Dream team



Ive seen this thread on the middie section, it is exactly the same, but alb. So who would you have in your dream team for RvR? discuss ^^


there has been X posts like this earlier... i can help you a bit though.
Heres how your answer will be
1. walker + random people from sotl (only sotl has skill, rest is noobs, k?)
2. X people whine about buffbot because some people in sotl use them
3. response will be quick and hard... "cry more noob" etc

If any answer post isnt like that, then its someone who wants to say that he and his friends are the best and list them.

I could write my own list but then again i realise i would just be one of those who lists his friends and that would be lame so i dont.


I dream of having all my alts in the same group, then I'd stick them all on and run to the nearest dye merchants and colour each a different colour of the rainbow. This would raise morale of my fellow realm mates and we'd kill all mids and hibs with no losses. Alternatively select a number of differnet royal colours and alternate the colouring of different armour/clothing parts. This way anyone attempting to target any of my characters would be mezzed in real life due to the scintilating colour scheme, specially if all my alts ran and jumped about.


P.S Dont tell the hibs about this plan as theyre too powerful already.


Originally posted by faderullan
there has been X posts like this earlier... i can help you a bit though.
Heres how your answer will be
1. walker + random people from sotl (only sotl has skill, rest is noobs, k?)
2. X people whine about buffbot because some people in sotl use them
3. response will be quick and hard... "cry more noob" etc

If any answer post isnt like that, then its someone who wants to say that he and his friends are the best and list them.

I could write my own list but then again i realise i would just be one of those who lists his friends and that would be lame so i dont.

So true :p I would come under #1 though :)


Just me, don't know anyone else comparable to my abilities tbh imo


Me, a shield tank, a cleric, jonstone, and beno with about 50 mids outside. mmmm rp's ;)

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