Dragon Raid - Wednesday 8th September


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Dragon Raid - Wednesday 8th September


You guys and gals know the routine so sign up below:

Light tank: Bluesky - rolling for sm
Light tank:
Healer (aug):
Healer (pac):
Healer (mend):
Shammy (aug):
6sec pbt Runie:

Light tank:
Light tank:
Healer (aug):
Healer (pac):
Healer (mend):
Shammy (aug):
6sec pbt Runie:

Light tank:
Light tank:
Healer (aug):
Healer (pac):
Healer (mend):
Shammy (aug):
6sec pbt Runie:

GROUP 4 (ideally people with insta/ranged spells but any will do):

Meet: West Skona Horse Merchant by 7pm(uk) 8pm(cet) SHARP for move out to lair 15 mins later. I will have the bg setup around 30 mins before the start time. If for any reason you are unable to make the raid after being selected plz post in the forum or pm me in game as soon as you know.


All 8 members of groups 1-3 will get 2 respec stones (1 realm and 1 full skill), all of group 4 will lotto for the 2 last stones. All level 50 members of all groups get to lotto for the remains and uber drops. You must say in your post what class you wish to roll for and this alt must be also be level 50. If you do not specify which class you wish to roll for I will assume you are rolling for the class you play on the raid.

Post below with your CLASS, LEVEL, EXACT SPEC, MASTER LEVEL, and REALM ABILITIES's of the class you wish to attend with and I will do my best to make the most balanced groups to make it a success. If you have more than one class suitable for a spot then post a list of characters you have that you would be willing to play.

Please post aditional info such as helpful toa abilities which will help on the raid (power field, det field etc). Heal fields are NOT used on my Dragon Raids as they have made Gjalpinulva go totally pbae berzerk so all we use are power nodes throughout the raid and det nodes when she is around 30% health.

I will discuss the specific tactics and all players jobs for the raid in the bg on the way there .

I do not do these raids for personal gain but for the benefit of the realm and from my last few raids I have noticed some ppl chosen for grp4 think they dont need to bother to tell me if they dont plan to turn up so I urge you plz do turn up or at least make a post or pm me to say you will not be able to make it so it makes my stress a little less on the raid and I am able to make the groups quicker. Also If you are in the standby list, plz do turn up at west skona as there is always a very good chance of you being promoted to ANY of the main 4 groups.

Let me explain my reasoning and thoughts when I setup the groups as usually some people are not happy with their initial positions:

1) First and foremost: The raid must succeed and if that makes 1 person unhappy at being in group4 (or on standby) then im sorry but if the raid fails then EVERYONE is unhappy and probably wasted a couple of hours of their time so for a successfull raid we have to kill Gjalpinulva.

2) I try to balance ALL the groups to make sure there are a combination of experienced ppl on the raid who know their roles, know how the Gjalpinulva behaves, what to do with adds etc. aswell as new ppl on their first Dragon Raid. Instructions are given in my bg on the way there so EVERYONE knows their specific job on the raid. If you are unsure of your role then plz ask your group leader on the way as I choose group leaders who are experienced and trusted on Dragon Raids and are there to help if required.

3) I try to have enough ppl spare to fill spots when ppl can't make it or just simply dont turn up. So just because you may have signed up 2nd or 3rd does not mean you are guaranteed a grp1-3 spot.

4) I try to use ppl that I know are reliable as its very annoying for any raid leader when ppl dont turn up and dont pass on any message or pm to me telling me they cant make it and that and will definitely be in my mind if you reapply for another raid. A simple courtesy pm/mesg is all that is needed.

5) I try to balance the needs of the raid's success to the needs of the ppl who apply - so its very possible that if I only have 1 healer spot left and 4 applied and we have a shortage of power fonts and if 1 of those 4 healers applying has one then I most likely would give them the spot as without them the raid has less chance of success (see point 1 above). I know this may not be fair to everyone but organising Dragon Raids using this method is proven to succeed.

When you sign up is not overly important as everyone who signs up between when i make the initial post (wednesday night or thursday) and when I post the initial groups (monday or tuesday) has a good chance of being on the raid. Applying after my initial group setup is posted doesn't mean you wont get on it though, it just means you are less likely to get into groups 1-3.

