Dragon Report/Attempt II



short report:
-Only 160 in Cornwall(incl. low lvls), only 120 in Dartmoor
-After some waiting all groupleaders decided to give it a try instead of canceling the Dragonraid.
-Dragon had 50% after 10 secs ... it went down so incredebly fast :D
-AE fire that killed too much tanks :(
-Rest of the albs got him to ~30% died because of stun and uberguards that spawned.

Anyway, Dragonraid failed b/c we didnt have enough ppl.
with an extra 30-40 tanks this would have been a piece of cake.
You should have seen how fast he died :(

Next Attempt : Saturday 2/11 . Gathering at Cornwall station at 9pm CET (8pm GMT)

(Big Tnx to everyone that was there, sorry if i didnt aswer your pm, too much ppl pm'ed me =)

How to get rr3 in 1 sec.


Well done anyways, about time someone tried it again.


Tnx to Rayzor , First charging Alb , suicided On Dragon, trying to get the Flames on him =)



Please stop posting time of big events on BW :p


LOL at everyone fighting and veeshan runs off in fear :p

anyway UL aussie i was watching on veesh's screen :/ he went down uber fast but that chain stun sucked :(

GL next time - i be 50 and will come i think :p


really , hadrians was so boring that i killed some grey mids and hibs ;D


thx to aussie for organising the raid. :)

not sucessful, but we were damn close!!!

a few more tanks, or a few more rezzers and we would have done it.

he did go down really fast for the first 50%.

his time will come...................... :p


Couldn't believe how fast his life was dropping once we all got under him, think my highest hit was for 57 damage on him, thats without EB.

Even after that the big nuke wiped us out we still had a fair few keeping him busy, with a few more full groups to step in we could of done it easy.

Good attempt Aussie, see you next week.


Same happened last raid, people need to know that they have to move behind the dragon to stop them getting aoe'd.


dragon was rotating like he was on drugs =)

I heard you have to be under him, under the belly
next time i'll tell all tanks to /stick the dragon =)


Points that I feel should be taken into consideration for next time:

1) We use a lead tank with aggro styles against legion. While legion cannot compare to Golestandt, would the same technique amplified help here? Take a group of 8 paladins, all using their taunting styles (at least I'm assuming this is how it works, I'm not a tank), and have them take the aggro of the dragon after the suicide group has been wiped out. This group stays in one position, and is eventually killed by the AE. HOWEVER - while they are controlling the aggro, everyone else moves around behind the dragon to avoid the AE, and is subsequently not killed by it.

It would take even more organisation but perhaps even a second group of paladins should be used when the first group dies... they switch to taunt styles and maneuver him so that he is facing away from the rest of the tanks.

2) The ressing group should be inside the castle as well somewhere. As they were standing outside, my group (mainly composed of casters, who were instructed to handle the uber-pop) had no idea that they were being attacked until reports came in that they were all dead.

3) Many clerics were using their full and half rezzes - unless there is some reason why not to, my opinion is that they should simply use their cheapest, as rezzes were not happening even nearly quick enough. Half the force was still dead on the floor when the granites popped.

4) Is there any evidence to support the theory that weapon procs affect Golestandt in the same way as DDs? (also is there any proof of that as well?) If so, people should be instructed to use non-DD proccing weapons, or just non-proc weapons, period.

As I thought before the raid started, it seems even more apparent now that the dragon will go through a set routine during combat, at specific health-levels. When he's down to 50% he AE's, when he's down to 30% he stuns and the granites pop, e.t.c. Can we get any more information about this sequence? As long as we have a contingency plan for each of the events, we'll be able to counter them.


normally he starts to stun and call for his uberguards at 10%
now he did it at 30%

Dragon becomes more easy in 1.52 ^^


I did think it odd that you didn't wait until 1.52......


