Driving license renewal



Got a speeding ticket ages back, but it didn't get processed for a while, then when it did they sent a letter back saying they couldn't process it due to the 'state' of my driving license... it was an old paper one, heh, so knackered I'd selotaped it to make sure it didn't fall apart. So I had to send back an application for a new license before they could charge me with 3 points etc.

Now one odd thing - they offered me a new photo driving license for free... bizarre, crime pays for once?! Seems they just took the cost of the new license from my fine (I guess?).

Anyways, back to my ramble... basically does anyone know how long it takes for them to process your new license and then ticket? I sent my passport and application on Monday and I know it should take 3 weeks for a normal application to go through, but as it is part of a fine/court thing I wondered if it would be speedier?

I only care 'cos I've realised I'm off to Amsterdam in 3 and a bit weeks and I need my passport back... DOH.


It took a week or so for mine to be done. The really crap thing is that in this country, you still need the paper bit to hire cars and stuff.


well i sent my birth certificate and it only took a week for them to send it back and then about 3 days to send me my license. btw, photocards are free for anyone who sends in their old paper license.


Yeah I remember moving house and getting both mine and missus done, from the old paper licence to photocard one, it was fairly speedy (one week ?) and I don't recall paying for it.


Hmmm. Thanks guys for your info...

I'm still deciding whether to book the tickets. I know I still have more than the 3 weeks til the flights out but as it's through EasyJet I don't really want to have to cancel and lose money...

Grrr. Just if i book now I save so much money on the damn flights...

ARGH! Decisions, decisions!

And more importantly... Damn speeding.... Damn it to hell! :(


Oh well. I bit the bullet - just couldn't resist an £11.50 flight to Amsterdam....!

Will be leaving for a week on the 9th of July... should be enuff time to get the passport back considering I sent it a week ago now.

Oh, and the bad news? After all this shit I'm losing my car anyways due to upkeep costs.... gah!



they only replace your paper driving licence for a photocard one for free if you change address at the same time.

Big G

Depending on the urgency, it can take as little as 3 working days.

I was caught by a gatso doing 63 in a 40 (not as bad as it sounds, it was a temp speed limit on a motorway at midnight - no cars but me. shit happens.) and sent off the necessary paper work to the court to have my 3 points added. The court sent it all back saying "the issue on the paper counterpart doesn't match the issue on the photocard" (the paper was 14, the photocard was 14A or sommit).

I received this all back with about 7 days left to pay the fine or face a good slap from plod. I phoned the DVLA and went mental about their admin mistake and they told me that for urgent cases, they could get a new licence out to me in 7 working days and also they supplied me with a seperate address for urgent cases.

I sent the licence to this address on Thursday of that week, i got my new licence delivered on Tuesday the following week. Not bad :).



Originally posted by Big G
doing 63 in a 40 (not as bad as it sounds, it was a temp speed limit on a motorway at midnight - no cars but me. shit happens.)

Not that I doubt what you say, but there are more factors involved than just other cars - workmen for instance.

Big G

Yep, very true - but you're likely to do serious injury even at 40mph.

On that section of road, there were no workmen at that time. I got my points and paid my dues.



Weeeeell, in my case everything's been paid for (fine, etc) and the only thing I'm waiting for is the license with 3 points.

Everything had been processed I think (as in the police side of things to the tune of £60) but when it came to adding the three points my license was just too knackered I think.

Anyways, I'm phoning them tomoz to check up on what's happening with my license and passport as it'll have been a week since I sent it.

I've still got ages til the 9th July so I'm not too fussed, but with sod's law (etc) I wouldn't put it past my bad luck for my passport to somehow have been stolen etc., hence a very weepy and unhappy me...! :(

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