Dueling Hibs? naw too dangerous!



Guys ( mids/albs )
I really dont suggest you to duel hibs
i tryed 1 day ago at morning got invited from Radium ( he spoke with hibs on irc )
at begann was going normal /point /beckon then both sides /bow and duel beginn
all was fine : i killed 2-3 hibs then died by Iziz released-came back
then pinted Terminus - he agreed we moved little to side and begann ...
when Terminus got low on hp he ran up hill for get out mine nuke-range ( normal tactic ) i followed him he used Insta all was going Pretty OK . But then.........
When Terminus got to 10% hp again ( he had mine pet on him and i was around keeping nukage ) 4 Hibs Jumped on me !
Dunno if it was cowardic action by Terminus or not but factum was so when this Guy understood he going to lose - all hibs ( well except 1 or 2 ) jumped on me and finished out..
When i asked Radium " wtf ? " he said that hibs told " mistake .. "
So guys dont duel em just kill b/c if you ever will wining theyll all jump and finish you down :puke:

Dunno if such stuff calling cheap or lame i dont care
Terminus you got mine love ;)


Did you know duelling isnt really allowed and Mythic considers it as RP-farming? I think we got a confession here!


Duels are still things I don't really like. (Mainly because a tank doesn't stand a chance against other realmers and it is no fun just to see who is better...) Personally I like the element of surprise when you go RvR.

- Pathfinder -

GOA doesn't actually prohibit duels; their CoC is not Mythic's CoC :) However there's nothing preventing you from interupting a duel ;)


Duels ? Whats that ?

If i see a fellow realm mate fighting Albs or Mids i am starting to buff/heal/help him... and i am by no means taking a change to let him die because some stupid dueling.


/offtopic. . ..or maybe a little on topic

Cant wait 4 my mordred account :) will send U guys feedback :)


Most of the english servers are running empty :( Did anyone noticed that? Yesterday at peek time only 1400 players..


Keh keh =) =)

Applause to the brave ones who nailed your silly ass!


I think this has to do with a lot of people going on vacation or so.


veeshan only u can be so fool...

1- u told on those forums u are AGAINST duels.
2- DUELS ARE NOT TO DEATH. (not that /point random ppl and n00k n00k n00k to death)
3- Sorc vs Dr00d. ffs thats not a duel thats a joke, he was prolly trying to stop it... I wont be surprised if he was the only resser and they had to gank u before u kewl him.

But its ok, wont get surprised coming from the lamest player i ever saw, veeshan.


Lofff you are newbie coward and lier :)
about second two things you showed it to all in your thread about leaving DAoC
About you are newbie can see only by this msg
Sorc vs Dr00d. ffs thats not a duel thats a joke, he was prolly trying to stop it...
if player agrees on duel NORMALLY he always fight it to end.

They had 2 other ressers
Leweda bard or something like that then blue conned druid fribolg woman. <- Radium Tilde and 2 mids who were there too can say its true
About its to death spoke before over Radium
and also r you not only fool you also blind??
all was fine : i killed 2-3 hibs then died by Iziz released-came back
<--- we dueled to death before duel with terminus started.
About i deslike duels its right i said that but what can you do if all enemies at that morning-time sit and enjoy these ' duels " ?
Jump em with AE mez and try to nuke?
sorry im not such nice person like you are Lofff
would'nt do it.
Lofff you are really being dumb trying to crap on every thread i post in i understand you hate me for showing others how lame&cheap you are and also for owning you when you hadnt your friends with you. but really mate most of your arguments are senceless ;/ try to get any point ...
P.S 2 how old r you Lofff irl? i just got idea maybe you arent so bad maybe you are just Too Young??