Ehm I've been under his belly, at his back in 2 dragon raids and got hit by AE each time... (goh jeesh why they call it AE ;)) Trust me it has no effect to stand at his back or under his belly... the AE gets everyone... (his tail hits also)


Ae doesnt go behind him, last raid I was constantly moving behind him and was one of the last 6/7 against him, died to his combat attacks.


"I did think it odd that you didn't wait until 1.52......"

Because we've killed it before, we're not scared of it and we dont see the point of sitting around.


i think you'll find that it was marcoth who charged first. poor brave soul.

Then rayzor went in with me :p


Grats on the attempt.

3) Many clerics were using their full and half rezzes - unless there is some reason why not to, my opinion is that they should simply use their cheapest, as rezzes were not happening even nearly quick enough. Half the force was still dead on the floor when the granites popped.

Typically I always use decent rez on dragon raids because mana recovery time is normally the limiting factor, rather than casting time. And all rezzes use the same amount of mana, whther they are 100% or 10% rezzes.


Yep, big misconception - people think the lower resses cost less mana - they don't, they just cast faster.

however 9 seconds less of ress time is probably a little less to pay than 2 minutes of sitting ;)



It would be better if all tactics are made clear here, so many people can read them before the raid. Things about casting spells or not (Do any of them affect the dragon{damage spells, debuffs,theur pets, etc}? Does he AoE more?), having proccing weapons or not (same reason, and make it clear in cornwall station, before leaving), shooting arrows, using siege weapons (maybe have some ballistas), etc....

We hurt him a lot last saturday, next saturday, with more people and tactics made clear, maybe we can kill Golestand...



Originally posted by **Aligro**
i think you'll find that it was marcoth who charged first. poor brave soul.

Then rayzor went in with me :p

then u weren't listening to aussie who was leading :p


Remember to raid albion relics while they all chasing the dragon, free relics for all!!!!!!!


On the subject of proccing and magic use around the dragon...

Reading between the lines of what Mythic have written, and just observing what's happened on raids I've been on. I suspect all 3 dragons have exactly the same basic proccing rules.

ie. Use magic against dragon = Dragon starts AoEing.

Reason I suspect the hibs were getting into trouble for so long was that

1) Hib players are more inclined to roll casters.

2) All the hybrid classes and even melee classes have more magic in Hib.

It could be that the alb dragon has quantative differences like lower % chance to AoE but higher HPs or something. But just from my observations, I have never seen Golenstadt AoE without magical provocation (except when on patrol), and I've seen *many* instances where the basic mob AI has been applied to mobs of different sizes/skins.

Also, I'd point out that my vague recolection of the successful dragon attack had a first wave of mainly tanks, followed by a second wave that had more casters.


I'll just throw my tuppence in from my experience on Prydwen...

Said twice to make sure the point is carried. Gole warps about like mr. spock on drugs if you stick - it's a REALLY bad idea. Come on it's not hard to stand under a 50 foot lizard is it? :p

Magic is not a problem on gole, except heat based nukes. In one successful attempt we had everyone spamming him, the sorcs reported some very good damage with their dots. That raid we lost very few to AE.

Pets seem to make him AE nuke, I'm not sure on this but every time we've had a theurgist spamming earth pets like a loon, he's gone berzerk and AEed half the force (I counted 98 dead in 13 secs on one raid, ouch).

AE stun and being ported seems to be a bit of a lottery, however if you have some dots ticking on him, even if the tanks get stunned the dots can carry on ticking his health away.

Compairing the dragon to legion, he's actually much softer, I hit for about 3-4 times more on Golestandt than Legion with my sword, and hit more often too. The main problem is the AE nuke/stun.


If you guys want some help please let Ferus Legionis know (Top chaps/officers: Orticus, Martek, georgie, Beeky, Marrah, Glema, Achmed, Torkel, Quinthar, etc etc) they are online most of the time, just give us a shout and we should be able to raise 1-2 FG's of 50's.

I didnt hear about it till well after it started, I was playing my alt for 2-3 lvls.

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