

old.Gombur Glodson

We just had a dragonraid in Albion.
We got the bastard to 0% health (yes no more red on the health bar) and then half our force die, and he remains at 0% and eventually he gets healed to 50 and we've failed.

Now I have heard that something similiar happend in midgard, is this true? Cause if so that dragons might be bugged, or is it just the boosting of the dragons the patch brought?

j000 d000d

Sounds bad as we have a dragon raid soon :(


In Midgard we got the Dragon to like ~5% ... then half the Force got teleported into Aggro Spawns. Dunno if they got it any lower, but the fight went on for a few min more.
Guess there's a good chance that it's bugged though.


actually, i'd say it was about 80% that got whiped, with the last 20% being shoved off to whereever.

cant help but think, that if we'd been 2-3 people more, we'd have nailed him :D

oh well. was a wicked effort! Already prior to the attempt, we seemed to be too little, but went on anyways.

<Salutes Gombi!>


sorry I couldnt be there but since the accident I've had to stay at a friends house near the uni as I'm now unable to commute, I'll be back for the weekend though


Sounds pretty much like the middy effort, dragon was at like 2% hp for mebbe 5 mins while the few remaining ppl left alive swung widly etc and died

Roo Stercogburn

Last Sunday we did a dragon raid and got the dragon down to about 3-5% health. The dragon ae stuns now which purge can help with but our peeps were teleported halfway across Malmo all of a sudden in groups. Each bunch of people would go to the same destination but each teleport incident dumped our peeps in different areas.

We were ok with the drakulv pop until most of our tanks were looking at some prot near H Stones wondering "erm, I don't think we're in Kansas Toto".

Then the usual Malmo getting-to-lair fiasco starts when you have small groups of people vs execs etc.

Tanks with purge though for this become worth their weight in gold (in the case of trolls thats a LOT of gold) and I think the primary melee group(s) should be tanks with this RA wherever possible as first choice as opposed to other people. If a healer has specced this RA yay!

The upshot is you need even more people than before to take on the dragon now. Proposed choices of tactic for dealing with the teleports have varied: keep some tanks in reserve or rush it hoping you have enough tanks that don't get teleported.

This depends on the rules for teleporting: is it area based or is it numbers based ie do a certain number of people get teleported each time.

After having had some time to think about it I don't favour the tanks in reserve approach: I think you're wasting potential damage output for a large part of the battle.

If its area based I'd try and have the tanks attacking in teams on different parts of the dragon (not the head of course), but if its purely numbers based I'd have all tanks on the dragon under the wings from the start knowing that at least you are getting constant damage against it until you start losing peeps to teleport.

Have the people that teleport not make any attempt to come back unless there are enough of them to make an effective group
unless they are lucky enough to be somewhere they can sneak back from.

I think the reason the dragon appears not to die for that last part is because the number of tanks smacking and hence damage output it has dwindled to the point where the damage done to the beastie is less than its regen rate. Thats just a theory but it fits what we saw.

Going back for more soon.

/em starts polishing sword then remembers he doesn't know how to use one and gives it back to Borgdur.


Got a pic of the pile of corpses, but no pic of his 0 health got taken (but it was no visible hp left :))


hehe just wait for next patch where Glacier Giant starts throwing people high in the air!!! :)


Okay just a question, I thought this patch was supposed to make the dragon EASIER?

This didn't seem easier to me, but definately means we need to rethink the tatics for taking her on.

Thank you Gombur for organizing this and we at TDS look forward to the next dragon hunt.


Originally posted by minstrel_kyra
Okay just a question, I thought this patch was supposed to make the dragon EASIER?

This didn't seem easier to me, but definately means we need to rethink the tatics for taking her on.

Thank you Gombur for organizing this and we at TDS look forward to the next dragon hunt.

Albion: Golestandt has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

Midgard: Gjalpinulva has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

Hibernia: Cuuldurach has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challenging fight.

If these statements are true, then the hibernian dragon wuold have been amde easier, and the alb/mid dragons would have been toughened up a bit


The bastard is real hard to pull now,soon as i am within range i was nuked,i didn't really have any problems previous raids.Also there was 10+ people hitting him for about a minute but it seemed as if it wasn't there and it was permanently on 0 hp.:(


I was on Mid raid any everyone said it was bugged but it wasnt. Once we got it down to 5% he started chain casting AE stun (30 dur) I hit purge and then it chain casted it, so there is not timer for this yet think it gets fixed in next patch?. I know for a fact anyone close to the Dragon was also stun almost 80% ppl there must have been. I had effects all on because i came late and they had the dragon to 30% when I got there and I could see it chain casting AE stun none stop. Then it started casting teleport, it teleported me a total of 5 times. I would get teleported run back get chain stuned repeat.


well the whole time i was on the middie raid i never got stunned but i did get teleported 5 or so times ..

It was like run back to the dragon hit once get teleported etc etc

It depends how this thing works with the teleport but damn you couldnt get back to hit it again before you got teleported.

Thats just silly imo. The legion teleport is much more fair and give you a chance to actually kill the thing. We had that dragon on ~5% for about 5 mins or so till we had too many wiped out trying to get back to it from the teleport points

That chain teleport is just plane nasty.


LOL, when I'm soloing mobs recently I cant tell you how many have had IP, mobs!! with IP! yes MOBS!! Pisstake.


Originally posted by pudzy
LOL, when I'm soloing mobs recently I cant tell you how many have had IP, mobs!! with IP! yes MOBS!! Pisstake.

onyl mobs with insta heals are grovewoods, atleast that i've seen.. I saw one that insta healed 7 times in one fight once.. it was not pretty :p (their instas heal about 20% only tho)

Roo Stercogburn

The Fenrir in the fort in Yggdra are a fantastic fight if you can be bothered dragging your guild out there. I still can't make up my mind if the Fenrir heal each other or have instas, the fights with them are fairly chaotic.

I've posted about the Fedaykin visit here .


Happened on excal/hib too, dragon at 0% for 5 mins, didn't die. There's a big whine thread over on the excal/hib forums. :p

old.Gombur Glodson

They must have fixed it cause dragon was back to normal yesterday


we got the dragon to 90%, and he never went any lower than that!, nerf bugs!!

P.S. yes it may be because he aoed everyone who was hitting him then.. :p

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