Nice ideas, interesting enough game/story, controls as "good" as in any driver game(bouncy over-turning and sluggish) and has a few game design issues that might bug people, or might not.
Gametime, rush through ain't that long, but with sidestuff it's got your usual xbox title length. Don't expect it to entertain you for longer then a week or two of casual gameplay(aka working mans playtime). Multiplayer is pretty standard, some new ideas, if you can stand the xbox live crowd
Solid enough package, but might require some fanboism to fully enjoy, as such it's definetaly not for everyone, but also not a complete waste of money.
Borrow it if you can, buy it for support/fanboi reasons and that's about it.
How hard to control are the cars in this game? I remember having insane issues in the previous 2 to the point where trying to escape the cops anywhere but on straight roads were almost pointless...
Not precision is the key word i guess. I'd say a bit below GTA controls in accuracy and vehicle bouncy level. You also tend to hug a lot of walls and cars, so it's not great. You can, to some degree, get used to it, but it takes patience.
this really as good as peeps saying it is? enjoyed the 1st game years ago, 2nd one was ok despite the roaming thing and 3 was so badly fucked up it was unreal
I loved it Campaign was real short though you could probably finish it in a 4 hour sitting. I played some multiplayer for my first 4 days with the game then completed the SP. Bought it for 32 quid off shopto traded it in CEX yesterday for £30 cash.
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