All groups are always provisional meaning anyone from ANY groups including the standby list can be put into any other groups higher up at ANY time and this is ALWAYS necessary when we meet at West Skona so just because you are put in grp4 or standby list does not mean you will have a wasted evening. Every raid I have been on (either my own or other ppl organising) this has happened.

Hope you all at West Skona 7pm uk (8pm cet) - my bg will be open 30 mins before.

Could a mod make this post sticky plz :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Sign me up plz

Char: Troll Shaman
Name: Bufffffmeeee Larsson
Color: Lime Green
Spec: 47 Aug 26 Mend
Realm Rank: 3L1
Realm Abilitys: Master of the Arcance 3 , Mystic Crystsal Lore 1
Master Level: 5 Perfecter
Master Abilitys: +20% more conc , Power Field
Items: All caped sc hits,stats,resists

Rolling for Sword Shadowblade


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
oh yeah 1 more thing...... last weeks raid Overbuffed made the best application ever imo... so i wanna see more like it plz hehe if you dont know what i mean then look at his application for the raid on the 1st Sept and you will see what i mean :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
ok here goes:

Name: Ormorof
Class: Shaman
Race: Luminous troll!
Specc: 47 Aug, 26 Mend.
Wearing: A mixture of quest boss drops and epic, which are dyed yellow and green to show of the luminosity.
ML: 0 :(
RAs: MCL2, Aug Acu2, MOTA2.
Rolling for: Thane
Looking for: Love (my only need is 4 limbs and awareness, though sometimes, both are optional).
Reason for applying: Cause I'm better than every other shaman! xD
Reason for being gimped: bad BO problem \o/
Extras: Willing to strip teh troll for Raid Leader xD, nice personality, knows where the cold resist button is and can also spam actions.
Likes: Deep Fyed Dragons,Heavy Metal and Running around and Valkyns!!!.
Dislikes: Deep Fryed Shamans, Norse Rock, Kobold Cheese.

Name:Throws Tantrums
Class: Berserker
Race: Sexy Valkyn
Specc: 50 Axe 50 Left Axe 28 Parry
Wearing: Fully SC'd armor
ML: 0 :(
RAs: Determination 3, Aug str 3, Mastery of Arms 1
Rolling for: Thane
Looking for: Love (my only need is 4 limbs and awareness, though sometimes, both are optional).
Reason for applying: Cause I'm better than every other zerker! xD
Reason for being gimped: has a crush on ormorof \o/
Extras: Willing to strip teh valkyn for Raid Leader xD, nice personality, knows where the cold resist button is and can also spam actions.
Likes: Deep Fyed Dragons, Heavy Metal and Running around.
Dislikes: Deep Fryed Berserkers, Cheesy Valkryn Rock and scary trolls.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
that better? :p

edit: can see this thread being extra long if all are like that :D

going to bed now so nn ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Ormorof said:
that better? :p

edit: can see this thread being extra long if all are like that :D

haha i love it orm - keem them coming imo :)

ps. what did Bad Omen do to gimp you m8y - i think some of em are pretty nice guys hehe :eek7:

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Name: Ingafgrinn Macabre.
Class: Healerwarrior.
Race: Human(oid).
Level: 50
Gender: Male.
Sex: Yes please if the other party is Female.
Spec: 49Aug, 22Mend, 5Pac.
Clothing: Woolpadded SpellCrafted Chain in Red and Black with purple cloak.
ML's: Sojourner 6 (Ancient Transmuter, Group waterbreathing, Personal Gateway etc.)
RA's: AugAcuity II, Celerity II, Mastery o/t Arcane II, MCL I, Long Wind I.
Rolling: Healer.
Looking for: No idea, but when I'll see it I'll tell ye.
Positive sides: hard to kill, effective, hard to kill, fun to have around and hard to kill. (did I already mention I'm pretty hard to kill?)
Negative sides: The lovely tendency to make MT's, singing, easily distracted.
Extra's: will bring a bag of feathers for the casters so they can tickle gjalpi.
Likes: Fried dragon, Singing, Swinging with my hammer.
Dislikes: Mezzings, naggers, incomplete techforum questions.
Favorite Quote: Don't pick up the manual when there are still buttons and levers left untried.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Name: Svendoc
Class: Healer
Race: Norse
Level: 50
Spec: 44pac, 30Mend, 8Aug.
Clothing: Semi ToA'd SpellCrafted Chain
ML's: Perfector 6
RA's: Purge AugAcuity II, MCL II, Long Wind I.
Rolling: Hunter.
Looking for: Neat Stuff, pretty stone and Dragon head


