Drop sale


DeaD GuRu

i'll just put a list up with stuff that i need to get rid off ;-)
maybee someone can be happy with the stuff instead of merchants.

prices are simple

all stuff below UV 45(ex) will be 100 gp
all stuff above UV 45(inc) will be UV value * 10 + itemlevel
so uv 45 would be : 45*10 +itemslvl=48 total of: 498 gp

on line atm with spearhawk

here is the list with stats:)

Hornet swarm : xbow: mid level ghost houses
dex: 15 quick: 15 hits: 40 slash: 5% + 10DD 86dam energy charges

Matter bender bracelet : UV 44 91 qua
cold: 5% matter: 7% int: 15 body: 5%

arcane gem 97 qua
hits 30 body 4% power 9 heat 5%

Cloak: insightfull mantel: UV 48.7 qua 98 lvl 50
INt: 25 heat 2% Cold magic 4 crush 4%

Cloak: Iceborn hooded mantle UV 43.5 qua 94
Matter 2% hits 26 cold magic 5 int 12

updating list as we speak


Cloak of insightfull mantle or whatver how much, 150 gs is ok?? for my lidul ice wizz0r

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