Dragon Raid


Roo Stercogburn

Don't normally post raid invitations here, but what the hey :D

Sunday afternoon 2pm GMT / 3pm CET. Big chick in Malmo been sitting comfy for far too long.

My first thought was to see if this can be done with the mythical 50 peeps that Mythic reckon we can do this with but I get the warm and fuzzies when we get lots of Mids together so I've made it an open invitation. I'm just as happy if we get 50 peeps or we get 100. Absolute raid max is 200 though. This is the max we can get in CG and gives everyone on raid a very good chance of coming away with something. Should more peeps turn up, this means that the people that are on time have greater chance of getting in CG and hence will get a shot at a drop ;)

One of the reasons I wanted to do this raid is because I know a lot of peeps like SBs have a lot of points spread across a lot of skills and want to shift them around more than a single line respec will allow them. Also, the new respec stone mob places are heavily camped by some guilds and the dragon throws it open to all.

(Slightly off topic: since patch I've done some testing with lvl47 lifetap vs lvl50 dark nuke and the lvl47 lifetap blows it away so no changes to my spec needed. No surprise there to anyone probably :D)

Because this is effectively a free for all raid on the dragon, lotto will be by individual, not guild. As always I will be chatlogging and will do a /cg who to get who is in the raid and assign everyone a number in the order that they appear then hit the random button. Should be fast and simple. If you have a buffbot, do not include it in CG simply to increase your chances of drop. I will find out and come for you, your family and your pet iguana in the night.

Whining and badmouthing is an automatic boot from raid, I won't even waste time on people that do this. People will be civil to each other or they are booted.

Anyone spamming me to ask for items will be removed from the lotto and /ignored forever more. Don't spam to ask for stats either ;)

Level requirement is 40+ unless you are seer, which is 35+. Anyone else may come along but don't spam, follow orders and you are not elligable for drops. Respec stones are only to be lotto'd to lvl50s but the other drops anyone that is 40+ (35+ for seers) may lotto for. Until 1.64, the drops are not as good as crafted items anyway so don't bother annoying me about lvl restrictions on mundane drops ;)

If we succeed and have more people than drops, you get only one drop then you are done. Otherwise we go around again after everyone has a drop. 24 skill respec + 24 realm respec + 16 drops means that there is a high chance of a drop for a large number of people. If your number comes up, you may choose a drop from remaining items, limited by above level requirements of course. I will not be lotto'ing for any items.

If you can set up pbae groups in advance of this raid, that would be appreciated.

I'll go over the plan at the entrance stone before moving in. We will not move from the entrance stone until just after the dragon's patrol, even if this means we just miss a chance. Previous experience on raids has shown that if we rush, we blow it each and every time. We will move through execs and bulldoze through, as I've found on previous raids too many people have killed lots of Svartalfs over time.

There are no limitations on armour procs or weapon procs. The only restriction is that if you are a ranged attack user (casters or hunters), that you cast any and all ranged attacks on the dragon from WITHIN melee distance; if you are unsure about range, do not attack. Do not /STICK the dragon as it warps all over the area with lag and you get everyone killed. Expect a torrent of abuse from your realm mates if you do this. Do not /FACE the dragon in case it moves out of melee range as you cast.

We fight on the mound. Do not engage the dragon before he gets there, even if she attacks you. Keep running to the mound when the Charge order is given. You will get a rez if you die, but nobody will get a rez if we all die ;)

Bring health/end regen/power potions as appropriate. Don't rely on a pox or end regen buff from a seer as you will probably die at some point and lose the buff.

We will clear the guards from the surrounding area as usual then
Pet team will be set up to pull the dragon then everyone gets to the mound and begins melee. There is a new guard pop at around 40% health I believe. Casters not pbae'ing the dragon are expected to give these their priority. Some seers will be grouped to rez and not heal as on previous raids.

If you end up teleported somewhere you can't get back to main raid, wait for some more peeps to get teleported to your loc and then come back together.

The only thing that will stop this raid is if the Albs or Hibs come to visit us and we end up in realm level RvR. I, like many others, have lvl50s stashed away in Gral at all times anyway ;)

As always, the most important thing to bring with you is patience.

I've probably forgotten to post a few details and suggestions as always are welcome.

See you Sunday :)

Kharok Svark

I'll be there.

If I can do nothing else, I can Zerk up and confuse the Big Chicken while she tries to remember what a Berserker is.


ill try to make it there... and rezz all your sovu rear ends when you die :p ohh and ofc i'll spread the end to all who i rezz... probably wont have many other buffs up anyway... taking that ill most likely be in a rezz team :)

(Mytic you gotta love and hate em for making end conc based, limited numbers can get it but no pow cost(atleast good for dragon raids:p))

one queation though (my first dragon raind ever!! probably a noobish question:D): Where do we meet?... gna or?...


If it's not like 39°C outside on sunday I might come along ;)


Albs will do a raid, their infiltrators will mess up the login servers so all the 50's at Gralla cant be logged and we will lose the relics.

And no I'm not pessimistic.


Originally posted by old.tuppe
read somewhere in VN forum hunter is our keyclass, try find it again and post here link.

Sounds interesting, please do :)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Meet at Malmo entrance stone :)

and just where is that?.... remember im teh n00b at raiding :)

if all else fails i'll just have to run there solo i guess..... end 4 and LV1 for the win!!!... anyway cya sunday with a little luck :p

Roo Stercogburn

There is a narrow valley that leads downhill into Malmo. Its the only way into the zone (at least, I've not HEARD of the glacier giant flinging anyone that far yet...)

At the end of that is a two stones sitting pretty much all by themselves. You don't have to look very far from the bottom of the hill.


You will know when you get there when your pc starts lagging and 150 mids pop into view 30 secs later ;)

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by Belsameth
*gets out her duct tape*

Was that to help the Hamsters confuse the Grumpy old gal..... or for her to get some pleasure from them afterwards? :p

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by Old Nicodemus
Was that to help the Hamsters confuse the Grumpy old gal..... or for her to get some pleasure from them afterwards? :p

Ouch :(

Roo Stercogburn

Well if you ever pass the lair and see Gjal squeezing very hard, you can bet there's a new Alb about...

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Well if you ever pass the lair and see Gjal squeezing very hard, you can bet there's a new Alb about...

Or she got a McJupitus McBowelbasher breakfast......


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Well if you ever pass the lair and see Gjal squeezing very hard, you can bet there's a new Alb about...

so thats where inconnus come from!!!
i allways tought some oversized insect breeded them...
guess i was right ;)


These were allways a laugh to attend..so I might just pop along and die lots


If i aint at work i'll Dust off the 'Realms Gimp' (Cenestra the Hunter) and tag along for the ride :) :)


Well you got a healer too, just gonna remember to log my other 50's in Grallar ;)


Sounds great will be there with Basted after putting cerbie in Grallar.

Roo Stercogburn

Well, we didn't manage to get the dragon this time :)

I've got a necky from Yar I'll roll for and get in touch with the winner next time I'm in game :)

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