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Hi all :p i just dinged 50 so i dont know if i can join but ill try (^-^)
Name: Thodrek
Class: Warrior
Race: Dwarf
Stats: Str 190, Cons 188, Dex 145, Hp; 1580, 2170 (buffed)
Level: 50
Spec: 50 shield 50 axe 28 parry
Clothing: Epic Chain, ToA weapons and toa/epic jewerly
ML's: none, well i did ML2.. but dont have ml1 still...
RA's: none
Rolling: Warrior
Looking for: Something for Warr :]


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004

Name: Overbuffed OutOfCash
Class: Shaman ;o Yeah... I'd pwn any of you with kiting skills.
Level: 50 ;o [If I wasn't I wouldn't apply]
Spec: Pfff... 48 Aug, 23 mend xD
Crap I'm STILL wearing: ML boss drops, epic ;o Orange ofc... TM of the Shaman
ML's: Everything that's in the ML Perfector line ;o ML10 hopefully.
RA's: MCL1, MoTA2, Aug Acurity 2, Cure RS, AoE pox ;o
Rolling: :[ Warrior and all the RoG items R mine ;).
Looking for: A Kobbet who can clean, cook, take care of me, provide hours upon hours of kobbie love ;) Or Bluesky for the night.
New Reason for applying: Not only do I want to eat the dragon again, but I've also started a collection of dragon DNA strands, and so far only have 2 parts. Needing several thousand more.
New Reason for being gimped: I'm NOT gimped :'(
Looking to be in: Group TWO/2 ;o Cause thats the cool group.
Positive Sides: Can still find the cold resist button, now actually knows how to buff a FG with speccs ;o and end if needed. Can also do /stick to dragons and stafe, hoping not to have ice shot at him. =(
Negative Sides: Has been known in previous ML/Dragon raids to beg the leader to give him certain RoG drops. Tendancy to forget what he's doing and usually forgets to give people damage add.
Extras: If not picked, will spam Bluesky through out whole raid, and if I have to will do it from multiple characters.

Sorry for not posting a uber application ;o but I'm not high on sugar xD

You can trust me Blue ;) If you pick me, stick me in G2 please ^_^.

[Ignore typos, it's 3:45AM :p]

Edit: Ormorof stole most of my other application! *cries*


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Signing in with Marmattaja. Rolling for Shaman items + remains.

Stats of her - check link in my signature (you need a Flash to be installed (v6)).


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2004
Signing up whit a skald or a warrior

skald: ip,purge,MoP2.Wearing sc'd armor ml is0

Warrior: wearind sc'ed armor ...MoB3 MoP2 ml is 0

in rolling for skald again :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Char: Troll Warrior
Name: Isquish People
Color: Black with pwetty artifact cloak!
Spec: 50axe/50shield/28parry (+14 axe, +10 shield +5 parry)
Realm Rank: 3L0
Realm Abilitys: Aug Con/Aug Str/AugDex2/MoBlock2/Det3/Purge/LongWind1
Master Level: 0 (hope to be ml2 by next week)
Master Abilitys: +25 str cap and con cap (2280 ws ftw!)
Rolling For: Warrior
Resists: Capped Cold/Crush/Slash



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
am gonna skip one raid Blue, don't need the stones really and I always have shitluck at rolling for remains :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Signing up either...

Name: Piron TheAidingOne
Class: Love-bunny / Healer
Race: Sexeh Norsewoman
Level: 50
Gender: Female
Sex: Loves it...
Spec: 39 Mending, 37 Augmentation, 4 Pacification
Clothing: The trendy fashion of the moment
ML's: 2 Perfect (read it aloud)
RA's: Mastery of sexual Healing 1, Long Wind1 (Bad Habit), Augmented Acuity 2, MCL, Serenity2, Purge
Rolling: Warrior (if he gets 50 before raid...)
Looking for: Giant Dragonlike males prefered, females can be used..
Positive sides: Glad and sweet, willing to do an effort
Negative sides: Have some bad habits
Extra's: We should talk private about this part..
Likes: Strong Dwarf Males, DragonSlayers, Sweety Warriors
Dislikes: DragonSlayed People, Weak Lurikeens, Lazy Casters
Favorite Quote: "Dem Hibbies tink dey meigty, Dem Hibbies dey be wrung!"


