Dragon Raid



I am in the process of planning a draigon hunt. I won't post dates and times here for obvious reasons.

lvl 40+
guild leaders please contact me in game for info.

I would also like a couple vollentires to help me pull this off as it's a large undertaking to do alone.


count me in, and if i can help in any way, i would like to do it.


Sure but this time I wanna be someone who ganks it instead of being "backup"...


Dont forget to make clear from the beginning to everyone that joins up on how the loot is being distributed...

Just to make sure you do not get the shit from the previous raid..


Drops will be lottoed again, in somewhat the same fashion..all guilds will be able to put thier names in the hat for items....anyone who is NOT in a guild and decides to join us will be responsible for contacting me the day before the hunt. I will take names of all non guilded players and they will be treated as a guild. Any and all suggestions are welcome...I will however not put a lvl limit on drops...if you were there, in a group who was taking part in the hunt, you will not be left out of consideration for drops.

as for lvl the required lvl is 40+. Now, I can't stop people from comming if they're not lvl40 and I won't even try cuz it's a waste of time and energy. If you come and you're not lvl 40 fine by me, but I don't think to many rezzers are going to be willing to use mana on rezzing lvl 30 people on the way out there so I wouldn't expect to live long.


sounds fair enough, make sure only one person/group picks up the loot this time though....

PS your spelling is worse than mine ;)


my group tried the /autosplitt off thing the other day. well it works with non magical stuff. i got alot of crap loot but the magical stuff got spread around the grp hehe.


I will tell today to the guilds in our alliance (5) and send u in game Dreama.


I would say we won't go until everyone agrees if one group picks up the drops...


Glad to see someone else has decided to finally organise another Dragon Raid, I don't envy you the task of organising it though lol.
Even more glad that im finally high enough to take part lol :D

I'll find out how many of the 40+'s in my guild are interested and contact you. :)


Sure count me in...

msg me in game for further details :)



Missed Dragon Killing Part Uno

More than ready for Part Duo

Count me in :D


Well....every guild will be told the rules for the drops when they msg me in game (none have done so yet) I will pick one group to pick up the drops. Anyone else picks up drops and alot of people will be very upset. I am thinking that it will be my group who picks them up, so I don't have to mess with tracking down drops from 8 people.

I'm really looking forward to this event, if we can all work together we shouldn't have much trouble in killing the dragon.

And yes jiggs, my spelling sux!


Guess I'll be along for the ride :)

I'll raise as many guildies as possible.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
. I am thinking that it will be my group who picks them up, so I don't have to mess with tracking down drops from 8 people.

Doesn't it depend on which group does the most damage to the dragon as to who is able to pick drops up?


Reminder: All guild masters will be responsible for contacting me for info. If your guild doesn't know about the hunt till after it has happened then it's because I wasn't contacted.

FYI there is a dragon hunt in the works for a date very soon being planned by other people. so there will be 2 dragon hunts comming up soon. Don't think after the first hunt that oh well, that was it, my hunt is not with in the next 1½ weeks or so. That means that even after the up and comming hunt your guild still has time to sign up for the next hunt.


Bill, I thought that to...not exactly sure tho...I was thinking about having all the tanks group together so I can keep track of what groups had the chance of getting the drops...will make it easier to track it down later.


I think that this was already mentioned but to be safe lets make sure that ALL group leaders set themselves as the sole loot collector with the /autoloot command.

That way *should* a group pick anything up by mistake, its only one person to keep track of, not eight.

Will contact you in game soon.



just make sure Hobbit doesn't come on a alt or sumthing :p


I'm sure my guildies would like to take part, any idea of a date/time?

I would also like to take part if poss tho i'm only lvl 34. i am more than willing to just be part of the support group with buffs and healing duties if thats ok? might stuggle to rez u uber 50's :)

i just want to see the dragon get wacked before he gets a regular weekly bashing once alb is full of lvl 50 chars :)

If all else fails I'd just like to wish u all good luck


i dont see any lod posters here so ill put forward interest fromour guild to take part . i missedtha last dragon raid cos i was sat in excal watching relics and i dont wanna miss the dragon raid in case there aint another one . ill message ulater r get our gm to mesage u ,


BF will sure be there so im sure LoD will too :):)hehe


Ok, I see there is interst...yet only one person has /send to me in game so far...I have picked a date and a time...I will not post it here as for perring middie and hibiie eyes may see it as a very nice time to plan a relic attempt.

If you can not find me in game try my alts, or my husband and his alts.



ok, we have a few guilds signed up for this.

GoL, Brethren, DVE, Dragon Knights, Order of the Azure bonds, Art of War, and of course Illuminati.

These guilds have been given thier duties to preform.

There will be 2 dragon armies, main and reserve, and add army, a rezzing army, and a rezzer protection army.

Main army goes in when the order is given by me...rezzer army is to stand at a safe distace...add army is to be takeing out the adds (duh) rezzer protection army is to be on the rezzers like white on rice, if one of them dies I will have to laugh at you guys for a very long time :p Reserve dragon army should be standing at the side lines waiting to be called in...when the main army is getting smaller and rez sick you will go in...attacking from all 4 sides.

now, this is just a basic stratigy and I expect that when problems arise everyone will will know what to do with a bit of common sense (expect to much? hehe).

There is no way for me to plan this down to every man so I expect that everyone will follow the basic plan and improvise when needed.

Drops...uggg...all grps use /autosplit and every dragon drop should be given to me as soon as it is picked up.
I do NOT want to hear later on "I didn't know we had to turn over the drops" ect..every guild that is comming has been told who and when to give drops to, I expect the GMs will tell everyone.

Drops will be lottoed and delivered within 2 days of me getting all the drops. Now, I have the names of every guild I have spoken to about comming. If you come, and I don't have your guild name, you are not in the lotto for the drops. PLZ PLZ PLZ contact me BEFORE the raid to get on the list.
I will post a list of the drops withing 3-4 hours of getting all the drops, GMs have then 24 hours to contact me IN GAME to sign up for items in the lotto. If you don't tell me what item you're in the lotto for you don't get put in the lotto. I know this sounds harsh but it's the only way to make sure everyone gets a fair shot...this is being posted WELL in advance to the hunt and everyone has a chance to get to know the rules. the reason I'm doing the drops in such a short time is because as far as I have been told some guilds still do not thier drop from the last hunt and I know everyone will appreciate getting them as soon as possible.

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