Teamed with a friend on US daoc last night to help him get this:
The TYR's Might Armor; total AF= 635
All parts of the suit have these stats:
AF=100 EAF= 136 Quaity=100% Bonus=35%
Total suit adds to stats
Str= +55, Con= +50, Dex= +60, Quick= +30 Hit Points= +30
Crush= +19%, Slash= +8%, Heat= +10%, Cold= +8%,
Matter= +6%, body= +8%, Energy= 10%
Parry = +3 Shield= +3
But that is not all, the hauberk has a AF Buff of 75 when actived in melee. this hauberk has 3 charges...
Very nice although being a troll decked out in silver he looked like the Honey Monster crossed with Sir Lancelot. Pity I'm a zerker over there so I wont get it..bah.
Anyway just thought I'd give warriors something to look forward to.
The TYR's Might Armor; total AF= 635
All parts of the suit have these stats:
AF=100 EAF= 136 Quaity=100% Bonus=35%
Total suit adds to stats
Str= +55, Con= +50, Dex= +60, Quick= +30 Hit Points= +30
Crush= +19%, Slash= +8%, Heat= +10%, Cold= +8%,
Matter= +6%, body= +8%, Energy= 10%
Parry = +3 Shield= +3
But that is not all, the hauberk has a AF Buff of 75 when actived in melee. this hauberk has 3 charges...
Very nice although being a troll decked out in silver he looked like the Honey Monster crossed with Sir Lancelot. Pity I'm a zerker over there so I wont get it..bah.
Anyway just thought I'd give warriors something to look forward to.