Name: Iceclaw
Class: Zavage!
Race: Twoll!
Level: 50
Gender: Stlong Male!
Sex: Shouldn't we rather just bash'em silly elfies?
Spec: 50 H2H, 42Sav, 18 Parry (or so, me just bash, me not tink!)
Clothing: Wat I bash best in!
ML's: 2 Warlord
RA's: AugDex2, MoPain2, DR2, LW1
Rolling: Warrior (if he reach 50 first, da little gimp!)
Looking for: Hibbies!
Positive sides: Killing hibbies!
Negative sides: Getting killed by hibbies :<
Extra's: 2 Weapons, double damage!
Likes: Killing hibbies!
Dislikes: Not killing hibbies :<
Favorite Quote: "CHARGE!"


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
I'm a lazy ass so I'm just gonna cut/paste.. :4P

Name: Thrung Elfhater
Class: Warrior ofc
Race: Dorf ofc
Level: 50
Spec: 50 axe, 50 shield 28 parry
ML's: Despise em. but am ML2 Battlemaster (why don't faultfinder work on the lizard?! :4o)
RA's: purge, det3, aug dex2, mob2 (I think)
Rolling: Healer this time
Looking for: A kiss or two from Lenore. (if Lenore refuses, then I want a kiss from Haroat at least!)
Old Reason for applying: Stalking Lenore
New Reason for applying: Stalking Lenore
New Reason for being gimped: Midgard <cough>
Looking to be in: Group 1 ofc
Positive Sides: Me sexyness, LGM-Lenore-stalker
Negative Sides: May explode when Lenore refuses to kiss meh (which sadly happens frequently).
Likes: Lenore, stalking and Gjalpin ofc
Dislikes: Haroat being overprotective (imo) of Lenore
Favorite Quote: "KISS MEH LENORE!!! :4D"
Extras: What extras?!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Applying for two people this week, Blue. I'll post Kalth's in another post, just to make it a bit easier for your nerfed eyes to keep them apart. ;) Prepare for LONG post.

  • NAME: Aremeriel Ravn
  • CLASS: Healer (pac man, pun intended)
  • RACE: Sexeh Norse (according to some, I wouldn't know though)
  • SPEC: 44pac (yellow pox), 30 mend (1st spreadheal), 8 aug (1st speed... weeeeeee. It's so fast.. NOT!)
  • WEARING: A nice mix of epic and TOA armor in black and red, with nice guild cloak and shield. Did I mention I love black? No artis (remind me to switch EOY for other jewel with cold resist once at lair.. LOL)
  • COLD RESIST: Overcapped, if some1 reminds me to switch EOY for other jewel once at lair.
  • ML: 1 Perfecter.. ROFL.. Givf higher MLs.
  • ML Abilities: Purging Wave.. *sigh* Givf higher ML.. LOL
  • RAs: Purge, MCL II, Aug Acu, Aug Dex, LW I.
  • DR EXP: 13 Dragon kills (12 with Blue) and.... *drum roll* 7 times GL of G1 (6 on Blue raids).
  • ROLLING FOR: Thane
  • LOOKING FOR: Fun and a Dead Dragon
  • REASON FOR APPLYING: Love Blue's DRs and love to watch the b***h die. ;) The respec stones are also nice, along with the remains and drops.
  • LIKES: THANES, Music, singing (often in /g and /bu, not often IRL, though. Although, hmmmmm... Gjalpi would prolly drop dead within seconds then, but so would all of you), roasted dragon, fun, hibs and albs on the ground eating dirt, too many ppl in-game to list all and did I mention I like fun?
  • DISLIKES: Eating dirt, Gjalpi's bad breath (still haven't figured out why armor get too hot to touch when her breath is cold), ppl spamming complaints in /bu.
  • NEGATIVES: Talk too much (at least being accused of that IRL), sing in /g and /bu, very good at MTs, potty breaks, forget to fire off macro, or fire off the wrong one.
  • POSITIVES: Hmmmm... Member (GM) of Odin's Ravens (has to be positive)... Hmmmm... hard to say positive stuff about one self I think, so I'll quote Blue instead
    Blue said:
    - you turn up when you say you will (or if you cant you make sure i know),
    - you dont make mistakes (or hide them well xD)
    - you dont give me any agro or abuse
    - you help me destress (more pain killers plz hehe)
    - you are helpful and polite.
    - you are enthusiastic.
    and... ok I know you are not the only person with those qualities on my raids but having ppl like this that I can rely on makes a BIG difference to me so thats why I have confidence in you
    :fluffle: Blue.
  • WHAT I'M OFFERING: Potty breaks, painkillers, support (what a healer is for.. LOL), a weird personality, POX, heals, Odin's Ravens (well.. at least one) and enthusiasm...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
And.. Here's for Kalthak