Veeshan, just a side note, ill try to control myself the next time i see you and give you an honest chance of survival :p

I got a pet too now and stun is just wooonderful! :clap:


Hey, let the flaming beggin, and if you can't take the heat, don't get near the flames Veeshan.

and why draw everyone over one line bcuz of one occasion?

btw, they did the right thing. If the info says that you are from an enemy realm they are allowed to kill you at ANY time. just live with it.


omg! veeshan u are one of those peeps who tell themselves "im rigth, np, i know the true". am a bit bored with ur huge posts but will try again:

1- u can say am a newbie (yeah right, daoc is totally new for me) am a coward (uh? >.< yeah right... wonder how why lol) and a lier (yeah right, am one of the peeps who told u were the n1 wall bug abuser, thats *cough* false *cough* lol ) u can also say that am a talking monkey, a dancing muppet, Manson back to life... or whatever u want :clap: :clap:
That thread u mention doesnt shows those things =) only thing showed on that thread is that u are a fooking prick.

2- druid vs sorc = joke not duel, ffs stop fooling bout this. And when u own a duel and the other player stops fighting steping backward u should stop, chasing him to death on a duel isnt that fair lol. (leweeda is a champ btw...) Donno what duels u had before... but yeah its possible u all were fooling around, bored at morning... then u have no point flaming here after getting ganked.
Dont tell me "what can i do? everybody duels, so... ill have to duel :O" u will be tha first rushing with a mezz and killing em all if u had a wall near to hide in.

Finally, veeshan, u got a point: i really dislike u, and hardly can avoid answering ur stoopid posts, but no, its not that "showing others how lame&cheap u are" crap u bring or tha "owning u ..." :rolleyes: [ u wish. u only got me on a "1vs1" once and if u remember i /claped as u did fine (i mean i /claped when i found ur body lying IN the wall of crim a few mins later, ur corpse was showing a hand and half ur name out of a wall, u got killed by pbaoers), but u are quite far from owning me, or at least u were on all our others "1vs1" meetings, anyway yeah, casters usually kill tanks: no secret, on a frontal meeting when u got nuff reaction time am toasted. ] :rolleyes: Problem is just ur lame attitude and that "i know everything am always right" way to post. Am 21 years old, yeah mebbe am too young lol, wonder whats ur next foolish argument. :m00:


Woah is it me or is there a real lack of well written english in this post!!

NEXT! :)


Leweeda is a champ, I'd hardly call him a rezzer.


Duels are lame and considered rp farming. So stop that nonsense. You know that if you play with fire eventually you get burned. Or in other words if you can't pay the price don't role the dice.


About Duels:

Many players have been wondering what was the official stance of the event team regarding duels. In order to answer this question, we need to clarify what is hiding behind this simple word; duel.

The unexpected duel, one versus one, leading to the death of the escape of one of the two fighters.
The organised duels with "healer" classes, able to bring back to life slain players.
In the first case, it is an honourable (or not so honourable) duel, with which we have no problem as long as it is unplanned and exceptional.
In the second case however, we face an alteration of the game, allowing players to do what we call "RP farming", the act of "farming" realm points doing many "controlled" duels and sparing the healing classes. For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay. However, do not be surprised if your whole party is slaughtered by wandering guards, friendly jousts have no place when there is realm war going on!

Wooop.. taken from www.daoc-europe.com


bah light =) am not english but i think u can understand tha concept on tha post preety well... anyway that post wasnt directed to ur 100% perfect english speech person so fu and get lost. NEXT!

veeshan... just stop using ur imaginative sentences without proofs or arguments at all (ok, sometimes u attach those foolish arguments with ur crap...) try to give a base, reasons, sth to ur crap... am a lier? k, WHERE'S THE LIE?. am a coward? lol why when how?. newbie? well u are the one /beckoning droods ( 0 chances of beating a sorc on duel) and dueling to death plus resses (rp farming) so mebbe u are tha newbie. btw, ur post show that u are the "senseless lame & cheap" ;) GL fooker


Taken directly from the the DAOC-Europe website...

