drops... which one's are worth farming when?



ok, so far i'm getting some really nice drops, havent had to actually buy ANYTHING since lvl 17 :p everything else has just come for free in drops, was thinking of buying a sword yesterday (my other crafted one was getting low) when one almost instntly dropped in keltoi (sailsbury dagger, very nice slasher:)) i have a some dusk walker chain, some other chain too, just need chain torso and arms and i'm done, shoudnt be too hard to farm keltoi for those, like the place anyway and i'm spending a while in there soloing things and double teaming them for drops with an infil, so we will probablly get other drops as well :)

basically what i need to know is: when i outlevel these things, what's the best dropped/quested weaps and armour to replace them with? the amount of money higher lvl chain armour costs is just silly :) and i prefer the stat boosts from drops anyway so where/what to replace them with?

we could start listing all the various best armour/weapons in the realm at various lvls in this thread too, will be handy for people, anyone can get drop lists, but having them recomended by people who have first hand knowledge of how good they are is more usefull for choosing which things from the drop lists for farm for :)


from level 30 onwards get that chain pygmy gobbos drop, any 40+ guildy probably has 6 suits of the stuff its so common...


For slash:
lion fang otd (black lion, CF), level 30
boar tusk otd (err a boar somewhere ;)), level 34(?)
tuskers old wound otd (tusker, named rooter, cornwall), level 38
epic sword, level 40
crafted arcanium, level 45+

For thrust:
Embossed bone gladius otd (ghostwalker, plains), level 21
lion fang quest (camelot), level 30
gladius from catacombs, level 30-35
epic sword, level 40
rancid blacktooth otd (blacktooth, snow), level 46
crafted arcanium, level 48+

armour drops:
barrows for af 72/74/92 (all types)
lyonesse for af 86/88/98 (all types)
dartmoor for af 88-98 (all types)
arawnites for af 68 (chain, rare)
battlemail otd af 52 (Dai in keltoi), level 26
epic for af 100 ;)


DF chain doesnt look bad but it costs a lot of diamonds but great when you are high lv but i should imagine lv50 epic armour is better.


Your chain progression would normally look like this :

Duskwalker : From Keltoi and pretty easily obtainable.

That OTD chain vest at level 24 from the named past the ant room in Keltoi

Mithril crafted or Arawnite : Arwanite is pretty hard to get hold of because so few people exp off them in Snowdonia. Hence it is sometimes better to get hold of mithril crafted to fill the gaps.

Banded Coral : Quite a big step up but easy to get hold of early due to the fact that people exping on pygmies tend to be giving the stuff away they have so much of it. I started wearing mine when it was red con as there was so much of it about.

If you are a cleric then Corrupt Greatheart : From the Barrows and dropping off the higher level mobs in there. It is generally pretty useless for minstrels as no parts have +cha.

Stoneharvest : From Dartmoor and quite easily obtainable if you take out the named mobs in the quarry area. You will easily build up a full suit of this after enough time.

Ircon : This is the minstrel chain from Dartmoor. It is very, very good but rare as hell. I've only ever seen three different parts of it (legs, arms and helm) in all the time I've played so don't bank on getting a full set in this lifetime. It is great to replace your stoneharvest pieces with this stuff though since it has lots of +cha.

Doom Chain : Probably not quite so wanted because of DF bought AF 98 chain and also epic shortly after but this stuff is great for your 48-49 stretch. In particular the gloves have +slash which is excellent for a slashing minstrel.

Epic : This replaces pretty much everything else bar a few pieces at level 50.

You also want to watch out for a few unique drops that you can pick which outperform your epic armour in certain slots if you are looking for the "uber" set at level 50.

Celestial Cailiondar Vest : From Uragaig. This used to be pretty hard to get but since Ura was nerfed to take part in the DoA epic she gets killed regularly and is a lot easier so there should be a lot of this floating round now compared to before.

Brilliant Oro's Fiery Helm : AF 100 chain helm with +21 charisma that drops from the DF Princes (very rarely) or the High Lords / Grand Chancellor (more often).

Hauberk of the Wretched : From Legion. It has 10% thrust resist and is 100% quality AF 102 chain, enough said.

I can't really comment on how DF skews this list but I have no doubt there are some areas you can fill in with better chain bought with seals at some points. All of my levelling was done pre DF so I have no idea what any of the chain from there is like apart from the Legion/Prince dropped stuff. There are other droppable suits of chain but for the most part they are too rare or hard to get at appropriate levels to make them worth using.


There is also some nice chain in tepok's mines:)


Originally posted by old.Revz
That OTD chain vest at level 24 from the named past the ant room in Keltoi
It's level 26. :p


You'll have to excuse me forgetting that given I got the drop all that time ago under 1.36 :)


Not good enough.
/em ostracizes Revz for his ignorance. ;)



I resent the fact nobody mentioned the wonderfull featherlight axes in here!
crafted pfff just get urselfs 3 butcher axes, trust me theyre a gimps best friend :cool:


quite right danyan, there's no telling how much emotional cruelty he caused by getting all those lvl 24 thidranki mistrels almost wetting themselvs only to have their hopes sickeningly dashed against the rocks of harsh reality :D


Featherlights universally suck... I have a featherlight granite gauche, it's the worst sword I have. :p
Crafted > featherlight


Originally posted by old.Charonel
quite right danyan, there's no telling how much emotional cruelty he caused by getting all those lvl 24 thidranki mistrels almost wetting themselvs only to have their hopes sickeningly dashed against the rocks of harsh reality :D
Hahaha, they could get someone to farm if for them. It only drops for mercs, clerics and minstrels though.
BTW full stats are:
AF 52, 100% quality, +48 hp



Danoin Lightwatcher Chain (AF98): Drops from the danoin soldiers in Lyonesse, but it's quite a rare drop (I've seen the sleeves, gloves and hauberk). Nice for minstrels as some of the pieces have charisma bonuses

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