expect a full/high aug healer to probably do better than i did with the extra str/con, higher dmg buff/shield and the other perks.

Generic Poster

In Albion, Friars seem to be good at duels. They evade often and when they haste-buff their staff... whooop whooop whooop!! ... and you die.

Paladins aren't as tough as I thought they would be, even with health/End regen.

Duels have settled the long asked question... it's not how uber your class is, but the person behind it which counts. I piss through some players, others with the same class repeatedly kick my ass.

The random elements make a big difference aswell... sometimes, one block can win the fight.



I dueled a sb

he evaded all of my attacks but one.

I dueled a zerker

he eveaded all of my attacks but one

Then I fought a warrior.... 40% !!!!

Can kill other Thanes quite easily though

Skald is next on my "to kill list"


Any class without a few insta spells is fodder for me ;)

If we start at range, i cast dot on them, then bugger off with perma sprint, go back and re-aply dot until they die, DDing if im bored :)

if we start at melee range, i use shammy fart, then sprint off, and dot kite :)

god bless end regen :)


Air-theurgist, ofcourse :))))

With 3 kinds of CC (root, mezz and pet-stun) and nukes that hurt.

But stuff like starting range matters alot. I can't win from a (fire)-wizard if we start at bolt-range. At 1000 range he won't stand a fair chance.

I mostly fear stealther-classes like scouts (but have PBT so still a fair chance) and infiltrators (can't use 'closed enemy in duel, so targetting him takes ages') and the nearsight/amnesia-guys (mages: Sorcs and cabbies)

Think there's no class who is really overpowered and beats everyone. And every class can at least beat 1 other class.


Aye at lvl 48 I took out 2 lvl 50 warriors with my shaman , with the run and dot tactics , but to a RM I lost poorly , qucik cast nearsight and im toast...then root dd with snare dd with snare and so forth = dead me , maybe with better ressist , and not being blue con will matter ;))


Originally posted by kain_pravus
casters and shammys die easily enough tho.

Hey, tell this to tanks on prydwen, they refuse to duel me there saying they got no change anyway :(

Seriously speaking, duels are fun. I like them much but they seem to be even more fun for tanks. I've had few caster vs. caster duels but they're always ofcourse very short.
Mostly I've just been dueling tanks vs. my pet and caster staff duels, they're funny :)


It is fun to see that there are some classes you can beat easily but others eat you alive. And that they are usually all different for different classes.

I get eaten alive all the time though, but with a pure support template, i am not worried about it.

ps. Oh yeah, and 3-5 lvls can make a HUGE difference.


My 36 aug healer has so far beaten a 38 SB (critblade so should be a lot different at 50) a 33 warrior a few times and lost other times and a couple of others. Considering he's actually specced 16 in mend and pac already in order to make grouping a bit easier at lower levels, he should be a force to be reckoned with when I've spent a few more levels worth of points in aug.

My thane has managed to beat zerkers a few levels lower and an equal level skald, but only with slam style, without it he drops like a lead balloon :(

Yes I think parrying and blocking have been improved in this patch, pretty sure its been mentioned in the patch notes too.


Oh and with End regen my thane managed to beat a 50 SB, being able to pull off 4 failed slams in a row and still have end left to perform a winning slam and do styles to finish him off is a godsend.


I actually found my class - the skald - as a very good and not to mention versatile dualist.
I only lost to three or four warriors out of ten. 2 of them hammer specced and owned me cause of my low crush resist :\
When it comes to zerkers, they are pure nasty :p I dropped quite a few of them, but if they use their hamster mode and resist mez, i'm done for.
Most shadowblades are easy ownage as u cannot turn while mezzed. As SBs haven't got no advanced evade, the backbased style after mez is very nasty :)

Thanes drop fairly easy, so does all casters.

But - I have yet to duel an aug specced healer, and i have reasons to believe that he would kick my ass pretty good :p



ive only died twice in duels so far, one was to another paladin that i know is about RR5 (im RR3) and the other was to an infil with abit of advantage after id changed my QB again and kept hitting the wrong keys. ive killed all armsmen that have tried me (S&S and poles), mercs, wizards, and a few other paladins, so as you can imagine im impressed with this patch :D i finaly feel useful on the frontiers and doing some ownage in duels


I'm a healer and I have 39 in Aug (although I'll be changing this in a few patches time...) I also have enough Pac for insta mezz and stun, and two insta heals from Rejuv.

I find that if I have all my instas available, I've not been beaten. Can hammer zerks and warriors quite easily. Sometimes I make stupid errors which leads to my death...but then thats because I'm a noob.

Fight goes something like this....

Start some distance off...fight begins. Tank charges me.
I cast attack speed buff, and begin a castable stun just at the right moment so as soon as he reaches me, he's stunned.

Then i bash him a bit, stun wears off and he starts bashing me too...attack speed debuff (i quite often forget this!)

When I'm low on life, I insta mezz, heal myself up to full, attack speed buff again, sometimes stun depending on how long it's been since I stunned him first.

Start bashing again.

Again, when low on life, I use insta heal. Then insta heal again when low on life again.

Am usually able to fit my insta stun in now, as his immunity has probably worn off from the last one.

Most people then think it's just a race to bash each other quickest....but I have one more trick up my sleeve......while the tank has used up end to hit me, I haven't used any. So I can sprint off, awa yfrom the tank, who can't catch me as he has no End.

This gives me yet another chance to heal myself up to full, possibly get an attack speed buff in, and finish the duel off.

Like I said, as long as I haven't made an error, I will win the duel, even if the zerk goes into hamster mode.

This is all assuming RA's are not allowed in the duel.....if they are i loose because i only have a few.

Teh Fonz!!1

A well played mentalist is tough. All those DoTs, stuns and light fire power hurt like hell.


Shield Hero is the suxxor against Shades and Blademaster :D

Cuz engage doesnt work with them :)

Icebreaker <Celtic Fist>


i dueled a lvl 38 thane and won then lost against a lvl 33 warrior.... only because we didnt start at DoT range :D

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