In the second case however, we face an alteration of the game, allowing players to do what we call "RP farming", the act of "farming" realm points doing many "controlled" duels and sparing the healing classes. For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay. However, do not be surprised if your whole party is slaughtered by wandering guards, friendly jousts have no place when there is realm war going on!

Duel away :)

However... for future reference, that was Anneli playing my shade, not me.
I don't duel - if I see an enemy I will attack, so if you see me (it should already be too late ;)) you know where you stand.



duelling albs at amg some random day.

duelled a few.. then combat pointed me out
we fought at bowl near tower.. while fighting he went for a pet (after he mezzed me)
he came back
paralyzed me after 2 dd's
all of a sudden, wizzor and some other dude jumped me (well wizzor spamming DD's)... so dont get too holy there dear sorc. :)


Last msg

to Lofff :
answering you last time
http://forums.barrysworld.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23186 <- its why you are Lier and also why i called you coward b/c i worth ppl who got pointed on their lie and still kept lie as cowards.
now why you are newbie :
Sorc ( body speced ) vs Druid :
if sorc is w/o pet ( like veeshan oft do ) she got almost no chance - with average dmg on nukes 250-300 sorc need about 12-14 nukes for kill Druid with 2 insta heals and even more if druid will heal also with casts. Druid got pet for interrupt sorc and poison .
If sorc is with pet ( body sorc max pet is lvl 40 - usually is 36-39 )
all staying same except druid need also to care about this pet
With Sorc having about 700-900 hp self buffed and druid hits 50-100 on cloth even melee - easy to understand that druid can melee sorc to death even having this 40lvl pet on ass.
Doubt you can understand it but druids can at least.
i price chances vs 50 druid as 1/5 when i havent pet for me and 1/1 when i do, also i died once by blue druid who played well ( i hadnt pet ) sadly i dont remember his name.

P.S Lofff you suck . yes, you play Worse enemy for any caster class( in 1.51 Mythic finally nerf damn insta interrupting crap ) and still i Owned you at Crim when it was you + green champ vs me ( no pet and alone ) was only our meet when you wasnt with tonns of yellow friends.
i won't answer any your posts senced to me at all
its like Ignore
your last post showed me that you are actually worthless to answer you b/c ( last again ) you are lier coward and newbie.
End of Story
wish you Good Luck in daoc and everywhere.


Dear Veeshan

That u call "hate" is turning into love babe ;) how nice to see u losing ur mind, running out of recurses and changing subject again =)

1- http://forums.barrysworld.com/showt...&threadid=23186
Read that thread... read it careful... WHERE IS THE LIE? am not lieing, on that thread u point ANOTHER THREAD FORM HERBAL in which herbal flames at me as "wall bug abuser" but... as many ppl got... I HAVE NO USE OF THAT FOOKING BUG AS I CAN NOT LAUNCH MY 2H HAMMER! yeah right, i can hide in wall and dd-n00k someone for 100dmg each 15 secs... but thats not tha thing herbal points at, herbal points at me hitting with hammer when they are far from keep gates... and that was alrdy discussed... it was a lag problem, not my bad, a bug yeah, but a LAG bug... many other times has happened to many other peeps but only u keep pointing at me as a bug abuser due to a fooking lag bug happened ONCE and wasnt my bad (i didnt it on purpose and i had no clue what was happening as they were right next to me on melee range) SO ONLY A PRICK LIKE U KEEP POINTING AT THAT THREAD SINCE NOTIME DUMPING ON ME UR CRAP, THERE IS NO LIE NO COWARDY NO BUG ABUSING NO SHIT U CAN DUMP ON ME, u are the only bug abuser 100% checked 100% on purpose.

