Got a speeding ticket ages back, but it didn't get processed for a while, then when it did they sent a letter back saying they couldn't process it due to the 'state' of my driving license... it was an old paper one, heh, so knackered I'd selotaped it to make sure it didn't fall apart. So I had to send back an application for a new license before they could charge me with 3 points etc.
Now one odd thing - they offered me a new photo driving license for free... bizarre, crime pays for once?! Seems they just took the cost of the new license from my fine (I guess?).
Anyways, back to my ramble... basically does anyone know how long it takes for them to process your new license and then ticket? I sent my passport and application on Monday and I know it should take 3 weeks for a normal application to go through, but as it is part of a fine/court thing I wondered if it would be speedier?
I only care 'cos I've realised I'm off to Amsterdam in 3 and a bit weeks and I need my passport back... DOH.
Now one odd thing - they offered me a new photo driving license for free... bizarre, crime pays for once?! Seems they just took the cost of the new license from my fine (I guess?).
Anyways, back to my ramble... basically does anyone know how long it takes for them to process your new license and then ticket? I sent my passport and application on Monday and I know it should take 3 weeks for a normal application to go through, but as it is part of a fine/court thing I wondered if it would be speedier?
I only care 'cos I've realised I'm off to Amsterdam in 3 and a bit weeks and I need my passport back... DOH.