Dual-Clanning Rule change perhaps????



hmm what to post today.. hmm...ah yeah ok..this..
Just thinking last night and wondering what people's views were on a change to the dual-claning thing, what i mean is playing for one clan in one league and playing for another clan in another league.

My suggestion is this:

Dual-Clanning still allowed provided the clans are not in the same league and provided the standard of the clan is the same!
i.e. Prem player plays in BWTFCL league in Prem clan, and is only allowed dual-clan with another Prem clan in another league.

This would avoid such issues where a Prem player is joining a div 3/4/5 etc side just to get the other clan up a league/ through a cup etccc... in theory not allowing teh clan to perform to their own standard and ability but giving them that false edge over other clans in the same div of the same standard.

Fair enough if the Prem player wants to join this lower div clan to help the clan out in tactics etc..then they can play friendlies/praccies etc but not league/cup related matches.

brunt of it is, your in one level of clan if you wanna dual clan it must be with another clan of the same pedigree lol or level and in a different league.

What ya think, Personal flamage will be retorted with flameages and typex on screen, topic flamages dont care about as its a discussion forum and if you dont want to discuss it dont post a reply



You would'nt be able to enforce that though


I think something should be implemented but have not put enough thought into it to come up with a viable and workable option.
It is kinda unfair for clans to draft in what amounts to mercenaries, especially in the lower divisions. I believe there should be some sort of collusion between the major leagues in an effort to promote fair play across the board.


yea i must agree this would be nice... but where would it end?

like how about prem players finishing with their clan then joining a division 5 clan... i know it sounds strange but i have seen it lately :)



Originally posted by [748]G-Man
Dual-Clanning still allowed provided the clans are not in the same league and provided the standard of the clan is the same!
i.e. Prem player plays in BWTFCL league in Prem clan, and is only allowed dual-clan with another Prem clan in another league.
So what happens if one of your clans gets promoted into a higher devision do you then have to stop playing for one ?

What if another dicides they want to join a new league and your other clan is say div 1 what then can't you play for one of them to ?

What if one of your clans is in 2 leagues and one league its in div 1 and the other league the same clan is in div 3 what then, do you only get allowed to play in div 1 or 3 for the other clan that is in a 3rd league ?

I think the rule used by uktfcl about accepted members is more suitable, this way its left to judgement over a player and I'm sure the admins are fair enough to do this properly .
And if PB isnt used then some kind of WON id checking system should be used and none better if you ask me than a list of id's in the clans line up next to each player name that way the ref's or admins are not responsible for more work by checking up on mercs but this allows the players themselvs to check up won id's after a clan match .

old.Mr War

as Twinner said, u wouldnt be able to enforce it.


Iv'e allways laughed when i see these nonces on servers with about 2-3 tags on there handle:)


Say's a man named after some ghey wrestling h0m :)


Originally posted by Kurt_Angle
Iv'e allways laughed when i see these nonces on servers with about 2-3 tags on there handle:)

I can't say I've ever seen someone on a server with more than 2 clan tags but what exactely makes them a nonse ?

And I have decided to join a second clan myself because 1. I like the people and 2. I enjoy playing regular matches, I can't see how this makes me a nonse .


Moony you clan whore :p......tut tut tut!!!


You gotta be sexeh to be in more than 1 clan Nessie and you in SCW and thats it .

You not jelous are ya m8


Not at all you sexy whore. You know that ;)

How could I be jealous of someone who is obviously below me in every department. :p


hang your head lower in thought of being a whore? :p

ha ha ha!

ok, this is becoming silly........


Sheess guess i made a mistake posting in this forum, Should have taken note and had a read through the shite thats posted here first, by the same people over and over.

Sorry i won't do it again. Sir!

PS my point was, on a public there's no need for any tag at all, not as if your playing for your clan or anything. just seems to me like they wear multiple tags because they like to show off or something:rolleyes:

Don't expect a reply, don't expect me to even look at this thread again, it's a sure bet your gona flame me, like you do most other things, so ill pass on it, pointless letting a bunch of 13 year olds put me down for making a valid point.


Originally posted by Kurt_Angle

my point was, on a public there's no need for any tag at all, not as if your playing for your clan or anything. just seems to me like they wear multiple tags because they like to show off or something:rolleyes:

Some public admined server's ie Anomaly require you to use your clan tags or you get kicked, further more I dont see a problem with someone using a tag from any clan they are in, if your a true part of that clan and not just a whore as I have been accused of then you truly have the right to wear your tag/tags .

Originally posted by Kurt_Angle
Don't expect a reply, don't expect me to even look at this thread again, it's a sure bet your gona flame me, like you do most other things, so ill pass on it, pointless letting a bunch of 13 year olds put me down for making a valid point.

Thats up to you but your in the wrong place if you think your telling some 13 year old how to go about his clan buisness, I know your going to look at this but this post is aimed for readers, this is not flaming its just a discusion on our parts your the one who entered a forum of a league and doing this with a far from constructive comment also calling dual clanners nonses in a place your obviously going to find some dual clanners .

Yes it can get to a point where the player becomes a whore which in my eye's is just someone who turns up does the buisness ie plays a match then goes again, you'l find them in lots of clans and I can't see this as a apealing .

And Nessie my good friend a clan whore I am not but look a little closer to home maybe a curtain teador fella for an example :)


If say a prem/div1 player does join another clan in a lower div in another league, surely calling them mercs is a bit snide if they enjoy being with the lower clan and feel as much a part of it as they do with their other, higher up clan?

It'd be hard to decide where to draw the line surely.... :rolleyes:


hmmm... i dont see how or even why a league can / should stop a player being in more than one clan in different leagues. If the rules are for no duel clanners in bwtfcl (that means u cant play for 2 clans in bwtfcl) why shouldnt someone be allowed to play for a uktfcl clan?

I play for USCM in uktfcl / morat / friendlies. and they're almost as important to me than my clan Max8. who are bwtfcl / morat.

wot difference does it make how many clans ppl play for in dif leagues?


Originally posted by Kurt_Angle
Iv'e allways laughed when i see these nonces on servers with about 2-3 tags on there handle:)

That aint a valid point. It's not even a point.


Nothing wrong with playing for two teams as long as they take part in different leagues and if they do you make a choice of which clan you want to play for and in which league, the system works fine.

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