Droooood specc


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Hi every one ust whanted to ask how i should specc were i can solo and be grp friendly :) :confused:

it's at /lvl 30 specc :p im looking for glhavefunthx :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
40 reg 36 nature is your best bet i guess ;p

id roll another class if you want to solo tho


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
vodca. Id trade that area insta root with +30 specs and a really powerfull single heal for when spread2 doesnt cut it on single target.

something like
41reg 14nurt 32nat if I remember right.
was my first spec and it worked good PvE and PvP but now I have higher nurture and it seriously means a big difference in RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Druid really isnt a good class for soloing, but if you really want a decent solo spec i suggest:

40 regrowth
30 Nurture
20 Nature Aff

This spec doesnt get you the best buffs or any of the insta roots, but it does get you decent dmg shield, decent dot and pet with stun proc.

The decent thing about this spec is that it is reasonably strong solo and can fit into a group easily, also if you ever want to respec you will only need a single line respec stone as dumping regrowth below 40 probably isnt something your going to want to do.

A decent variation of this is:

35 Regrowth
36 Nature Aff
19 Nurture

This is a stronger solo spec, but is pretty poor in a rvr group as you lack the 100% rezz and only have access to "ghetto" buffs.
However, you do have all 4 insta's (plus Matriarch pet) and the ability to field-buff if necessary even though your buffs wont win any awards, sometimes thay are better than nothing.

If all you want to do is PvE solo play, i suggest:

36 Nurture
24 Regrowth (23 for second insta, leaves 27 points over)
32 Nature Aff

This will not work badly in a group, you will still be a decent healer, but could struggle if your the only healer...no spread heal can be a nightmare when the group is getting slaughtered by multiple mobs.

All these specs are pretty gimped when it comes to rvr though, for pvp you really want to specialise in Regrowth/Nurture or Regrowth/Nature Aff (40 Reg/36 N) to be a supreme asset to the group.

For the win?

40 Regrowth
36 Nature Aff
50 Buffbot :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
I'm specced 25 nurture (+25% stat toa things), 31 regrowth and 36 nature.

Buffs are not the best but they are near the old "yellow" stat buffs for str/con and int and blue for dex/qui and haste.

When soloing I can take down red+orange warshade at teh same time using 1 of the 2 insta heals. Walking through yellows and oranges, reds with Healing Field up. Sure we are not a killer like the mages, but the pulling is steady and fairly safe. With CC and the pet you can control adds with little problem.

In RvR I'm going for interrupts and using 1st spreadheal when healing is required. With +25% healing effectiveness the heals aren't that bad, only thing is the power consume - bring plenty of pots when RvRing. The buffs aren't the top ace, but good for fieldbuffing or when there's no BB/nurture druid around.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Well, my spec atm is 40 reg, 35 nurt and 9 nature, i feel this spec is the best for me, as i got 100% rez for rezzing up peeps in middle of fights, good spread heal, also decent buffs and with 9 nature an ok pet, ae root for another type of cc even though only lasts 15 secs, plus its good for spammin mage grps to disturb them when wait for pbaoe to run into em, and u also have a dot which is good to cast on healers and casters to disturb.

Other viable specs are 40 reg, 36 nat and 40 nur, 35 reg.

Other then that i wouldn't go any other spec's tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Druid isnt really a solo char and neither is it necessary to solo a lot: druids are always in demand and very easy to get groups with.

If you mainly want to RvR with your druid then make sure you have 100% rez (40 regrowth). Then you can decide whether you want to have nurture or nature as main secondary line. If you choose nurture make sure you have at least 4 points in nature also (that's the first aoe root and a great tool to interrupt enemies at low power cost).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
okey forget the solo part, was comparing droood whit shamie, and shamie are really good soloers imo...
so grp specc at 30 :> ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
spread2 is really sweet RvR but with the atlantis bonus spread1 should in theory do fine.
People also seem to cap buffs fast with the new bonus availible.
Problem is working it into good template and even if lower nurture can be covered easy with bonus we will get a patch soon that ad new stuff to nurture.

nurture druids working with regrowth druids should be real fun after that patch :p

area con and str/con debuffs would hurt like nukes and leave enemies vulnerable. and to limit the assist trains: natures shell of 90% absorb on realm mate ^^ (focus)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
solo shammy relies on insta disease, druids dont have disease at all.. only "defence" you get is the pet stun


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
WiZe^ said:
okey forget the solo part, was comparing droood whit shamie, and shamie are really good soloers imo...
so grp specc at 30 :> ?

Now youve dumped that solo idea (phew), my advice is to gofor the 'standard' 40 reg 35ish nurture spec. Although a druid specced regr/nat is nice for rvr, its fairly useless for grouped pve and youll be dependant on someone elses druid or buffbot to get the buffs. Even one buffbot cant fully buff an entire group, and a buffbot isnt much consolation if a team member dies in the field n gets a rez... you also lack group elemental resits. A group with reg/nurt druid can get away without finding 2nd druid, a group with a reg/nat druid still needs a druid...

Level with reg and nurture at similar levels, your buffs will really shine from 30-40, then let regrowth take over for the larger heals that shouldnt really be needed in early pve.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
40 buffs, rest reg is a nice spec, works nice on my druid, got all yellow buffs/resists, and nice insta heals, group heals, spread heals etc :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i guess the big question is how to spec once the buffshears are live on europe.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Jiggs said:
i guess the big question is how to spec once the buffshears are live on europe.

Shouldnt make any difference really, only thing will be that buffbot buffs when shattered will need to be field-replaced by nurture/regrowth druids as and when required.

Was argued in the US that this may mean groups taking a 3rd druid (second buffer) instead of a warden. However, warden versatility (mainly thanks to BM), will make it difficult to justify a 3rd druid.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
high nurture will have huge impact when you can area remove enemies con (and str/con) buffs.

Im pretty sure people will find high nurture more attractive and more usefull in combat.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
My spec is not very commom.... but fits my play style.

Nature 36 : big pet, strong dot, insta roots
Nurture 26: basic specs buffs and all first level resist
Regrowt 30: first spread heal, 50% rez

The dark side is you will not excel in healing.
ToA bonuses make a big difference but you still will miss 100% rez in RvR...

I agree the fact new buffs will require a spec replanning.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Thx guys/gals i have been a big help :wub:



Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
solo shammy relies on insta disease, druids dont have disease at all.. only "defence" you get is the pet stun

And 2 insta-roots if you spec nature; thats pretty solid imo.

3-spec is way to go if you wanna solo; but your regrowth will lack the 100% rezz. Depending if you got access to a buffbot I would go 40 regrowth /36 nature since its something which also fits into a regular RvR-group.

On high RR a nature-druid is fearsome solo class and can kill alot; just takes a while; just stack up on end-pots (regen3 and Longwind2 for teh win)

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