  • NAME: Kalthak
  • CLASS: Shaman
  • RACE: Little blue thingy
  • SPEC: 47 aug, 26 mend, 5 cave
  • COLD RESIST: 24%
  • ML: 6 perfecter
  • RAs: Purge, MCL I
  • ROLLING FOR: I'm not sure what he's rolling for atm, will come back to you when I do know. ;)
  • LOOKING FOR: More Dragon bashing (he had fun yesterday)
  • REASON FOR APPLYING: Liked the raid yesterday.
  • POSITIVE: Good at jumping from G4 to G1 mid-raid, and quick to get to Skona when asked to come, even with a non-intended logoff.. Concentrating on the task at hand (aka. too new to DRs to write much in /g and /bu except for relevant stuff. X Odin's Ravens (very positive imo, except for the X. Left his healer friend in OR though). Currently residing in Reduco ad Honore. Heya Inga.
  • NEGATIVE: Hmmmmm.... I can't really put anything negative here... Must be that I'm making this application instead of him, as he doesn't come on FH... Only "negative" I can think of.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Name: Thornar
Class: Berserker
Race: Norseman
Level: 50
Spec: 50 Sword, 50 Left Axe, 28 parry
ML's: ML9 Banelord
RA's: Purge, Det4, Aug Dex 2, Master of Pain 2, Dualist Reflexes 2, Aug Str 3.
Rolling: Berserker
Looking for: Proofs that the dragon is indeed from outer space.
Old Reason for applying: To get a couple of respecs.
New Reason for applying: To find a sweet female Norse.
New Reason for being gimped: Using way too small shoes.
Looking to be in: Group 1-3.
Positive Sides: Not grumpy in the morning.
Negative Sides: Hits like a Kobold and thinks like a Troll.
Likes: The graphics of the drakulvs.
Dislikes: Dragon's bad breath.
Favorite Quote: "I am going to kill you until you die!!!"
Extras: A pack of condoms.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Heya Bluesky old man ;)

I am ready as usual.. so signing up with following chars:

name: Maj
level : 50
Class : cute kobbie warrior
Looks: white hair, sexy eyes, small feet, blue skin
Armor: Chain dyed in Maelstrom guild colours; Dark blue and black
Guild : Maelstrom
PvE or RvR? : PvE ofc :p
Spec : 50 sword, 50 shield, 28 parry
RA's : rr2 : DET2, MOB2, lw
SC: cap'ed etc
TOA : Ml3 battlemaster, no toa gear though


name : Minn ForTehWin
level : 50
Class : Over-cut Kobbie shammyyyy
Looks: the most cute shaman on prydwen, blue from head to tiptoe
Armor: Fashion shaman in unique dyes: Olive gray and Pale blue
Guild : Maelstrom
PvE or RvR?: RvR ofc :p
Spec: 44+18 aug, 31+18 cave, 4+18 mending
RA's: rr 9 : Purge, Ichor, MoC, aug acuity3, aug dex2, MoArcane1, MoArt2, WA3,mcl1,AoM3
SC: cap'ed etc
TOA: ml 9 perfecter (DET-field, FOP, cure ress sick etc), 25% buffbonus, egg of youth lvl 10 and other artifacts


name : Kimm Little
Level: 50
Class: norsewoman Runemaster
Looks: dark long hair and sexsymbol among all male Britons on Albion
Armor: Maelstrom guild colours and pointy hat
Guild: Maelstrom
PvE or RvR? : Dragon Raid runemaster, so ofc PvE :p
Spec : Supp with 6 sec pbt
Ra's : rr2 : Mcl, aug acuity2 and WA1
SC: cap'ed etc
TOA: no ml abilities and no toa gear

And rolling for sword shadowblade


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Oh oh oh... Another thing...