2- Dear newbie, duel other casters as tanks duel other tanks and healers duel other healer classes, sometimes we all duel a total different class but thats more like "fooling" and cant be called duel. DROOD VS SORC .- u easy sorc know perfectly (or should) that ull nook hes sorry ass for 400+, and ull need 9-10 nooks to kill hes 3 lifes unless u got pet then u need even less nookes. u can n00k n00k n00k qc mezz/root n00k n00k n00k qcn00k... u have also bt (and ull recast it after mezz and root u can also rest a bit to get another quickcast rdy...) u have also speed... drood has no chance to run away no dmg output, poison will make like 20 dmg per tick, and after last patch it will be a tick each 5 secs (letting u cast) and only 4 ticks, termi pet is like lvl 20... and ull get it mezzed or rooted... termi chances were crap and u know it.

3- u won a fith and u just own? btw, the green con was rooted there, i chargued and u got me qcmezzed like .05 secs before my 2nd hit (after removing bt with 1st hit) (lucky u) then u killed the green one (named Marihuana) moved back, recasted bt, ... and it was like that:
- u nook (400+)
- i instadd (supossing to interrupt next cast)
- u root me (2 secs casttime means "no interruptable" due to lag)
- i keep interrupting u with debuffs while rooted and then... as root lasts 60 secs decided to eat another nook (praying for a resist or sth)
- u n00k (400+)
- i start interrupting while sprinting on u
- u try to root again (fool move as 1.48 nerfed ur chainrooting ass)
- melee range, hit-bt
- u qc n00k (400+) am dead, only dds droped a bit ur hps.

As i told u caster vs tank and with "72 secs mezz" reaction time am toasted, specially a champion tank (melee caster) with 1150 hps.
But u should remember other meetings... like once near bowl tower when i jumped on u with 1h fast bt removing and lw stun from behind u got owned and released and i was solo... but its ok... ull remember only what u wanna remember and ull say urself i own.

I dont need ur answers, on that fooking thread u mention u may detect i refused to answer u anymore and didnt when u lastposted more crap... i may be too young (rofl) but u show lack of sex activity... at least this time u tried to give a base to ur post (wrong base but at least...) and yeah hope its tha end of a history of another lame thread by veeshan. GL wanker :m00:


dah! I shouldn't have written "let the flaming begin"... ;)


I agree with Veeshan here... better not duel hibs when you can shoot em from inside the wall :clap:

RP-farmer number 1... duels, wallhacking... everything goes... :sleeping:


Veeshan why you loose your time with that Lofff, ..... kill him in emain and show him who rules :p


Originally posted by old.Eleasias
Did you know duelling isnt really allowed and Mythic considers it as RP-farming? I think we got a confession here!

GOA have stated that rp farm is OK, but dont be supprised if a guard patrol pops out of no-where and wipes your groups, if you know what i mean ;)


I like a good duel, and it's a nice experience to sit side by side with an enemy, only communicating with gestures, forgetting the war for a moment. It turns the RvR into a more honourable war when enemies can muster the respect for eachother to organise such fair organised duelling. I've done it too on one or two occasions, and I liked it a lot. I don't do it for RP farming though. I don't see the point of RP farming, coz there's more exciting ways of getting RP and in the end I don't care a great deal about RP anyway.

And when you're not able to talk to eachother, you can expect things to get misinterpreted in the end. Two months ago on such an occasion, I got challenged twice by Kithara who conned orange to me and looked like a melee class, but I managed to win both times. Then I got challenged by a red con mage type, and seeing I'm a healer with low spec in blades, I declined. After a while a purple con dwarf fighter also challenged me and immediately attacked. Naturally I died, and after getting rezzed things turned into a chaos with people ignoring the protocol. Finally all Hibs and Mids decided it wasn't working anymore, so they all decided to charge at the Albion portal keep, ending the duelling in a nice bang ( ;

Ensceptificamuralya Sombarlaechn
Lvl 46.183 Warden
<Clan Bearhawk>


I was there Veeshan and i killed u.
I thought u were attacking Terminus, when i found out it was a duel i said sorry to you thrue radium. Not 4 hibs jumped on you just me. And i don't know why you are upset with it cause u were the only one (!) there that duelled until the other one was dead, which imo was a bit lame cause all the others didnt. So stop whining that u died once.

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