druid spec at nature aff 45


Loyal Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
For high rr druids that can affort di3 and moc/bof3 (next to augdex/purge/pr/mcl/rp etc) and do fg rvr

level 45 nature spec gives a lvl44 or 45 pet.
Garrote spamming ml9 pet (if he will get convoker aswell) (more melee damage as cabby ml9 pets aswell)

No spreadheal tho, wich drops healing stuff abit, but also powerusing drops alot. Could drop raging powerlvl2 if you have and spend in your di3

Insta single/AE root for instant interupts/roots.
Long lasting AE root and good for interupting aswell ofcourse.
Conbased damage shields wich won't break roots, but help against earthpets when you have to melee a few down (everybits help:p).

no buffshears, but when you able to interupt, its enough.
only 1 cure NS, but has its advantage aswell, no double NS cures.
Garrote spamming PET on tanks
sometimes Achilles heal even more style damage.
less spec buffs in group. but hey, even mids only have 1 cure ns and spec buffer.

possible nature specs:
5nurture (rest)

48nature (best dot)
23/24(50%hp rezz)regrowth
9/6 nurture(rest)

discuss! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
sure sounds op that pet, but no way i would give that much up for it


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Pet's get Mezzed, Rooted, Stunned, that ML that scares them away or plain out insta killed most of the time anyway.
Waste of spec points if you ask me unless you plan to solo alot.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
In addition, ML9 pets will hopefully be nerfed this coming patch.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
The lvl 45 nature pet unfortunaly is still greencon.....

It doesnt 'spam' garotte, but every now and then it lands a garotte. The rabys-proc (disease) is also available to 32 nature spec. Same con, just no styles available to that pet, but allows more flexible spec(s).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Sure seems nice, but in no-way worth sacrificing spreadheal and shears for. :p


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Good for soloing, shit for the rest.

I've recently respecced to nurture (yes, I did it, after 3years of nature /cry ), but I think it was a good change. All these "resist" effects over my head when ppl try to buffshear me now, it's awesome. Before that, I'd stand around without any dex or d/q buff after shearing and let's face it, roots are best on tanks....now guess what, exactly the ppl who have charge/det/stoicism etc. etc... shall I continue?

I've been nature spec for quite some time, so I think I know what I'm talking about when I say the spec is more or less good for soloing or running very small groups where you won't face shears or can run back for rebuffing.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2006
nurt+nat combo in fg is something that's been mostly unquestioned for a long time, pretty much ever since nature spec even became viable. i'd still say it's the better combo, but haven't tried running 2 nurt perfecter druids in a group so can't really say for sure.. i've never liked nature myself, always played the nurture druid, but some enjoy it, and between the two different druids, it has its charm.. as for being sheared, well, you got a druid partner who should have no real problem buffing as you're sheared.

wtb 1.83-shears tho, qq

concerning going higher naturespec.. you waste way too much for a retarded pet that's easy enough to kill, ml9 or no. the rest is even more fluff than the pet, tbh, so won't even go there.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
One nurt druid can't rebuff a fully sheared group and it still takes him time to rebuff you, when you got d/q sheared, which is a time where you cast like a slowbie.

This was really one of my main concerns while being nature.

The second thing is the more or less useless spells in the line. There are 2 insta interrupts on a 10min timer and an ae root. So roots are mostly for tanks, cause they don't really hamper mages that much. But, your main target, these tanks, are the ones running around with a high resistance to rooting spells and thus are not much affected by them. Also the higher lvl ae root is expensive to spam for interrupt purposes.

The DoT is an utter waste in a normal situation, I only used to kill theurg pets slowly with it if there weren't too many.

The pet is ok, because it can't be 2shot by mages in melee, but it can be killed very quickly with magic, so a lower lvl pet does the deal aswell.

Which leaves the superb dmg shield buff....I won't even go into detail about this thing.

So overall, nature has never been nerfed directly, but it has been made obsolete by the addition of det on every tank, the addition of buffshears and now the superior buffshears. The killing blow was never direct, more like collateral damage to the nature line by improving nurture.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
give nature disease and an af decrease spell =P would balance and mayhaps make it more viable worth specing

give more ideas, but they cant be like ZOMG give chambers. lel :D

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