Important reason for considering me: I've never gone LD on any raid (Dragon or other) so far. ;) Except for an RvR session when my father pulled the plug on the router instead of his laptop...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Name: Crupp Hammerhand
Class: Warrior (You know... shields and flying hammers)
Race: Living rock (Also known as trolls)
Level: 50
Spec: 50 shield, 50 hammer, 28 parry
Gear: Either full ToA-template (arties and stuff) or SI-template
ML's: ML9 Battlemaster (still waiting for a secret invitation to the ml10 dungeon)
RA's: aug str2, aug dex 2, aug con 2, toughness 1, LW, tireless1, MoB3, DET4, purge.
Rolling: Savage/Hunter (studded anyway)
Looking for: Albs and hibs (I make dem go "smish")
New Reason for applying: Been a while since i last visited old Gjalpin, so im kinda missing her company
New Reason for being gimped: Gimped, GIMPED? Well, I AM a twoll you know...
Looking to be in: The new James Bond movie... Oh, and group 2 btw... (Overbuffed says it the coolest)
Positive Sides: Dragon is big. I am big. Hopefulle she will just hand over items, and leave malmo...
Negative Sides: Might accidentaly eat kobbies... (Frosties should also keep their distance)
Extras: Big shield, big hammer, big twoll and small brain...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
signing 4
Tinjus supp runemaster 6 sec pbt 7.3 dps damage add ml 1 mcl seren
or strike healer 45pac 28 mend
or torvic shammy 42 aug (+24%) 27 mend (+11%) mota 2 master & wild healer serenity
or Astom Healer aug 44 mend 31 master & wild healer
or isborn kobbie warior 50 sword 42 shield 39 parry full sc +6% melle spd +4% damage (vs dragon)

Rolling for sb

have to leave 8:40 gmt


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Bluesky said:
haha i love it orm - keem them coming imo :)

ps. what did Bad Omen do to gimp you m8y - i think some of em are pretty nice guys hehe :eek7:

well its the smell theyve gimped me with, the bastards!


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Astar said:
signing 4
Tinjus supp runemaster 6 sec pbt 7.3 dps damage add ml 1 mcl seren
or strike healer 45pac 28 mend
or torvic shammy 42 aug (+24%) 27 mend (+11%) mota 2 master & wild healer serenity
or Astom Healer aug 44 mend 31 master & wild healer
or isborn kobbie warior 50 sword 42 shield 39 parry full sc +6% melle spd +4% damage (vs dragon)

Rolling for sb

have to leave 8:40 gmt

I was going to apply but after readin this post it became clear there were others that needed respec stones far more than me =D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 29, 2004
I would like to join again :)
Yding axe/shield 50(+11) and parry 29(+11)
ML2 R1L1


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bluesky said:
ps. what did Bad Omen do to gimp you m8y - i think some of em are pretty nice guys hehe :eek7:
You must be talking about me ofc ;>

Name: Zeb
Class: Augie
Race: Thin D0rf
Level: 50 big ones
Gender: Different
Spec: 44Aug, 31Mend, 4Pac
Suit: Full set of SCed 99% Chain with das uber sword on my back
ML's: I'm teh ML n00b, j00 ^^
RA's: Aug Acuity II, MCL I, WH II, MoH II, LW I, Purge
Rolling: Melee
Why?: Wanna respec back my little Runiegimp
Trophy: Need a 3rd !!
Color: Red/Black with BO shield ofc..
Like: Me and myself
Dislike: Lenore's Cookies!!!111one Muahahahaha ><
Cry: Only to sleep every night :<<<<


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Name: Tann
Class: Warrior
Race: Luminous troll!
Specc: 50+15hammer 50+15shield and 28+sthing parry
ML: 0
RAs: MoB4 MoP2 purge
Rolling for: SB
SC heat cold capped ;)

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